When Qiu Luoxue was shocked, Lin su'er was already smiling.

"Master, what happened to my score? Don't you go on publishing? "

Joloshie just woke up.

She didn't want to let people know that Lin su'er had scored 10 points, but with so many cameras, she couldn't tear it. So she reluctantly held up the card in her hand, almost squeezing words out of her teeth.

"Lin Su's second score is 10."

As soon as the score came out, all the players were stunned.

"Lying trough, did I hear you correctly? 10? How could linso get 10? Is it that the goddess Qiu is wrong

"It can't be wrong! You see, goddess Jo has already raised the card. It says 10 points. "

"There must be a judge who made a mistake! I accidentally wrote an extra 1, so 0 becomes 10! "

"Yes, yes! It must be a mistake! Lin Su has never practiced at all. How can he get 10 points? "

In the midst of the discussion, joloshie could not wait to open the third envelope.

"Lin su'er, don't be too proud." On the stage, she lowered her voice and clenched her teeth in the voice that only she and Lin su'er could hear. "The score just made a mistake. Other scores of you must still be 0 points!"

Lin su'er was not in a hurry to refute, but just chuckled: "then you continue to dismantle."

Qiu Luoxue glared at Lin su'er fiercely and opened the next envelope.

But when she took out the card in her hand, she froze.

On the white paper, there is another striking "10".

This time, they didn't even have to report the score from Qiu Luoxue, and the players on the stage could not wait to watch on tiptoe.

There are even bold students, directly on the stage secretly to peep.

At this point, they were all dumbfounded.

"10 points! I got a big slot, and Lin Su got another 10 points! "

"Wipe, what's the situation! Did the other judges make a mistake? "

"Stop it! Where can all the judges write wrong together? "

"So Lin Su really has two 10 points? But how could it be! She can't dance that dance at all! How can I get 10 points? "

The whole face of Qiu Luoxue was pale.

If a score of 10 can be said to be an accident, the two must not be mistaken.

So Did the other judges really give Lin su'er 10 points?

But how could it be!

Qiu Luoxue only felt that her three outlooks were crumbling.

"No It's impossible... " She almost murmured to herself. She even forgot that she was still on the stage and that there were so many cameras around her. She just grabbed the envelope beside her and opened it regardless of her madness.

The remaining seven envelopes were quickly opened by joloshie.

10 points.

10 points.

Still 10!

By the time the sixth envelope was opened, joloshie had completely collapsed.

In addition to her tutor, actually all gave Lin Su 10 points!

What the hell is this!

Lin su'er shouldn't be able to dance. What's the matter with these 10 points!

At this time, Zhang Feng and Bai Zhen nearby also noticed Qiu Luoxue's gaffe.

With a slight cough, they rushed to the rescue site.

"There are four envelopes left. I'll open them." Zhang Feng opened his mouth with a smile. He grabbed the remaining four envelopes in Qiu Luoxue's hand and opened them respectively.

See inside is still uniform 10 points, Zhang Feng is not surprised.

After all, he had seen the performance video of Lin Su, and he gave one of these 10 points.

Well deserved.

So he was just gentle and reported his scores one by one --



"Still ten."

"Lin Su's last score is also 10!"

Every time a new 10 is found, the studio is quieter.

By the time the last 10 points were turned out, the whole scene was dead.

"Sleeping trough." I don't know how long it took for a player off the stage to take the lead to react. He said to Jinghu, "one 0 point, nine 10 point, then Linsu's total score is 90 points!? Lindsay, this is going to class a! "


Just reached the grade line of class A.

So, Lin Su, a bragging hype, really wants to enter class a!?

"My God, am I dreaming!? Lin Su's hype was not bragging just now. He can really get into class a! ""What a situation! Take a 0 points can also enter class a! This is not true

"There must be something wrong with it! Linso? Class a? How can it be! "

The ending was so shocking that everyone was about to fall off their jaw. They saw that Bai Zhen had already picked up the pink dress, which symbolized class A, and handed it to Lin su. It was rare for him to smile and open his mouth.

"Lin Su, congratulations on upgrading to class A

Lin Su took the clothes and bowed.

"Thank you, teacher."

She was ready to step down with her clothes, but she didn't want to --

"wait a minute!"

There was a sharp drink from the player's stand.

When Lin su'er raised her head, she saw that it was Wang Hangfan who raised her hand and opened her mouth with a cold face: "I want to express my doubts! Everyone in class F saw with their own eyes that Lin Su had not practiced from beginning to end these days. How could he get so many full marks! I suspect there's something inside of it! "

In fact, a lot of contestants thought that secretly just now. They were just worried about offending the program group and the judges. No one dared to say.

But Wang Hangfan, the rich second generation, was not in order to be a star in the program, so of course he had no fear.

Wang Hangfan made a head start, and everyone's courage also increased, and they all agreed.

"Yes! I don't think so! How can Lin Su's performance get an a! There must be something wrong with it! "

"Yes, Lin Su is also the only one among all our competitors who lives in a dormitory alone. Does Lin Su have a backstage in the program group?"

"If it's all this kind of relationship, what kind of competition can we compete with! unfair! Protest

Joloshie, hearing these words, cheered up again.

"That's right." She raised her chin slightly and said coldly, "as a judge of this program, I absolutely don't allow any inside information. This is the dream of desecrating other players."

As soon as Qiu Luoxue said this, he immediately got everyone's crazy approval.

But Zhang Feng is a look at the mentally retarded like expression, looked at Qiu Luoxue.

"Little Jo." He coughed softly, "didn't you watch Lin Su's performance video?"

It's OK for other contestants to question that. As a judge who has seen the video, Zhang Feng really doubts whether Qiu Luoxue's brain is squeezed by the door.

Another trace of embarrassment flashed through juluoxue's eyes, but she still said, "of course! Otherwise, would I give a score of 0 at random! "

Zhang Feng's expression is more like caring for the mentally retarded.

"Well, since everyone has doubts." He said helplessly, "let's watch Lin Su's performance video together. After watching it, you can question our score again."

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