The more the director thinks about it, the more reasonable he feels.


That's right!

Just thin that special help, hint certainly is Qiu Luoxue!

In fact, it's not surprising that the director misunderstood.

The main reason is that all the players in the national trainee are boys. Bo QinGang asked people to take care of a boy, which is really a little strange.

But joloshie, it all makes sense.

The chief executive and female stars are the most common standard configuration in the entertainment industry, so the director immediately believed in it.

Zhang song is really thousands of calculations, did not expect, although only Lin su'er is the only one under the stars, but there is also a judge who is under the stars.

"Give orders now!" The director said in a flustered voice, "I'll give joloshie a separate dressing room! The clips are all enlarged! I'll have lunch and everything alone

The more the director thought about it, the more nervous he felt.

I didn't expect that Qiu Luoxue was so capable that she even got close to him!

And at the same time.

In the studio, we recorded the theme song three times before we finished.

As soon as the recording was finished, everyone was excited to form a group -

"lying trough, I actually saw the real man Bo Shao! Even if I'm eliminated now, it's enough for me to blow it all my life! "

"Bo Shao is really handsome. I've heard that Bo Shao is very handsome, but I didn't expect to be so handsome!"

"Yes, this beauty is so beautiful that it kills all the stars in a second! Laozi, a man, thinks that ziyao is bent

"Same bend, same bend!"

"But why did Bo Shao come to our program

"Didn't you just say that? Bo Shao has acquired the sponsors' brands, so it's normal to come to visit? "

"Normal fart ah, thin little what identity, how can you come over for such a few acquired small brands?"

Everyone could not guess the reason why Bo QinGang came to visit the class. In the end, they could only look at Bo Zihan.

"Zi Han, do you know why your uncle came to our program?"

Different from everyone's cheerfulness, Bo Zihan is just indifferent.

"I don't know. I don't know him well."

Bo Zihan is telling the truth.

Although they are also Bo's family members, Bo QinGang is a direct lineage. He is a collateral. In addition, they have not said much except a few meetings at the family party.

Looking at Bo Zihan's indifferent face, everyone immediately did not dare to ask him, but continued to talk excitedly.

Everyone was excited to talk about it, but Lin su'er didn't have much interest in discussion. She just planned to go back to her dorm to have a rest.

Don't want to just walk to the door, accidentally stepped on a person.

"Sorry." She quickly took back her feet to apologize, but she didn't want to hear a sharp voice --

"you don't have eyes!"

When Lin su'er looked up, she found that it was really a narrow enemy. It happened that she stepped on Qiu Luoxue's foot.

Qiu Luoxue looked at Lin su'er, and her expression almost wanted to eat people.

Since she gave Lin su'er a score of 0 in the morning, she has been negotiating with the people in the program group, trying to cut off her paragraph, otherwise she would be disgraced to death!

But the program group refused, and she was about to die of anger. Of course, she was angry at Lin su'er, the "culprit.".

But Lin su'er was calm.

"My eyes are very good." She said calmly, "unlike your predecessors, your eyes are white and long, and you will give me a score of 0 for my theme song video."


When Lin su'er didn't open the pot, she was going to be angry with Qiu Luoxue. She was just about to have an attack, but at this time, the director and the deputy director suddenly ran into the studio.

When they saw joloshie, their eyes suddenly brightened and they rushed over.

"Little jo! We have found you! "

Qiu Luoxue is still angry because the program group refuses to cut off her own video. At this time, she is not angry with the director, "what are you doing?"

But the director didn't care about joloshie's bad attitude.

On the contrary, his face was full of wrinkles, just like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Oh, what I can do is to see Xiao Qiu, how well your program is recorded." At this time, the director didn't have the usual airs, but he flattered Qiu Luoxue's younger generation, "but you are a real person, you don't know too little and don't tell us earlier. How can you be so outspoken?"

The director said so loud that the whole studio was quiet.

Even Qiu Luoxue's client was stunned, "do I know Bo Shao?"

"Yes The director thought that Qiu Luoxue was still modest, and his smile became more and more intense. "Bo shaoke told us that we should take good care of you. You can rest assured. In the future, as long as you have any needs in the program, just mention it!"Qiu Luoxue is not a player. There is no back door or inside story, so the director doesn't mean to cover it up at all. The flattery to Qiu Luoxue is totally red fruit in front of everyone.

And joloshie was completely stupid.

How could Bo Shao tell the program group to take care of her?

This What's the situation!?

Zheng Jie, the agent who had been standing beside Qiu Luoxue, was also stupid. She immediately grabbed Qiu Luoxue and said excitedly with their two voices: "Luoxue! What's the matter with you! How can you tell me when I know Bo Shao? "

"I I don't know Bo Shao at all. " "I don't know how he suddenly told the program group to take care of me."

"No?" Zheng elder sister a Leng, but immediately, she reacts to come over, "I know! That's how I like you

"What? Is Bo Shao interested in me Joloshie's eyes widened.

"Of course! Otherwise, how could he have ordered the crew to take care of you! What's more, the sponsors of this program were not Bo's at all. All of them were recently acquired by Bo Shao. Some big people like Bo Shao, who bought these brands and came to visit their classes specially, must want to see you! "

The more she said that the more reasonable she felt, the whole person would tremble with excitement.

"Yes! That's it! My God, Luoxue, we are really going to be developed

What's the concept of being taken in by Bo Shao? Qiu Luoxue doesn't have to worry about resources in the future. If she is lucky, if she can marry into Bo's family

Oh, my God!

That's really flying to the branches and setting up the Phoenix!

Qiu Luoxue was also stunned by the sudden happiness, but she still had some sense, "but But I've never seen him before. "

"You haven't seen Bo Shao, but he must have seen you on TV." "Sister Zheng hates that iron doesn't become steel." thin little must have watched you on TV, just like you! "

The last doubt in julochet's mind was also thoroughly convinced.

She was as happy as a dream.

Bo Shao likes her!

The most respectable man in the world loves her!

Qiu Luoxue's dream is to marry into a rich family.

But she boasted of her extraordinary beauty and pride, so she did not like the upstarts in Wang Hangfan's family.

But in fact, what she dares to think about most is the kind of childlike brother of the first-class family in Gucheng.

As for Bo Shao, my God, she really didn't dare to think about it before.

Can not expect, thin little but take the initiative to take a fancy to her!

Thinking of the wealth and status of the Bo family, thinking of Bo QinGang's handsome appearance that can make all women's hearts move, juluoxue's heart thumped.

She is really the happiest woman in the world!

Happy, her eyes inadvertently swept by the side of Lin su'er.

Suddenly, she thought of what, the whole person can't help but straighten the waist.

"Lin su'er." She went to Lin su'er, lowered her voice, and said with a sneer, "do you hear me? Bo Shao likes me! If you dare to offend me in the future, believe me or not, I will let Bo Shao kill you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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