After deciding to take part in the national trainee, Lin su'er immediately began to make corresponding preparations.

First of all, there was the issue of women disguised as men. She was worried that her too girl's face would soon reveal her gender. But then she checked the contestants on the Internet last season, and she suddenly found that, um, she seemed to be thinking too much.

This year, it has been popular to have beautiful men with flowers. There are some men who are more delicate and beautiful than girls. She doesn't have to worry that she will be discovered because she looks too much like a girl.

The only thing we need to do is to coarsen your excessively delicate appearance, and cover up the beauty of two or three points, which is enough to disguise as a boy.

After solving the problem of women disguised as men, it is the problem of business level.

"National trainees", in fact, is a program for selecting idol groups, which requires the players to have the professional ability of singing and dancing.

Therefore, most of the participants in this program are trainees who have been trained in entertainment companies for a while, or are talented people who are interested in dancing and singing since childhood.

But Lin su'er didn't fit in.

After watching the last season's program, Lin su'er knew that the "national trainee" adopted the elimination system.

The first 100 players, first 100 into 50, then 50 into 20, and finally 20 into 9. Only the last nine people will be able to become a group.

Lin su'er doesn't want to be the last nine, but in order to make sure she has a chance to meet Qin Haishan, she has to stay at least for the later competitions, so she must have enough strength to let her go all the way.

Half a month later, it took about a month and a half. Because the competition time coincided with the summer vacation, Lin su'er didn't have to worry about delaying her studies at Huaxia University. Instead, she took advantage of the last half month to cram for a dance classroom.

Lin su'er has no foundation for dancing and singing. Normally speaking, a month is too late.

But fortunately, she has the medicine spirit jade space this open hang existence.

One day in yaolingyu, there is only one hour in the outside world, so there is nearly a year in yaolingyu for less than a month.

One year, at least enough time for her to make up the foundation of dance.

Therefore, Lin su'er studied with the teacher for half a day in the dance classroom day and night, and the rest of the day went directly into Yao Lingyu space to practice.

In order to save time on the road, she ended up sleeping directly in the dance classroom.

Lin su'er practiced so crazily for a week, and her whole body lost weight. The bones on her face became more obvious. With her hairstyle, she really had a kind of beautiful youth flavor.

On that day, Lin su'er practiced her dance steps with her dance teacher as usual. After the teacher left, she sat on the mat in the dance classroom and took a nap. She consciously entered Yao Lingyu's space and continued to review her dance steps.

She was practicing with great interest, but all of a sudden, she felt a cold hand running across her cheek.

Lin su'er is excited. She immediately leaves yaolingyu space and opens her eyes suddenly.

The purpose is a handsome and suffocating face.

In the empty dance classroom, the man stands tall and straight in a black suit. His dark eyes are not deep, just like ink splashing at night.

"Thin inclined?" She was stunned. "Why are you here?"

He was wearing a gray shirt. He had just come back from the outside. He was wearing a long and wide windbreaker coat on his arm. He was calm and expensive.

Bo QinGang didn't answer Lin su'er's question immediately, but looked down at the girl in front of her.

Just a few days did not see, the girl's long hair was suddenly cut into short hair.

But this did not make her look ugly. On the contrary, the fragmentary bangs were moistened by sweat and pasted on her forehead, revealing the beautiful lines and delicate facial features of her face. On the contrary, there was a kind of beauty beyond gender.

Thin tilt slightly raised eyebrows, "how to cut hair."

"Oh, this one." Lin su'er remembered that this was the first time that she saw thin QinGang after cutting her hair. She laughed awkwardly and reached out to touch her hair. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"No, good-looking." Bo QinGang replied, pauses for a moment and adds, "you look good whatever you want."

The same answer, before Lin su'er just cut off her hair when asked Gu Cheng, Gu Cheng is also that answer.

But I don't know why, it's almost the same from Bo QinGang's mouth, but I feel a little different.

"That's good." Lin su'er laughed two times, just wanted to explain why she cut her hair, but suddenly her mobile phone rang.

She looked down. It was Gu Cheng's number.

Lin su'er knows that Gu Cheng is busy helping her find a way to get into the "national trainee" recently, so she quickly gets through.

"Hello, sister su'er, I got in touch with the people over there from the national producer. They said that they needed you to send a photo to me!" Gu Cheng's voice on the phone was in a hurry, "do you have a picture of your short hair men's clothes?""No. When do they want it? "

"I asked the people in the program group and said it's better to hurry up and give it to me now, so as not to change their mind."

Lin su'er looks down at her white T, because she's sweating a little, so it's impossible to dress like this.

But the other side wants so urgently, it seems that it is not too late to buy now.

She had a headache, where to get the boy's clothes, until her eyes inadvertently swept over the clothes on thin QinGang's body, and her eyes suddenly brightened.

"Gu Cheng, I'll send you the photos right away. Please wait for me."

"Well, sister su'er, please do as soon as possible."

Lin su'er hung up the phone and immediately looked at Bo QinGang in front of her, "Bo QinGang, could you lend me your coat to wear?"

Thin tilt raised eyebrows.

"If you don't want to." Lin su'er suddenly thought of Bo QinGang's cleanliness habit. She was thinking about whether to go to the dance room next door and ask a boy to borrow one. She didn't want to suddenly get black on her head.

In a daze, she grabbed off the things on her head and found that it was Bo QinGang who took off her coat and gave it to her.

"You Do you mind lending it to me? " She was a little surprised. She thought that Bo QinGang was not willing to lend clothes to others.

"Well." After thin QinGang took off his clothes, there was a dark gray close fitting shirt inside. His figure became more and more straight. He casually rolled up his sleeves and suddenly thought of something. He added, "you are not the same."

She's different?

What's different about her?

Lin su'er didn't have time to think about it. Knowing that Gu Cheng was still waiting, she quickly took over the cover.

Of course, Lin su'er's clothes are big, but fortunately, oversize is also popular now, which seems to be a kind of intentional feeling.

After she put on her clothes, she simply straightened her hair, picked up her mobile phone and took a picture.

Bo QinGang's clothes are indeed worthy of being specially customized by a famous designer. After Lin su'er put them on, she just patted them casually, which made her feel like a fashionable blockbuster.

Lin su'er in the picture is the simplest white T, but outside it is a high-grade windbreaker. The wide size covers her slender figure. Her sweat filled hair is lifted up. Instead, it looks like a wet hair model that can be made. Her facial features are beautiful, just like a beautiful boy coming out of a cartoon.

However, that slightly raised chin, and that cold eyes, so that the original too soft face more fierce and momentum, two almost contradictory temperament, but in her perfect combination.

Lin su'er was very satisfied with this picture and immediately sent it to Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng was also surprised when he saw it --

uncle Gu: [lying trough, elder sister, this picture of you is so damn strong that I'm going to bend.

Lin su'er crooked her lips, put down her mobile phone, and took off her thin and upright coat.

But the moment she took it off, she realized it was wrong.

Just now she was anxious to give the photo to Gu Cheng, so she completely forgot that she was covered with sweat.

The high-grade custom-made overcoat is very delicate. As soon as she wears it with sweat, the fabric inside is immediately stained with some water stains.

Lin su'er:

After that, she felt sick, not to mention Bo QinGang, who was a purist.

"I'm sorry, I forgot I'm all sweaty." She looked up awkwardly to Bo QinGang, her face full of Boao, "or I'll give you dry cleaning and then return it to you?"

"No I didn't expect that Bo QinGang didn't care, "it's not dirty."

Lin su'er is still not very kind to return the clothes to Bo QinGang.

"Not so good. I'd better wash it for you..."

"I said it wasn't dirty." Bo QinGang looks down at the girl standing in front of him. From his point of view, he can just see that there are some sweat beads coming down from the corner of her forehead, flowing down the neck, and finally falling on the slender and beautiful clavicle.

Thin tilt ang eyes suddenly dark down.

However, Lin su'er didn't notice the change of Bo QinGang's expression. She was still looking at the seal on her clothes in embarrassment. "Not very good. I'd better ask someone to dry clean it and give it back to you! Bo QinGang, what are you doing? "

Before she finished her words, the man in front of her suddenly bent down and kissed her clavicle.

Lin su'er:


What's the situation!

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