With that, Lin Su's performance video was released on the big screen behind him.

The young man in the video stepped forward, bowed first, and then immediately began singing and dancing.

Lin Su's voice with the youth has not yet fully opened the green, clean, very pleasant to hear.

What's more, his dance action is more amazing.

Each movement is clean and neat, without any muddling, accurate step and shoot, powerful but not excessive. It is a feast of vision and hearing.

The questioning voice from the stage, unconsciously, all quieted down.

After a song, Zhang Feng raised his head and saw Qiu Luoxue beside him. "Judge Qiu, do you have any doubts about Lin Su's performance?"

At this time, Qiu Luoxue was shocked.

Because everyone told her that Lin su'er had not practiced at all these days, so she took it for granted that Lin su'er did not remember the dance steps. Therefore, she did not watch Lin su'er's performance video at all and gave her 0 points directly.

But she never dreamed that Lin su'er's performance was so So perfect!

Yes, perfect.

From the beginning to the end, the performance can only be described in one word.

The perfect is almost like a textbook.

Even Qiu Luoxue doesn't think that she can interpret this song perfectly in three days!

"Judge Jo." At this time, Lin su'er suddenly opened her mouth to her, half smiling, "so give 0 points. Is the standard of judge Qiu really strict?"

Joloshie's face turned white in an instant!

She thought that she had just vowed that she had seen Lin Su's video, and felt the pain in her face!

She wanted to argue that she didn't watch the video, but that exposed her irresponsibility as a mentor.

But if she said that she had seen the video, she would give Lin Su 0 points if she had seen the video, which is the target of red fruit!

For a moment, Qiu Luoxue said that she had seen it or not, and that she had never seen it. Her whole face turned into a pickled melon color.

"Are you all right now?" Bai Zhen on one side coughed and stood up to look at the players. His voice was a little cold. "If there is any doubt, you can jump better than Linsu."

There was a dead silence.

After watching Lin Su's video just now, who dares to question?

They can only helplessly watch Lin Su, with her pink uniform of class A, walk to the area where class A is located.

With the episode of linso, the following score announcement became dull.

By the end of the evening, the second rating assessment was announced.

Some players keep the original level, some lower the level, and others rise through efforts.

Of course, one of the most shocking and inspiring is Lin Su's leap from F to a.

It's already eight o'clock.

Lin Su went to the canteen to have a meal, but she didn't want to sit down and eat a few mouthfuls. With a crack, a big hand hit her on the table.

She frowned and looked up and saw Wang Hangfan's ferocious and angry face.

"Lin Su! If you dare to offend Luoxue, you are impatient to live! "

Today's Jules snow, can be said to be the most disgraceful.

All the judges gave 10 points, only she gave 0 points, which really made Qiu Luoxue jump into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it clearly.

By the end of the program, joloshie's eyes were red and she was almost ready to cry.

Wang Hangfan participated in this program to chase Qiu Luoxue. Today, he was really angry to see that the beauty was wronged like this.

Take a look at Lin Su's bright pink uniform of class A, but his clothes are still grey class F. he is even more angry!

But Lin su'er did not respond to his roar.

She just took a sip of the soup and asked, "did I let juloshie not watch my video?"

Wang Hangfan was stunned and instinctively replied: "no..."

"I asked her to give me a zero?"

"No, but..."

"So what does this matter to me?" Lin Su raised her eyes and looked at Wang Hangfan in front of her and raised her eyebrows slightly. "Is it too good, but also my fault?"

Wang Hangfan was a little shocked by Lin Su's impudence.

"You..." He wanted to scold, but all of a sudden his brain was short circuited. Before he could react, Lin Su got up.

"Wang Hangfan, I'm different from you. I didn't come to this competition to attract girls." She looked at Wang Hangfan coldly in front of her, "the other contestants are not even more, so please don't disturb others in order to please a woman."

Leaving this sentence, Lin su'er is simply too lazy to pay attention to Wang Hangfan. She picks up the plate and turns around and walks away.

"Linso, you!" Wang Hangfan almost vomited blood, looking at the back of Lin Su's leaving, and gritted his teeth in anger, "well, Lin Su, you look down on people, don't you! You'll pay for itWith that, he grabbed several younger brothers beside him and bowed his head to command them.


With the end of the second level assessment, the next thing the contestants have to do is to collectively record the theme song performance.

A hundred contestants, according to a to F levels, stand in different positions on the stage, perform together, and record a MV as the program's promo.

Class A is naturally able to stand in the middle, and the most central C position, naturally gives the topic degree first, the strength is also good Bo Zihan.

Lin su'er is just a little beside him.

After rehearsal, we began to change clothes and prepare to start the formal recording.

In this video of the theme song performance, the contestants do not wear a uniform, but wear a suit, which looks more formal and handsome.

Because we are all boys, many people do not pay attention to, casually start to take off clothes under the stage, and have the mood to compare abdominal muscles with each other.

Lin su'er looked at the room full of naked men, quietly picked up her clothes, turned to the dressing room.

And just as she turned around, Wang quickly winked at a woman cleaning up next to her.

The staff responded quickly and quietly followed Lin su'er.

After Lin su'er came to the dressing room, she made sure that no one was coming. Then she went into the dressing room, pulled up the curtain and began to prepare to change clothes.

Taking off her sweater and throwing it outside, she picked up the small suit and shirt for today's performance.

Because the small suit and shirt are easier to show the chest, so before changing on, Lin su'er tidied up her own chest wrap.

Because the arrangement was too serious, she didn't hear at all. A female staff member walked into the dressing room, grabbed the clothes Lin Su had left outside and quickly ran out.

Lin su'er didn't know anything about it. She just picked up her shirt and was ready to change it.

She was shocked to see the shirt in her hand.

I saw that the shirt she was going to wear for today's performance looked good when she folded it, but when she took it up, it was cut in a mess, all holes!

"Wang Hangfan is a jerk."

Lin su'er quickly realized whose masterpiece it was, and her face became cold.

This shirt must not be able to wear, she was planning to change back to her original clothes, went out to ask the staff for a new one, but she didn't want her hand out to touch, but her head suddenly clattered.

What about the clothes she left outside?

Lin su'er is secretly scolding Wang Hangfan for his shamelessness. She doesn't want to hear the sound of her feet outside.

In a panic, she drew back behind the curtain.

At the same time, she heard the door of the dressing room suddenly open.

Her heart sank even lower.

She looked down at herself.

Now she only has a chest wrapped around her body. If someone sees her like this now, she can't hide the fact that she is dressed as a man!

Lin su'er curled up behind the curtain of the dressing room, praying secretly that the person who entered the door would not come to pull the curtain. She did not want the curtain in front of her to be pulled open before the prayer was finished!

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