I felt the soft lips suddenly bumped up, and I couldn't help being stunned.

This is not the first time that Lin su'er has offered to kiss Bo QinGang. When they first met, Lin su'er took the initiative.

But this time the initiative is totally different.

Lin su'er was obviously very embarrassed, so she was very embarrassed. Because the two people were still standing, the difference in height made her have to stand on tiptoe. The whole person was a bit out of balance, and the center of gravity of her body unconsciously leaned against thin QinGang.

This is a kiss full of tension and loss, but it is easier to stir up a man's nerves than any previous kiss.

Thin tilt Ang's eye color this is completely dark down.

Almost without any thought, he pressed Lin su'er against the wall, put his hand around her waist, and broke the girl's lips.

The original raw kiss in an instant became a domineering strategy.

Lin su'er was almost unconscious, but her ears could still hear clearly that the people outside were still walking. The only trace of reason left her trying to suppress and not make any sound for people to hear.

Don't know how long kiss, Bo QinGang finally reluctantly let go of the soft girl who had been kiss in her arms and turned out of the dressing room.

Outside the staff at this time are anxious to grab hair, suddenly see thin tilt out are a Leng, and then come over.

"I have found you."

However, Bo QinGang ignored them. He just protected the curtain behind him and said faintly, "help me to get a piece of clothes for your performance, s number."

All around the staff are stunned, do not understand what Bo Shao wants to show clothes, but still obedient, hurry to get it.

Bo QinGang put his clothes on the table next to the dressing room and took the staff out.

After confirming that all the people outside had left, Lin su'er carefully drilled out a head from behind the curtain, quickly took her clothes and put them on, and walked into the studio.

Entering the studio, she saw that the director was sucking up to Bo QinGang.

"It's a great honor for us to purchase three brands. It's a great honor for us to purchase three brands."

Lin su'er was stunned when she heard this.

Bo QinGang, did he come to visit after purchasing the brand sponsor?

Before she was shocked, the assistant director urged her to return to her position and prepare for the performance.

Lin su'er immediately came to the stage. Wang Hangfan and others were shocked to see that Lin su'er's clothes were intact.

"What's the matter! Didn't you say that Lin Su's clothes had been cut to pieces? Why did she come out intact? "

"But maybe he took it with the staff when the staff came and went."

Wang Hangfan see his plan failed, angry seven tips smoke, but before he had time to get angry, the assistant director next to him also urged them to stand.

As a result, there were more Bo QinGang in the group performance, which made everyone very nervous.

All of them worked very hard. Even Wang Hangfan, who used to paddle in his daily life, is very serious now. He is afraid that he will be seen as not working hard.

But in fact, we are thinking too much.

Because Bo QinGang's eyes, from the beginning to the end, did not look at them, but fell on Lin su'er alone.

The girl in front of her changed her hairstyle and dress, and the whole person was really like a beautiful boy coming out of the cartoon. Her clean dance looked very different from that in ordinary times.

At this time, Zhang Song quietly went to Bo QinGang and said in a low voice: "master, I have made it clear that although Miss Lin su'er lives in the dormitory, she lives alone and does not live with others."

The thin and inclined face of this just relaxed a little.

"Did you find out why she was on the show?"

"I'm going to let the night sky investigate." Zhang Song whispered, "it is said that It was Miss Lin su'er's mother's death, which had something to do with the people of Qin's group, so miss Lin wanted to investigate. "

The brow of thin incline rises slightly frown.

"I see." He whispered, "keep staring."


"And more." Bo QinGang suddenly thought of what, Mo Mou Wei MI, "say hello to the people in the program group."

Today, Lin su'er was trapped in the dressing room, which was immediately corrected.

Those who dare to move him, the boys in these programs have great courage.

Zhang song was stunned.

So the master meant to let Lin su'er continue to play here?

He was a little stunned, but he immediately replied, "I know. I'll tell the crew to take care of Miss Lin so'er more."

Thin tilt high nod, but suddenly think of what, eyebrow micro Cu, "tactful point."

Lin su'er is now in the competition dressed as a man. If the program group takes care of her too openly, I'm afraid it will cause her a lot of unnecessary trouble.So pay attention.

"I know that." Zhang Song nodded, but finally he couldn't help but confirm, "so master, shall we not let Miss Lin su'er quit this competition?"

Before seeing the master's anger, Zhang Song thought that the master's coming to visit today was to directly arrest Lin su'er.

But unexpectedly, the master agreed that Lin su'er would continue to play.

Bo QinGang didn't answer this question immediately. He just looked up at the "teenager" dancing on the stage.

She danced very seriously, and then thought of the sweat filled effort she had made in the dance classroom before, her eyes slightly darkened.

"No need." He whispered, "let her be."

In any case, all the danger and trouble will be settled for her.

And she just needs to do what she wants.


Before the performance of the theme song was over, Bo QinGang left first and left Zhang song to symbolically confirm the problem of advertising placement.

"That's about it." After a brief discussion on the problem of advertising placement, Zhang Song made a slight cough and entered the main topic, "in addition, there is one thing that I want to trouble the people in the program group."

"You say so." Director Zhang song a face dogleg, bow and bow, "as long as the meaning of thin less, we will be satisfied."

"That's it." Zhang Song considered the words, "Bo Shao wants to trouble you, take care of a person more."

Director a Leng, did not have time to respond, heard Zhang Song implicitly added a sentence: "star entertainment that."

Zhang Song said very implicitly, which of course has its own consideration.

He wanted to ask the program team to take care of Lin su'er, but he named her by name. It was too high-profile.

So he simply reported the entertainment company that Lin su'er was named as a hint.

After all, he has specially investigated before. She is the only player in the star entertainment named by Lin su'er, so there will be no misunderstanding.

And the people in the program group are not idiots. Seeing that he speaks so euphemistically, and this is a selection program, they should also be able to understand that "thin" means that they don't want to be high-profile.

"Starry entertainment?" The director heard Zhang Song's words, slightly a Leng, after all, a hundred players, he really can't remember who is star entertainment.

At this time, Zhang Song's mobile phone is ringing.

He looked down and saw the phone call from the shareholders. Knowing that something was wrong, he hastily continued to explain to the director: "yes, it's troublesome for the director anyway."

With that, he quickly connected the phone and left.

The director rushed to send Zhang song out in person. When he came back, he quickly caught the deputy director.

"Xiao Liu, I ask you, do you know who is star entertainment?"

The deputy director was stunned, but then he responded, "we seem to have a star entertainment player in our players. What's more, do you forget that Qiu Luoxue is star entertainment?"

"Joloshie?" The director was stunned, but then he reacted and clapped his hands, "yes! It turns out that Bo Shao said Qiu Luoxue

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