South Wind Knows My Mood

Chapter 43 Don't touch me

Her heart fierce.

Looking at it, you will have a cold eye.

Full of vigilance.

It is like a wolf, standing in your own hill, the tiger is staring at the money, and the police defended it into his own territory.

Even if Xu Soutan wind has more curiosity, I don't dare to continue to move.

Hand shakes, she has returned.

She thought that Lu Xizhou would tell her what she said.

But he didn't say a word, just silent recovery, he didn't think it, closed his eyes.

In his kind, it is full of conflict with her.

Contracting her approach and contradict her inquiry.

As in invisible, forced her to leave.

Why is this this?

Xu Nanfeng thought that the truth was always in front of him, but wrapped up by a film, it was unspeakable, and she was not broken.

If he will always expose the flaw as long as she is holding Lu Xicai.

Last night she thought she was half a trick, I did a decision.

She wants to stay.

Duration is missing, Lu Qi returns to the United States, and there is no person around Lu Xizhou.

When she didn't have anything, he pulled her. Now, he is in a disappearance, she leaves, that is to negative.

Since I have already cleared his feelings, I shouldn't feel emotionally, blame him to leave her at the beginning and wait for the wait.

Flatly, she should stay.

With a sinname, the identity of a caregiver.

So thinking, her mentality relaxed down, asking him: "Lu Xizhou, is there? Is there anything I want to eat?"

Don't say she, Lu Xicai did not return.

However, this move is also within her expectation.

Xu Nanfeng is not annoying, and he is self-evident: "Then I went to buy breakfast, what's the matter, you are called a nurse."

Before leaving, Xu Nanfeng hit a nurse more than many of Lucyzhou.

Handsome guys always eat.

Even if the Lu Xizhou has been thirty, even if he hurts can't move, it is the same unable to stop his charm.

The nurse has promised to agree.

Xu Nanfeng went downstairs, walk along the street, at the door of a breakfast shop, stopped.

Pickful, he liked, bought it.

Come back, it is already twenty minutes.

In the small box, there are still some hot mouth.

Take this empty file, Xu Nang winds a pair of washrooms, and simply washing.

When washed, I thought that Lu Xiqia had not been washed yet.

I took a pot of warm water, and a clean towel was put in the basin.

Go back to the ward.

She wets the towel, screwing the water, and wiping the face to Luzhouzhou.

Estate is old, and the towel falls.

Xu Nanfeng slightly, a few seconds, re-rolled back.

Lu Xizhou East hides Tibet, the bed is so big, his body is very weak, and it is nothing to avoid.

Xu Nanfeng is terrible.

Not tireless.

He came back and forth, this will be black in front of him, and even breathing is rushing.

Weakness is like a fish on the chopping board, only the room for slaughtering.

After a few seconds, he pericamed that Xu Nanfeng fingers pulled his chin. She leaned over, and the soft voice came along with the warm breath and fell on his lips, Qingning turned, brought a faint warning: "Don't move "

He perceived a hot air attack, look, towel, to fall on his face.

In desperation, Lu Xizhou finally opened: "Don't touch me."

He is afraid that she is too close to him, and she will expose a flaw in invisibly.

It's proud of him, how can I take my own incomplete in front of Xu Nany?

Xu Nanfeng looked at Lucyi lying on the bed.

At that time, he contacted him in the corner, and his face was weak, said to her, don't touch me.

This picture makes her very rare to remember the scene of the masters to strengthen the people.

She couldn't help but laughed, and she looked at him, but she said: "If I have to touch it?"

Lu Xizhou didn't pick up, he looked at her with eyebrows, full of eyes: "Call nurse."


Nurses should take care of so many patients every day, they will not have too much patience, and there is still a large and small wound on his face. What should I do if I don't hurt?

Furthermore, this is not a matter of the nurses, there is her, not troublesome nurses.

She shook her head and refused: "No."

Lu Xizhou looked at her, and the bottom of his eyes suddenly had no gopened despair: "How can you stop?"

"How." Xu Nanfeng looked at him, one sentence: "Both, no, can."


Xu Nanfeng's stubborn stubbornly, frankly said that he lived in such years, and I haven't seen anyone more stubborn than her.

He closed his eyes: "If you insist like this, I have a request."

"..." She is going to give him a face, saying that it seems to have to be like him, but also ask.

She is waiting quietly, I feel some funny, how can the lips can't press it.

"I can only touch my face."


Lu Xi'an didn't answer.

Xu Nanfeng asked: "Hands? Hands always wipe it."

"Hand ... also."

Although I don't want to be, I feel that if he does not agree, it will not be in peaceful today.

With shameless uniforms, Lu Xicai, Xu Nanfeng began to move.

She fingers the abdomen in the chin in Lu Xizhou, the towel falls in his places, from top to bottom, one inch, and works soft and serious.

She wiped carefully, she didn't feel much from him.

The lips moves up and down on his lips, along with her action.

Have a few times, almost barely posted on his lips.

Lu Xizhou looked at her ruddy lips and rolled up.

I have an inexplicable, there is a hot gas from the small abdomen.

He actually has a reaction.

That moment, the mind of Lu Xicai is thinking, it is ok, it can also use it.

This thought is just coming out, she heard the sound of Xu Ni Feng in his ear: "Okay."

Is this good?

So fast?

No, what is he thinking!

Is this kind of thing not to end, better?

So he was very cold, and it was cold and looked at Xu Nanfeng, don't pass the head.

. ......

Xu Nanfeng took the towel again, screwed, along with the basin, and put it back to the washing room.

The rice is almost.

She opened the small box.

Put the broccoli to the spoon into small Ding, put it together into the pumpkin porridge to buy back.

These two kinds of eating are bought in the shop he liked.

Xu Nanfeng was stirred, a spoonful of testing temperature.

Just right.

This is sent to his lips.

Lu Xizhou is not moving.

"Do you want to hungry your life?"


"The face and hand are wiped, and it is not acceptable."


Zhang mouth. "

It seems that there is nothing to refuse, but he is in the heart, just don't want Xu Nanfeng near him.

Why did she be so good to him? He is probably clear.

He is now good, can't afford to make Xu Nanfeng.

A wasteman,

He couldn't give her future.

He did not move.

Xu Nanfeng has been holding a spoon, and his hand is somewhat sleepy. For a long time, she re-put the spoon back into the bowl, directly looking at him: "Lu Xizhou, I don't want to use strong."

Lu Xicai looked at her.

She seems to be different from the past.

Once in front of her, he was well in his face, and now, it is free and easy.

No, his guess seems to have a deviation.

She looks like it is really letting it.

Since you put down why coming back?

Poor him?

He doesn't need any people's poor, especially, is her.

Half, before Xu Nanfeng, he opened his mouth, put indifferent, did not want to fall in front of her: "Xu Nanfeng, last night, thank you, now, you can go."

Is this rushing to walk?

If you don't look at him, don't you have anyone him? Do you think she will stay?

Take her with her?

Hey, if you don't look at him is a patient's face, I really want to fall on his face.

If you have, she has a lot, not with a patient.

Half, Xu Nanfeng shook his head: "I don't go."

Lu Xizhou is slightly: "Why?"

Xu Nanfeng black and white is quietly looked at him, like seeing him in his heart: "You only have me, I am gone, what do you do?"

What do you do?

She asked him, what should he do?

Nowadays, in this world, there is such a person in this world, and there is such a person who cares about him.

Looking at her in Lu Xizhou, the heart is sour, like a vinegar.

Such a good Xuantan style, how did he leave her at the beginning?

Obviously, the bottom is her.

What can I do, is it so late?

Now he, what qualifications are eligible for her.

His face is more embarrassing, going down his eyes, no longer look at her, I am afraid to see it, I can't help but keep it.

Only cold voice: "That is my business, I have nothing to do with you."

Hey, it's quite!

Xu Nanfeng looked at him. The radians of the lips were more than Lu Xizhou. "


Lu Xizhou saw Yu Guang, Xu Nanfeng's appearance.

She is no longer that the only life is from the little girl.

Some imagined like the past, near her, called her in front of him.

But he has moved his arm to eat.

Yes, he had to admit that he did not resist her.

I only watched her, and he exposed his victory against silence.

She renovated her bowl, as she didn't have the same.

Send a spoon to the side of Lu Xizhou: "Come, drink porridge."

Since she can't take her on the speech, she is cold, she resists, in the action, there is always one day, she can't stand, I will leave.

So, Lu Xizhou turned his head and closed the lips closed.

Still don't drink?

Very good, very kind.

Xu Nanfeng stared at him for a few seconds, squinted, and his heart was ideal.

She looked at him without moving, and her eyes also brought a few deliberate light: "Don't drink? I don't mind if you feed you."

The author has something to say:

Xu Nanfeng: I am really a very kind, gentle and smart little fairy.

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