South Wind Knows My Mood

Chapter 42 for a long time

When she raised her head, she saw that Lu Xihou had returned to normal, only the eyelashes had suspicious water vapor, he looked at her: "Don't cry."

Regardless, Lu Xizhou finally reacted.

Lu Qi is extremely weeping, widing a face, nodding in Lu Xizhou.

No words, no one can interrupted this temporary warmth.

I don't know if I don't know if Lu Qi can't help but ask Lu Xizhou. "Brother, what is going on?"

Lu Xizhou looked at her, a few seconds, only calm and spit two words: "accident."

The conspiracy is also good, accounting, he does not want Lu Qi to be involved in this vortex.

Lu Qi was very good to be protected by him. He heard him to answer, and he didn't have much doubt. He only sucked his nose: "No matter what, you are still alive, although it is ill, but brother, from today, I will stay here to take care of you until you recover. "

Lu Xizhou didn't pick up, but he didn't say his sentence: "I remember that you have endured this year, not long."

"There are still two months."

"So you are ready to take care of me to abandon your studies?"

Lu Qi slammed the eyes that blocked, whispered the sentence: "Of course, the academic business is important."

Lu Xi'an did not speak.

Brief silence, Lu Qi saw a variety of dramatic fluctuations in the chest of Lu Xizhou, the face is not very good, must be, his eyes have an angry, saying that the breath is unstable: "You go back soon, I will ask for care."

"Brother ..." He hurt this like this, how can she leave her heart.

Lu Qi, obedient. "Lu Xizhou was fierce, and a sentence was finished, and he coughed.

After coughing a few times, the lips in Lu Xizhou have a layer of red, brightly, he closed his eyes, lying on a white hospital bed, the weak image will be left at any time.

That is ... blood.

Lu Qi scared to stand up and got out to find a doctor.

Just stepped out one step, on the wrist, dropped a force, soft, she easily broke.

But she did not continue.

She turned against Lu Xizhou, and her tears came out again.

Lu Xizhou seems to be more important than she imagined.

It is always like the father as the father as the father, I can put her up to the Lu Xizhou, and now I don't even have her strength.

She took her back to Luzhou, crying.

She heard the weak voice of Lu Xi'an, he said: "Qi Qi, Ke Ge, please."

He can't be called Lu Qi, and in front of the dangerous unknown, he can't tell her to take this risk.

Lu Qi had returned the crying for a long time, he said with a crying and dumb: "Okay, I promise you."


The seriously ill landing is more silent than the past.

Lu Qi took care of him in the ward and found it. He didn't sleep, it was staring at the window, and the amount of food was also small.

In the evening, I have eaten some light food, and Lu Xizhou finally made a rare.

If you export, it is rushing to go.

Can't touch him hard, don't want to go.

Lu Qi stagnant: "Brother, let me stay with you a few days."

"I heard you at this afternoon, I called in the hallway, the tutor called you to go back as soon as possible." Lu Xizhou looked at her and did not bargain.

Lu Qi suddenly won't know how it is good.

Quiet terrible in the ward.

She is angry, her hands strands together, and the eyes will become red.

In the stalemate, there is a footsteps from the outside of the ward.

Along with a blurred female voice: "Hello, please, Lu Xizhou is this ward?"

"Yes, are you?"

Xu Nanfeng. "

The small nurse is the one who is responsible for the signing of the family that day. It feels a bit weird.

Weird, if it is Xu Nanfeng, it should be that in which the ward in Lu Xizhou is, after all, I have been a good time.

Moreover, this woman, the same is not the same.

Face, it is clearly a face.

Hey, what is going on?

She thinks, Xu Nany is already thanks, rubbing the sweat that is infiltrated, and the slender finger covers the door panel.

Some tensions, and some fear.

But more, it is the concern.

There is no too long, just a few seconds, Xu Nanfeng took a deep breath and pushed the door of the ward.

In the door, there are two people.

One is Lu Xizhou lying on the bed, and one is Lu Qi standing on the bed.

The atmosphere in the ward is suppressed.

I thought that I would have a huge wave of my heart, but I really arrived at this moment, she was inexplicably calm.

The four eyes were relatively, and after a distance, she saw that the Eye of Lu Xicai flashed.

It must be , but avoid her eyes.

Have a wind in the ear, she returned.

Lu Qi was like a person who was in the water, grabbed the last floating grass and ran over, and took it into Xu Nanfeng.

Xu Nanfeng sat all night planes, after turning the machine, turned two long-distance buss, and finally, only took the taxi to the hospital. At this moment, the whole person was very tired, and Lu Qi hit it, and later ended two steps.

Lu Qilui is crying in her shoulder.

Xu Nanfeng hesitated for a few seconds, and his hands fell back in her back, and took a little shot and appease.

In this empty file, she looked up to look at Lu Xizhou lying on the bed.

He didn't see her, only looked at the window.

Some of the obeys, she can't see his injury, only to see his body is wrapped in a white, and it is very weak.

She finally gave birth to thousands of waves.

Finally, there is only one fortunate.

Ok, he is alive.

It is also a living lying in front of her.

This is the best news.

I don't know how long I have cried, Lu Qi finally slowed down, pulling her into the ward.

Lu Xizhou deliberately did not look at the two.

Xu Nanfeng looked at Lu Qi and looked at Lu Xizhou and lowered the sound: "What is this?"

According to reason, Lu Qi hurried from the United States, and the two should be a warm picture.

Instead of the scene of this side.

Lu Qi looked at Lu Xizhou, biting her lower lip: "I want to come back to take care of him, but he rushes me."

If Xu Nanfeng thoughtfully stared at the cold side of Lu Xizhou, it was only a moment: "Qi Qi, this time you graduate, it is just busy."


"Then listen to your brother, go back."

"South Fengjie!"

Xu Nanfeng comforted her: "From today, I will stay here to take care of him, you go back to complete your studies, I am, you don't have to worry."

Indeed, Xu Nanfeng caregivers have a set.

No matter which aspect, it is a more suitable candidate than her.

She stayed here, I can't help anything.

Moreover, the tutor is really anxious. At this time, it is the end of the graduation thesis. I went out of the country for four years. If I can't get a diploma, I can't unfortunately.

Lu Qi is not a child who is not sensible. After thinking in a few seconds, nodded: "Well."

Things successfully solved.

Ocon Xizhou did not talk to her.

He closed his eyes, I don't know if I evade this meeting, or something else.

Lu Qi saw that the sound was lowered to her: "My brother has just finished it, I haven't recovered, I can sleep."

is it?

Xu Nanfeng looked at the eyelashes trembled in Lu Xizhou, did not speak.

This long time, it seems that I don't think about it.

She intuitive, what happened this time is not that simple.

It can come to the Japanese, and it will always be clear when it is clear.

I didn't look at it in almost two nights. She is really exhausted, and I need a sleep.

Moreover, there is Lu Qi, if you want to say, it is not very convenient to say.

She nodded: "That turns off the light, rest."

Lu Qi is a ticket to the US ticket tomorrow morning, shut down the lamp.

Only a family accompanying bed is provided in the ward, and the two are sleeping above.

Both people belong to skinny, but they are not too crowded.

Lu Qixi has entered a sleep state in the South Wind.

Xu Nanfeng is lying on the bed, tired, but somehow, can't sleep.

She is crossing, lending the moonlight outside the window to see Lu Xizhou, only a blurred outline.

It can still make her heart slightly.

She didn't expect to come back again, see him again.

I didn't expect that I would like this.

That always quietly protects the Lu Xizhou, falling, weak, like a sheet of paper.

What should she do?


Next day.

Lu Qi's early 8 o'clock, the sky is just bright, it will get up.

Xu Nanfeng said light, woken by her movement, to send her to the airport.

At the entrance, Lu Qian grabbed her, and he cordially looked at her since the eyes: "I don't have to send it, but the sister of the south, you promise me one thing."


"Help me take care of my brother, must ... can't let him lose again."

Xu Nanfeng returned her hand: "You can rest assured, his life is important than my own life."

"Thank you." Lu Qi gave her a hug.

Soon, she turned around, leaving a big step, in the hallway, and waving her back.

Xu Nanfeng did not see her turned and turned into tears.

She quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Xu Nanfeng returned to the ward.

The curtains are pulled, and the ward is still black.

She lies in bed, but she can't sleep.

Pick up the phone and see the time.

It has been nearly 7..

She looked back in the head of Lu Xizhou, he was still wrapped in the quilt last night, and only a head.

Just like ... I want to hide myself.

Xu Nanfeng suddenly remembered that from yesterday, there was an objection to his face. She didn't see the wound on him.

What is he deliberately concealed?

The more you look, this thought is more strong.

Half, Xu Nanfeng's light hand sits up.

Lower bed, carefully walked toward Lu Xizhou.

Come to the side of the bed.

He also fell asleep, it seems that it is very sinking, and the breathing is long and even.


Xu Nanfeng reached out, slowly enough to get angle, then slowly pull it.

Chest, arms, small belly ...

The quilt has already been to the leg.

Suddenly, a pair of hands clasped her wrist and stopped her action.

The author has something to say:

Little southern wind is back, please ask, there is a total, what do you dare?

Lu Xizhou: I want to ask for mercy

Xu Nanfeng: Forgive you? I just want to explode your dog head

Lu Xizhou: ...

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