Because of the thin skin on the skin of the ordinary people, they are covered with sweat.

At this moment, Lin su'er felt her heart suddenly jump up for no reason.

"Bo QinGang you..." She exclaimed, and her first reaction was to break free, but Bo QinGang seemed to have guessed her movements, and put her arms around her waist to stop her from retreating.

At the same time, his hot lips, along her clavicle slowly up.

Wherever she went, she seemed to stir up an invisible flame, which only made Lin su'er feel that her body was suddenly hot.

It's hotter than dancing for hours!

Between her confused, thin lips, has fallen on her ears.

A drop of tiny contain just flow through her small earlobe, thin tilt high eyes color a sink, gently lick off, and then low hoarse voice deep voice mouth: "not dirty, very sweet."

When Bo QinGang said this, Lin su'er was very close to her ears, so the hot breath between the words fell into Lin su'er's ears, and Lin su'er's whole person was immediately excited and took a step backward.

"Bo QinGang you..." She frowned, her voice a little anxious, "don't be ridiculous."

Bo QinGang looked at her slightly red earlobe and bowed his head and gave a sullen smile.

He just wanted to say something, but he didn't want his cell phone to ring.

He looked down at the caller ID, his eyes suddenly darkened.

"I'll go first." He took the coat from Lin su'er's hand. "You keep practicing."

Lin su'er was eager for him to leave at this time. Naturally, she would not stop him.

But it was not until she saw the slender figure of the man disappear at the door of the dance classroom that she suddenly realized a problem -

and so on.

What is Bo QinGang doing when she comes to the dance room?

Not just to taste her sweat?


Lin su'er practiced dancing all night in the dance classroom. She was sleeping on the mat. She didn't want to be woken up by her mobile phone.

When she picked it up, she heard Gu Cheng's excited voice --

"sister su'er, your application has been approved! You can take part in the national trainee

Lin su'er suddenly dozed off and all woke up, "I passed?"

"Yes." Gu Cheng's voice on the phone also sounded very excited, "I'll send your photo, and the other party immediately passed it! I don't even need an interview! "

"Great." Lin su'er's eyes brightened. "Gu Cheng, thank you very much."

"Hey, hey, I should do it." Gu Cheng chuckled, but suddenly thought of something, and stopped laughing. "But now there is one thing more troublesome, because most of the participants have signed brokerage companies. You don't have an economic company, so you can only register. I found an acquaintance to help you name under her company, but..."

"But what?"

"Cough." Gu Cheng's voice was suddenly embarrassed, "but the other side said he wanted to see you before the game started. However, it may not be convenient for me to see her, so I may have to trouble sister Su to go alone. "

"No problem." Lin su'er also didn't ask Gu Cheng why it was inconvenient. She responded, "I'll go alone."

"Yes Gu Cheng was relieved, "because everything is done for you by her, so I didn't hide from her about your disguise as a man. If she asks you anything tomorrow, you can tell me the truth."

"Yes." Lin su'er said sincerely, "Gu Cheng, I really thank you this time. If it wasn't for you, I would not be able to enter this competition."

"Hey hey, it's right to say that I should. Then I won't disturb sister su'er in your practice. Bye."


Lin su'er hung up the phone and practiced dancing again. She received a wechat from Gu Cheng, telling her the time and place of meeting that acquaintance.

After taking a bath at home, Lin su'er began to pack up and get ready to go out.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she hesitated for a moment, or put on a set of men's clothes just bought today.

Although Gu Cheng said the other party knew she was a girl, she still needed to adapt to the way a woman dressed as a man as soon as possible. When

changed into boys' clothes, Lin su er looked at his face in the mirror, which was still a bit disagreeable. He drew out a shadow, a foundation and an eyebrow pencil, and drew a picture.

Not beautiful, but ugly.

The skin will be painted black, and then the eyebrows will be thickened, the nose shadow will be hit, the whole person finally looks more feminine.

After all this, Lin su'er went out satisfied.

The other party's appointment is in a private restaurant in the center of the city. Lin su'er pushes the door to enter the box and sees that the other party is already in the box.

On the way, Gu Cheng already told her by wechat that the acquaintance he had come to help was a female star. This time, she also put Lin su'er under her own agency.

That's a very beautiful female star.

Wearing a black sweater and a short black skirt, with flaming red lips and long wavy hair, the whole person is gorgeous like a blooming flower.Lin su'er felt that the woman in front of her was a little familiar. After thinking about it, she remembered that this was Qiu Luoxue.

Lin su'er knows nothing about the stars in the world, but she has heard the name of Qiu Luoxue.

She is the most popular female troupe in China. In addition to her own group activities, she has also performed many idol plays. With her long legs and beautiful appearance, she is regarded as a national goddess by many boys.

Before, many boys in the class liked her. They set her photo on the screen of their mobile phone, or played their new songs in the classroom. So Lin su'er was more or less impressed by the name.

I didn't expect that the people who Gu Cheng asked for help were so big.

Lin su'er was feeling deeply. Qiu Luoxue in the box also raised her eyes to see her.

Suddenly, joloshie's eyes flashed with amazement.

In front of him is a fashionable grey sweater and jeans trousers. With new shoes and short hair, the most simple but young people's clothes are beautiful.

White skin is smooth and delicate, a pair of eyes is cool and beautiful, delicate facial features is natural, although there is no deliberate dress up, but even if it is like this, it is still unable to cover up the beauty of the body.

Rao is Qiu Luoxue, who has been used to seeing beautiful men and women in the entertainment industry for so many years, was shocked when she saw the "Youth" in front of her.

"Hello." At this time, Lin su'er had already gone over and stretched out her hand to her, "my name is Lin su'er, and now I'm not Lin su'er."

Joloshie came to her senses.

"Don't pretend to be here with me." She said coldly. She didn't want to respond to Lin su'er's handshake at all. On the contrary, she just clenched her hands tightly and stared at Lin su'er with an expression of almost jealousy. "Tell me the truth. What's the relationship between you and Gu Cheng?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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