Once they go bankrupt, their su family's manor, house and car will be taken over by the bank. Even he can't live in this ward.

So how can su Jianwei not be angry.

Su Changqing shrunk his head and didn't dare to speak any more, because he knew Su Jianwei's temper very well. If he explained now, he would only make su Jianwei feel that he was more incompetent.

"That Jane ah, if you can help your brother, your brother is not easy, he is all for this family."

Su Jianwei can't help it. Although he doesn't want to ask his daughter who was expelled from the family, she is the only one who can save the Su family.

"Well, I've helped your Su family set foot in the real estate industry you've been dreaming of, and I've also used my relationship to help you win so many pieces of gold land. What I owe you to the Su family is paid off, and you can just solve your own problems."

Su Zhenyi is also worried about Su Jianwei's expulsion of her from her family,.

Now finally have a chance to let Su Jianwei to beg her, naturally is to ruthlessly out of a bad breath.

This made Su Jianwei's face turn blue and red.

"Sister, dad was just confused at that time. He knew that he regretted it. Let's forget it. After all, blood is thicker than water. There's no barrier that can't pass."

Su Changqing quickly stood up to give both sides a step down.

"Yes, aunt. In recent years, my grandfather often said that he regretted driving you out of the family, and he missed you so much. Unfortunately, many people couldn't find you. My grandfather also regretted his original decision."

In order to let Su Jianwei have a step down, and make su Zhenyi calm down, Su Junhao also made up a story casually.

After su Jianwei's face changed back and forth, he finally figured out what his face was compared with Su's future.

"Yes, Jane, dad was confused at that time. Please forgive him once."

In fact, Su Zhenyi doesn't mean to die without help. She just wants to hear Su Jianwei's apology. Now that Su Jianwei is arrogant, her anger is gone.

"This card has 100 billion yuan. Take it and start the company again." He took out a bag of jekynka and opened it.

"Thank you, sister." Su Changqing took the gold card with a happy face.


now the stock market is in a mess because of such a sale made by Su's real estate.

The investors who sold Su's real estate shares early made a lot of money.

Those who are waiting for the share price to keep rising in order to make more profits are dumbfounded.

Su's real estate has become a pile of useless shares in their hands.

Think about these people, a moment ago, there are many people holding millions of money, but in an instant, they lost nothing.

How can these people accept this.

This is outrageous.

They're targeting Su's estate.

Because it's Su's real estate that doesn't play according to the routine that makes them lose so much.

These angry people came to the gate of Su's real estate to protest.

"Give me back my hard-earned money."

"Su's group, you engage in false transactions to cut our leeks, you have to die."

"Black hearted company, give us our money back quickly."

A crowd of investors at the door were shouting abuse.

In the office.

Wu Yiyi pushed the door and came in.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Xia, there are a lot of shareholders at the gate of our company."

"Oh, what are they doing here?" Xia Jue is a little confused.

"After we put down the stock price, many shareholders who haven't sold our company's stock have been in a mess, so they come to scold us and say that we engage in false trading." Wu Yiyi said.

Xia Jue understood.

It turned out to be these mercenaries.

But it's no wonder that his stock price has risen so high before. They can make a lot of money if they sell earlier.

Now they deserve it.

"Let dogs drive this group of rubbish away, and don't affect the image of our company."

"Yes, Mr. Xia. I'm going to inform brother Gou." Wu Yiyi walked away.

After about 20 minutes, ah, the dog ran up in sweat.

"Mr. Xia, these people are too difficult to deal with. They can't be driven away. It's really hard to deal with them."

Ah, the dog is very embarrassed.

These people are not gangsters. They can be discarded and thrown out. There are too many people. Ah, dogs really don't have a good way to take them for a while.

"Oh? I'll go down and have a look. " Xia Jue walked down.

"Pa pa."

As soon as Xia Jue came down to the first floor, he heard several noises.

When Xia Jue came closer, he found that the glass at the door had been broken by a stone.It's a lot of anger.

Xia Jue went to the door with a cold hum.

"Get your president out of here."

"Get your people out of here."

Just came to the door, Xia Jue heard the sound of abuse.

"Who threw the stone just now?" Xia Jue asked coldly.

"I threw it."

"So what if I threw it?"

A defiant shout from the crowd.

"Well, he is." Xia Jue used his hand to point a few people who admitted themselves: "break their legs for me and throw them out."

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog beckoned the boys behind to go up.

"What are you doing?"

"You still want to do it, don't you?"

"Come on, fight with them."

"Yes, this kind of black heart company has not finished our hard-earned money and wants to beat us. We are fighting with them."

The crowd responded one after another, and hundreds of people roared into the sky.

"Brother dog, this...

the gangsters are a little embarrassed to see this scene.

It's impossible to say that the gangsters are afraid. During this period of time, the daily cup Xiajue training has not only greatly improved their strength, but also increased their courage.

Once there are too many people on the scene, it will have a great impact.

"I'll do it." After Lin finished, he moved.

"Ah, ah!"

Several people named by Xia Jue were broken before they could react, and they kept wailing on the ground.

In the field, everyone was startled by Lin 11's ghost skill.

But I soon recovered.

"Damn it, fight with them."

"Fight, you bastards."

After the crowd finished, they quickly rushed to Xiajue.

"Wait a minute." Xia Jue waved his hand: "are you looking for the wrong person?"

Hearing this, the crowd stopped.

"What do you mean by finding the wrong person?"

"It's done by Shangnan real estate. They want to short the share price of our company. We do it for self-protection."

"Who knows if you Su's real estate and Shangnan real estate belong to the same group. They come here specially to cut our leeks." Said a man in the front row.

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