I saw a woman in gorgeous clothes and heavy makeup holding a jumping dog telling the construction workers.

This must be the lady Fang Xiaoqin said.


Xia Jue knocked on the iron door with his hand.

When the workers nearby heard the sound, they all stopped their actions.

"Don't worry about them. Keep working for me." The lady ignored Xia Jue.


The iron gate was kicked by Xia Jue. At this time, the workers were scared by Xia Jue's action.

The thick iron door was kicked by Xia Jue. How powerful is this man.

The worker looked at Xia Jue and was shocked.

"Well, you are so ugly that you dare to kick my door. Are you looking for death?" The lady was very angry at the situation.

"Did you hit my mother?" Xia Jue ignored her threat.

"Go and find the property manager for me. I'll ask her how she does things and how she puts in all kinds of messy people." The lady said to her bodyguard.

"Yes." The bodyguard walked away immediately.

"If you hit my mother, I'm very busy and have no patience to ink with you." Xia Jue asked again.

"So what? It's just a smelly nanny. If you fight, what can you do? If you want to steal some money, take it. " The lady took out a pile of money from her bag and threw it on the ground.

"Good. I'm afraid I've got the wrong person. I don't think I've got the wrong person." Xia Jue sneered.

At this time, the property manager ran out of breath.

"Hello, Ms. Ma, what happened?"

"I want to ask you how you do things in your property. How can you even let the family of this kind of nanny in to make trouble? Even if it looks better, but what if it scares the children? " The lady pointed to Xia Jue.

"Ms. Ma, this is not the nanny's family. Mr. Jiao Xia is the owner next door to you." The property manager immediately explained.

The lady was surprised to hear that.

Did not expect that she misunderstood, this is actually the owner.

But she doesn't care.

"Well, even if he is the owner next door, he can't kick the door of my house for no reason. What's the matter?"

"This..." the property manager looked at the broken iron gate and then at Xia Jue.

Two people are not ordinary people, property managers who do not want to offend, which makes him very difficult.

"How about Mr. Xia, you pay some money to repair the iron gate for Ms. Ma?" The property manager said to Xia Jue.

"The door can compensate her, but what about hitting me?"

Fang Xiaoqin, Su Yihan and Su Changming come in.

How can you still beat people.

The property manager looked at Fang Xiaoqin's red and swollen face and looked even more embarrassed.

"Well, manager, I work hard in my house. They come here to make trouble. Do you think we should fight?" Said the lady domineering.

"Manager, I want to ask you that the construction here is so disturbing to the people, and it will last for half a month. Do you agree with this?" Su Yihan turns to question the property manager.

The manager can't help it.

Because the background behind Ms. Ma is too big. When they applied, their property company didn't want to refuse.

Because the people who live here are expensive and not easy to offend, but at the end of the day, under the threat of Ms. Ma, and because the owners are usually working during the day and will not be at home, they compromise.

"Ms. Su, please bear with me. It's only half a month. I'll go back soon. In order to show our apologies to you, we will definitely reduce the property management fee for three months. What do you think?"

"Do you think we are too easy to talk, or do we look like people who lack this property fee?" Xia Jue looks at the property manager.

"Mr. Xia, I look embarrassed...".

"Well, don't hinder us here. It's your property and their business. You can get out of my house and solve it as you want." The lady was impatient and began to give orders.

"Do you think that's the end of beating my mother?" Looking at Xia Guijue coldly.

"What if you fight? Get them out of here." The lady gave orders to the two bodyguards standing behind her.

Two bodyguards came to Xia Jue and others.

"Ah, ah."

Two bodyguards just want to catch Xia Jue and carry them out, but before they meet Xia Jue, they are put on the ground.

The lady didn't expect that Xia Jue was so good at it. She knocked down two bodyguards who were hired with a lot of money.

"Oh, on the contrary, I don't think you're going to live long enough." Lady quickly picked up the phone: "dear, you come to save people, people here in the villa were bullied."After a few words, the lady put down the phone and turned into a fierce look: "you wait, I don't think your family knows how to write death."

"Well, call all your saviors, and I'll clean them up again to save trouble."

"Well, you should be glad now, because you are still free at this time. It's too late to cry later." The lady sneered.

More than ten minutes.

A few cars came to the door.

A group of law enforcement officers stepped down from the car.

"Honey, you are here. If you don't come again, I will be bullied to death by them."

Seeing this group of people coming, the lady rushed up and hugged a middle-aged man who was surrounded by people.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here." The middle-aged man has a cold complexion and dares to bully his woman. No matter who it is, he will never want to go on in Zhonghai.

"What's the matter? In broad daylight, a group of people bully a weak woman. Is there a royal law or a law?" The middle-aged man walked towards Xia Jue and others.

"Dear, it's this ugly monster. Fortunately, you came earlier, or I'm afraid she will be killed..." the lady was tearful, as if she had been wronged.


The middle-aged man seems to be a little familiar. When he comes near suspiciously and sees Xia Jue, he shivers.

"Leader Wang, you are a great official." Xia Jue saw that it was no one else. It was the leader surnamed Wang who was dug up by him when Shangnan real estate opened.

"Xia... Mr. Xia..." leader Wang's legs are a little weak.

When Shangnan real estate opened, he was invited to the platform.

But in the middle of the way, Wang leader Street received a call.

This call came from a big leader in the provincial capital.

The big leader told him to go across the road to listen to a person called Mr. Xia. If he couldn't satisfy that Xia, he could go home directly.

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