"How can we be with them? Tomorrow we are going to short their company." Xia Jue said lightly.

Xia Jue was in an uproar.

"True or false, do you have the strength of Su's real estate?"

"Yes, will you tell us this kind of good thing directly? I'm afraid it's not cheating, is it?"

"It's impossible. If you put your words out like this, even if you really want to short other people's real estate, they won't stand there and let you cut the meat, will they?"

The scene was filled with voices of distrust.

"You can go back now, and you'll know tomorrow. If what I say is not true, you can come back no later." Said Xia Jue.

People thought about Xia Jue's words.

It's not very useful for them to continue to make trouble. It's impossible for Su's real estate to compensate them. It's just to export evil spirit.

It's better to believe that this man is ugly at once.

If they really want to short Shangnan real estate, they can make a profit and recover a lot of losses if they follow suit as soon as possible.

"Well, let's go back first. If that deceives us, then it's not over."

"Yes, if you don't short Shangnan real estate tomorrow, we'll come here again."

The crowd left after putting down their cruel words.


in the villa.

Fang Xiaoqin is taking a nap.

At this time, a sound of electrician drilling woke her up.

The sound of Xiaoqin bothered Fang for more than an hour.

She hurried out of the door to see what was going on.


It seems that the villa next door has been occupied.

But the villas here are built by developers before they are sold to customers.

Customers can move furniture and facilities directly. They don't need to be reprocessed. What are they doing?

Fang Xiaoqin with curiosity went to each other's door to see in.

I saw a small excavator and a dozen workers digging a foundation.

"Master, what are you doing?" Fang Xiaoqin asked the people inside.

"Oh, we're building a hut." A worker came and came back.

Building a house?

Fang Xiaoqin is a little confused.

The villa is big enough. Why do you still build a hut outside?

"What is this house for?" Fang Xiaoqin asked.

"The owner said it was for dogs." The worker replied.

"I heard it's for dogs."

"The dog that lives there?" Hearing Gao's words, Fang Xiaoqin was stunned.

This dog has to build a house to support it.

"How long will that take?"

Fang Xiaoqin still pays more attention to this. After all, the voice is so annoying that she doesn't want to hear it any more.

"The customer's specifications for this doghouse are quite high. It will take about ten days."

"Ten days!"

Hearing this answer, Fang Xiaoqin has an impulse to kill people.

Not to mention ten days, even one day she couldn't stand it.

"How can this work? You've been working too long and disturbing the residents. As for the property, I want to talk to the property." Fang Xiaoqin frowned.

"The property has agreed to let us start."

"What? How can they do this? Have they asked our residents for their opinions? Where is the master? I want to talk to her! " Fang Xiaoqin was a little angry.

I don't know what the property is doing. I pay so much property fee every month, and I don't inform them of such important things, and ask them for their opinions.


Just at this time, a black Mercedes stopped at the door of the villa.

A lady with sunglasses came down.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that the workers and Fang Xiaoqin seemed to be talking about something, the lady asked.

"Ms. Ma, she said that our construction here is too disturbing..."

"yes, the noise you make here is too loud, which seriously affects us. I don't agree that you have been working here for so long." Fang Xiaoqin said.

"It's not up to you to agree or not. Other people's properties have already agreed. It's not up to you, the little nanny, to meddle in your business. Get out of the way and don't block our construction." The lady looked at Fang Xiaoqin with disdain.

That's right.

She took Fang Xiaoqin as a nanny.

It's because Fang Xiaoqin has been living in a tight life for so many years. Although she has some money now, her clothing temperament can't be changed for a while.

So now she gives people the impression that she is just an ordinary aunt.

"What nanny? I'm not a nanny. You shrew are still working here. I'm going to look for the property to judge." Fang Xiaoqin points at the lady angrily.The lady was angry when she heard Fang Xiaoqin calling her a shrew.

No one has ever dared to scold her like this in front of her.

"Pa pa."

The lady came directly and slapped Fang Xiaoqin in the face.

Fang Xiaoqin was beaten by these two slaps. She didn't expect that the lady would dare to fight if she didn't agree.

"If you dare to beat me, I will fight with you." Fang Xiaoqin's anger also came up and rushed to the lady immediately.

Seeing this, the lady's bodyguard quickly stood out and pushed away Fang Xiaoqin.

Fang Xiaoqin was pushed to sit on the ground, red eyes said: "you dare to hit me, this thing is not over."

"Bah, a broken nanny is arrogant here. I'm going to start work. Let's see what you can do." The lady no longer pays attention to Fang Xiaoqin and goes directly into the villa.

Fang Xiaoqin stood up and patted her clothes, then went back to the villa, picked up the phone and called Su Changming.


it's almost time to get off work.

Su Yihan has sorted out today's documents and is ready to go home.

At this time, Su Changming rushed in.

"Yihan, go home quickly. Your mother has been beaten." Su Changming said in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Xia Jue quickly asked

"I don't know. I just heard her crying on the phone."

"Go." Xia Jue spat out a word.

No matter who dares to play Fang Xiaoqin, Xia Jue definitely wants her to pay a heavy price.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the villas.

Xia Jue and his party came down from the car.

"Mom, what's going on?" After entering the villa, Xia Jue and others find Fang Xiaoqin.

"Which damned shrew next door..." Fang Xiaoqin said the cause and effect of the matter.

"I went to argue with her, and she said I was nosy, told me to get out of the way, and hit me." Fang Xiaoqin pointed to her red and swollen face.

"Mom, isn't the property in charge of this?" Su Yihan asked.

"She said the property had agreed to it."

"What, the property is too independent. I haven't come to ask our residents for their opinions." Su Yihan is also a little angry.

"Go, I'll meet this shrew and see how arrogant she is." Xia Jue went out calmly.

Came to the door of the villa next door.

Look through the gate.

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