Xia Jue's words moved Ren Zu's heart, and his eyes were moist.

"Dad, listen to Mr. Xia." Ren Zu pushes the check in Ren Lin's hand back.

"That's the end of today's training." Xia Jue looked at the time, and it was almost over.

"Mr. Xia hasn't eaten yet, so I'll take charge and invite him to lunch first." Ren Lin put away the check and opened his mouth.

"Well." Xia Jue nodded.

Any restaurant.

Restaurant staff to see Ren Lin actually came in person, it is a bit fidgety.

"Arrange a box for me, and then.."

"Dad, just eat in the lobby. Mr. Xia doesn't like to enter the box. It's the atmosphere to eat with everyone here." Ren Zu and Xia Jue come here for dinner after training every day, so he is used to it.

"Oh, well, let's eat in the lobby." Ren Lin waved.

Just as Xia Jue and others were sitting, several people came in outside the restaurant.

"Auntie, the specialties here are very good. Let's try them today." Su Junhao is very gallant.

"What's the matter, dad?" Walking, Su Junhao found that Su Changqing stopped.

"You see that bastard is there, too." Su Changqing came to see Xia Jue and others.

"Ha ha, this bastard ate in the hall. Didn't he book a box?" Su Junhao looks at Xia Jue and his party sarcastically.

"Leave him alone. He won't be able to hop for long." Su Changqing gives Xia Jue a cold look.


Just when the three people want to pay attention to Xia Jue, they hear Xia Jue stop them.

"What's the matter with you when we come to dinner?" Su Changqing said impolitely.

"Well, don't say this restaurant is yours again." Su Junhao was angry when he thought about Sheraton and Wanchao hotel at that time.

They can't go to these two hotels now, so they come to any restaurant to eat.

"But it's not mine, but Mr. Ren, what do you say?" Xia Jue turns to Ren Lin.

Ren Lin is not a fool after so long in the market.

From the two people's poor dialogue, in association with the Wang family, he naturally understood that Xia Jue and the other party were enemies.

He immediately stood up and said, "sorry, this restaurant belongs to me. You are not welcome here now."

Before Su Changqing only put his eyes on Xia Jue, but he didn't pay much attention to other people.

Now Ren Lin stands up and Su Changqing recognizes him.

"Mr. Ren, what do you mean?" Su Changqing doesn't understand when Ren Lin and Xia Jue are mixed up.

"It doesn't mean much. Mr. Xia's enemy is mine. Go to other places. You are not welcome here." Ren Lin said it again.

"Su Lin, do you want us to be friends?" Su Changqing has a good atmosphere.

There are not many dining places in China shipping.

But in front of my eyes, I was taken in by Xia Jue.

After that, if they want to socialize, they really don't know where to go.

"Hum, your Su family is just a drowning dog now. How dare you talk about it here?" Ren Lin didn't give him a good face.

"Well, Ren Lin, I remember you." Su Changqing left behind the cruel words. ,

in the car.

"Aunt, this ugly man's arrogance is too arrogant. We have to find a way to deal with him." Su Jun is mad.

This Xia Jue has done this kind of thing again and again. Su Junhao can't stand it.

"Now it's not a case of rectifying him. You've robbed all the customers of their company, leading to a series of crises caused by the sharp drop of their company's share price. I heard that yesterday, the managers of the three major banks came to find out in person." Said suzhenyi.

Hearing Su Zhenyi's words, Su Junhao had an idea.

"Yes, their company is now suffering from a credit crisis, and the banks certainly dare not lend to him. At this time, if we go to the stock market to get him, their company will certainly be unable to resist."

"Yes, this method is OK. There must be a big problem in their company's capital chain now. If we take out a lot of money to short their share price, Su's real estate will be doomed." Su Changqing patted her thigh.

"Return to the company immediately." With the method, Su Changqing can't help retaliating against Xia Jue.


Xia Jue came back to the company after dinner.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the stock market just opens.

As soon as the market opened, the share price of Su's real estate fell another 0.2 percentage point.

However, Su Yihan did not feel any strange.

Since their company's customers were robbed by Shangnan real estate, the stock price has continued to decline.

So far, they have no good solution, only come up with a number of stop loss programs, so that the stock price will not plunge.But before long, the stock price suddenly soared, directly up by 1%.

It's a bit of an anomaly.

Because the company just went through a turbulent period yesterday, the investors will think that the prospect of Su's real estate is not clear, so the stock price will only fall, and will never rise. But now the stock price has not only risen, but the rise ratio is not small.

A few minutes later.

The share price went up three percentage points.

"What's the matter?"

At this time, Su Yihan has understood that there is absolutely something wrong with the company's stock price. She immediately stares at the big screen on the computer.

"What's the matter?" Lying on the sofa of the office, Xia Jue, who is enjoying his legs, asks.

"It's like someone's fighting the company's share price."


As soon as Su Yihan finished his sentence, Wu Yiyi didn't knock at the door. He pushed the door directly and came in.

After coming in, Wu Yiyi realized that he was a bit abrupt when he saw Xia Jue's lazy appearance. He repeatedly apologized: "I'm sorry for Mr. Xia, I'm sorry for Mr. Su."

"It's OK, you say it." Su Yihan said.

"Mr. Su, Shangnan real estate is buying our company's share price in a large amount. At present, the reason is not clear, but one thing can be confirmed is that the other side is absolutely bad." Wu Yiyi said.

"Do they want to short our share price?" Su Yihan is thinking carefully.

"I don't rule out this possibility. Now our company's stock price is in the doldrums, and they are leading the way in southern real estate. I think many people want to join in and have a share. Even if we can't stand the wolf pack effect caused by this." Wu Yiyi is a little worried.

Su Yihan nodded: "let's go public, buy stocks at a high price, and fight with him in southern real estate to see how much capital they have to compete with us." Su Yihan soon made up his mind.

Today's stock market is full of smoke. The fierce battle between Su's real estate and Shangnan real estate ignited the enthusiasm of the investors.

All the way, the two major real estate developers have raised the stock to 67 yuan per share

some investors who have sold off have made a lot of money, while some people who have not yet sold off will continue to wait for more profits.

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