South Wind Knows My Mood

Chapter 44 see the monster

What is the devil?

It sounds terrible look.

Lu Xizhou looked hesitated to see Xu Nanfeng's lips and lemon lemon, and his heart slowly gave birth to a bad premonition.

This is a few seconds.

Xu Nanfeng has a porridge, carefully avoiding the injury on him, pressing him on the bed, forcing him.

Of course, she doesn't really want to feed him to eat in this way, but I want to force him to succeed in this way.

With his resistance to her now, he should not stand it.

Fruit, Lu Xicai urgently reached out, pressing her shoulder.

The smile of Xu Nang's lips deepen, she slowed down the porridge, and he said that he said to him: "If you don't eat, the next time, I will not stop."

Her brunette hangs in his neck, the throat is itchy from the skin surface, and he looked at the eyebrows she laughed, and there is an uncontrolled ladle.

I can't get another step, he is afraid that I can't help but do something.

When it is, it will reveal the flaw.

Lu Xizhou has rolled up and rolled up, half-awaited: "I eat."

"Isn't it good?"

Xu Nanfeng is light and clouded, and the porridge is re-oscillated.

With his cooperation, very fast, a bowl of porridge was seen.

Just finished surgery, should not eat too much.

She packed up the bowl and took her buns to eat.

Two buns under the belly, full.

She has a glass of water, sitting on the back of the chair and looking at Lu Xizhou.

He looked at the window, in the god.

The body is still strict and strictly covered by the son.

Xu Nanfeng reminded what it took, and he was a water, asked: "What do you say about your disease?"

After Lucyzhou, the back is stiff, and the eyelashes are trembled, and they did not answer.

"Is it?"

Lu Xizhou still does not move.

Come with her?

Xu Nanfeng's lips: "Don't say? It doesn't matter, I will ask the doctor."

I stood up and she stood up.

However, a turn, the wrist is gone.

It seems that the action is over, pulling the wound, she heard the man behind him suddenly.

Looking back, his fighter is highly sweat, and his hand is, but it is not loose.

She eyebrows: "What? I lie down!"

"You promise me not to go."


"There is nothing wrong with my illness."


"Really." Lucyzhou did not change the lying.

It is really a ghost.

Some people are not good at lying.

As he just honest, he is only afraid, his illness is not very optimistic.

In your eyes, you will first get careful.

Xu Nanfeng's lip: "I don't go, you are lying down."

Lu Xizhou looked at her, low breath, after a while, she released her.

Xu Nanfeng helped him lying well, this is loose.

The ward is returned to quiet, Xu Nang is sitting in front of the window, looking at the nervousness of the land, there is no fade, in the heart, and take a doctor to find a doctor.

A whole morning, Xu Nanfeng is sleeping with Lu Xizhou.

It's just that he is not sleeping, and when you pearly look at her, I am afraid that she will ask a doctor.

Until noon, the excuses were bought, Xu Soutan has the opportunity.

I found a small nurse in the hallway asked about the name and office of the attending doctor of Lu Xicai. It is like a wind. She is rushing to inform the little nurse in the direction of the small nurse.

I pushed the door of the office and broke into.

The doctor is holding a glass of water. I just got a strong feeling, and the rapidly unknown object was attacked. It was quiet to dismantle his office.

I am scared that the water is in the throat, coughing.

I have cough for a while, and the gas is obvious.

Xu Nanfeng's face stood on his side kept apology.

He put his hand, glanced at her: "Nothing is fine, let's talk, what is the urgent thing?"

Xu Nanfeng stops apology, open the door to see the mountain: "Doctor, I want to ask the disease at 503 rooms?"

"What is the" 503 ward? "Is older. Recently, there is a little more, it is inevitable.

"Lu Xizhou."

"Hey." He remembered it, it was the one who bled it in, he smashed the glass: "Who are you he?"


Xu Nanfeng gave himself an identity: "Cousin."

"Troukny?" The doctor said, staring at her a few seconds, eyebrows: "Is it you? Are you not coming to ask him before?"

Hey, what he said is Lu Qi?

Ten □ □ Yes.

Xu Nanfeng's lips, it is impossible to work: "I still want to confirm the confirmation."

"What? What? Not told you, his leg ten □ □ yet,"


She suddenly remembered that she secretly opened the quilt to see his injury, and when he suddenly opened his eyes and the eyes of the eyes.

Hearts in my heart.

Does his legs and dismiss?

If this is the case, then all all the things have been explained.

No wonder, he resists her close.

No wonder, his people, but faded all the sense of hair, lying in the hospital bed quiet image is isolated over the world.

How did he have a proud person?

Standing in the ward, Xu Nanfeng feels that distressed is a little bit from the heart, and the needle is the same.

Don't say that it is Lu Xizhou, it is an ordinary person, and it is afraid that it is difficult to accept.

She hangs down, there is such a moment, tears are coming out of the eye.

It was quiet for a minute, and this kind of emotion was forcibly depressed.

She pregnant with the last hopes: "Is there a hope?"

"Five percent, if he has a strong recovery will."

Hope, why is it weak.

We will see that there is such light in the boundless darkness of the boundless darkness.

It is not that there is no hope.

Although it is just a hope of such a bit.

She is not intended to give up.

Almost in an instant, I did that a decision, hard work, and stood up with him.

Such excellent Lu Xizhou should not be embarrassed to a small bed.

He should stand at the top of the world, like height, shining.

To set up ideas, those low emotions are swept away by her.

She asked the doctor some precautions, and the development of follow-up treatment.

After some conversation, she looked at the doctor, sincere: "Dr. Liu, I hope that the next treatment of Lu Xizhou, whether it is equipment, medical care or drugs, the best, money is not a problem, as long as he can be good stand up."

"That is nature." As long as the money is in place, what is good. "

"Thank you."


Everything is talking, Xu Nanfeng left, went to the door, but was called by the doctor: "Shantou, I advise you."

Xu Nanfeng returned: "What?"

"Don't hold too much hope, his legs, there is no precedent standing."

Xu Nanfeng took a few seconds, the bottom is flashing: "Who knows, he will not be the first example."

. ......

In order not to cause doubts in Lu Xizhou, from the doctor's office, Xu Nan Feng hurriedly went downstairs near the restaurant.

On the occasion of the ward, Lu Xicai stared at her with a pair of eyes: "How did you get so long?"

Xu Nanfeng made a calm package: "There are many restaurants."

Lu Xi'an didn't talk.

Quiet eat after eating.

After a while, a group of small nurse came in the ward, pushing the bed.

Xu Nanfeng thought, she just said with the doctor, giving Lu Xicai to have a good condition for a good condition.

The small nurse seven hands and eight feet have changed Lu Xizhou to the new ward, Xu Nanfeng went to the payment window to pay the hospital fee.

Pay back to the new ward after payment.

In the end, it is VIP ward and is clean and bright.

Xu Nanfeng put the curtain to the open, the bright sun sprinkled, and it was like a gold, followed by the people.

I saw the past, blue sky, white clouds, road trees, and a small lake, lake water wave.

The doctor said, the beautiful scenery can disperse the inner depression.

She put Lu Xizhou shakes the bed, which is convenient for him to look outside.

Also open the windows, seam, ventilated.

The wind just spread through the window, she heard the voice of the slight shaking of Lu Xizhou: "You know."

It is a sure sentence.

There is no one sentence without the end, the opinion of the South Wind is heard.

She trembled, and she felt that the wind was inexplicably cold.

She knows that I can't hold it with IQ in Lu Xizhou.

However, it is better than expected.

Also, change the ward, it is necessary to pass a doctor, Lu Xizhou has no reason to guess.


She didn't even dare to see the expression of Lu Xizhou.

I don't know how long it took, she turned his head, low and low: "I will make you better."

Get better?

How is it good?

Unless it is a miracle.

Can this miracle, how big is the probability that happened to him?

So, why do you want him to face her?

Lu Xizhou's body is dramatically shaking, like an injured animal, shrinking into a group, Surse trembling.

Xu Nanfeng finally turned back, she stared at the single-thin man under the bed, couldn't help but reach out and want to touch him.

Even, just a simple appeasey.

But her finger, but just fell in his shoulder, he retracted, buried his entire head into the quilt, like a monster that you can't see.

Xu Nanfeng heard his hoarse voice, like a strong force, spread from the quilt: "Go out!"

"Lu Xizhou ..." Her hand stopped in half, the eyelids were slightly red, I don't know how it is good.

"Walk." He squeezed a word from his throat.

I don't know if it is her illusion, Xu Nanyue seems to have heard it from inside.

It is no longer possible to continue.

Her hand finally slowed down.

She guess, he now, probably I don't want to see him.

From the high-high clouds, falling into dirty patches, his wolf is weak, how can someone can see it?

Xu Nanfeng had a little sour eyes, so half of it, he said to him: "I will go out, what do you want, press the bed of the bed."

The author has something to say:

I abuse the man, abuse the man, do you not drive?

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