In the office on the top floor of Shangnan real estate building.

Su Junhao and Su Changqing can't believe the scene on the screen.

"It doesn't mean that they have been limited by the three major banks. How can they still get so much money to buy shares with us?" Su Junhao depressed said.

"No matter how much money he bought, we'll keep playing with him." Su Changqing gave a cold hum.

"the stock price is getting higher and higher now that we have no money for each share." Wu Yiyi looked a little anxious.

"How much is it now?" Su Yihan asked.

"It's 34.4 billion yuan. It's still the money that we just released with the three major banks."

Hearing this, Su Yihan frowned.

"You transfer 100 billion to our company's account." At this time sitting on the sofa Xia Jue put down the phone and came over.

Hearing this, Wu Yiyi was a little flustered.

"Shangnan real estate wants to play, right? Let's play with them and double the price to close the stocks of retail investors." Xia Jue continued to speak.

"Have you taken them all?" Wu Yiyi can't believe it.

Now it's ten dollars per share.

If you double the price, it will be 266 yuan.

It's really a big loss to use so much money to buy the stocks in the hands of these retail investors. Mr. Xia simply takes money instead of money.

"Mr. Xia, do you really want to buy it?" Wu Yiyi would like to confirm again.

"That's right."

"Good." Wu Yiyi nodded and ran out to operate.

In the top floor office of Shangnan real estate.

"Dad, look, Su's real estate has nearly doubled its share price to grab retail investors." Su Junhao looks at the screen in shock.

"Is this Su's estate crazy?" Su Changqing couldn't believe his eyes: "no, where can Su's real estate get such abundant funds? Are the three big banks not restricting them? " Su Changqing finally thought of the key.

"Dad, I don't feel so good." Su Junhao worried said.

Because it doesn't look like they don't have any money now. If so, their years of shorting Su's real estate will be lost.

Just when Su Changqing and his son were trying to figure this out again, the acquisition work of Xia Jue was almost finished.

"Mr. Xia, we have received most of the stocks in the hands of retail investors, and there are still a small number of people who have seen such a sharp rise in the stocks and are not far away from selling them." Wu Yiyi said.

Hearing this, Xia Jue sneered in his heart.

These greedy guys.

They don't know how to cherish the opportunity they are given to get rich. They will wait to cry later.

"Keep the stock price down to 10 yuan and sell it out." Xia Jue spoke.


Xia Jue's words startled Su Yihan and Wu Yiyi.

If you do this according to Xia Jue, it's not a big loss. It's a blood loss.

Basically, if more than 80 billion yuan is invested, there may be billions left.

That's why Su Yihan and Wu Yiyi were so shocked.

"Xia Jue, is that too abrupt? After all, it's a lot of money." Su Yihan immediately admonished him.

"Yes, Mr. Xia, it's more than 80 billion yuan." Wu Yiyi also advised.

"It's just over 80 billion. It's nothing to me, but not necessarily to Shangnan real estate." Xia Jue said casually.


At this point, money is nothing to Xia Jue. Besides, as long as Xia Jue speaks, more people will give him money.

It's only tens of billions in front of him, which is no different from a few cents.

"Mr. Xia, did I do it?" For fear that Xia Jue would change his mind temporarily, Wu Yiyi confirmed again.

"Go ahead."


when Su Changqing and his son were wondering what Su's real estate meant, there was another big movement in the stock market.

"Dad, look, Su's real estate has sold all the stocks in its hands." Su Junhao exclaimed.

"Is it?" Su Changqing looked up at the screen, but when he saw the price, the whole person was almost silly.

"What's going on? Is Su's real estate crazy? How dare he keep the stock price so low? " Su Changqing couldn't believe it.

Su's real estate has invested more than 80 billion yuan to buy shares. Of course, Shangnan real estate has also invested this amount.

But at present, Su's real estate has pushed the stock price down to this figure.

That is to say, the stocks they bought with more than 80 billion yuan will be sold out in the next few billion.

In this way, not only will Su's real estate lose 80 billion yuan, but also their Shangnan real estate will lose 80 billion yuan.It's like seven injury fist. Hurt yourself first.

Su Changqing didn't want to know that only Xia Jue could do such a cruel method.

"Dad, the stock market is collapsing. Let's throw out our stocks quickly. Maybe we can reduce some losses." Su Junhao looked at the screen of the stock market in the crazy diving, said in a hurry.

"Throw, we hold so many stocks. Do you think someone will take it?" Su Changqing hit the table with a fist.

"What about that?" Su Junhao is like falling into the ice.

The more than 80 billion yuan was sold in the South real estate yesterday, plus the wealth accumulated by the Su family before, as well as a large amount of loans from the bank.

Once all the losses, they will face the crisis of bankruptcy on the second day after the establishment of Shangnan real estate.

And their su family's glory and wealth will disappear in an instant. How can su Junhao, who is used to spending money lavishly, bear it?

Su Changqing at this time where there is no way.

Unless Su's real estate now stops, but Su Changqing knows that Xia Jue's personality is not good to clean up their meal will not stop.

"By the way, go to your aunt. He must have a way." Su Yihan was confused by all this, and now he thought of Su Zhenyi.

"Yes, my aunt must have a way. Dad, let's go."

Su Changqing and his son get into the car and tell the driver to drive to the hospital, because Su Zhenyi is visiting Su Jianwei in the hospital at this time.

"Jane, Jane, it's not good." Once in the ward, Su Jianwei said in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Su Zhenyi hasn't opened her mouth yet, but Su Jianwei, who looks better in the hospital bed, is the first to open her mouth.

Su Changqing quickly told the story of the stock market.

"What, you villain? That's the wealth accumulated by my su family for so many years. Are you so defeated?"

Su Jianwei almost didn't jump out of bed when he heard that all the Su family's property had evaporated in the afternoon.

And that's not all. Most of the money is borrowed from the bank.

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