Hearing her exclamation, the white and sunny moon was also a daze. Looking down from the box, he could see clearly that the cutting master on the stage had cut the original stone that Lin su'er bought.

The cut-off plane of the original stone is completely different from the surface of the original stone. The surface of the original stone is full of bubbles. But the cut surface is smooth and a large pink light in the middle is shining in the light.

In a flash, the whole auction house was in a dead silence.

Unlike the surprise and exclamation of the first stone cut out, all people just stare at them, almost can not believe their eyes.

"I'm not wrong with that?" After a long time, the audience was not easy to return to God, stuttered and the voice was trembling excitedly. "This This fucking bit of pink!? "

The drilling is very rare. In short, it has been developed only in country a.

And for so many years, the mining source of cafina company is in country f, and country f has never developed the powder drill, but I didn't expect that this time we found such a big one!

What a rare and precious resource is the first pink diamond from country f!

More importantly, the size of this pink is so huge, and its value is almost immeasurable!

The guests finally came back to God and then made a sound of exclamation from the heart.

"It's really a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of chalk! Not only that, you see this color, this gloss, is definitely the top of the top quality! "

"And it's too big, isn't it!? Say less, there are hundreds of carats! It's just a profit, OK! "

"I can't see. The lady in the middle box on the second floor has a good eye. If you choose one of these diamonds, you can make a profit!"

"Yes, that girl is actually a master at a young age. If I were kafina, I would have hired her to go back to be a consultant! I'm sure I can make no compensation! "

Many people who can come to the original stone auction are actually diamond lovers. So they can't even envy Lin suer at this time, but they are all in surprise, and they are also praised for Lin's eyes.

Meanwhile, in the box on the side of the second floor, the jeweler's grand lady was also excited.

"It's really a pink drill, my God, the girl behind the screen is so powerful!

I have to tell Dad that cafina's mine source has found a diamond! This is a big news, and it may all reverse the pattern of the diamond market! "

Said that the big lady excited to take out the mobile phone to call their parents, but did not expect to raise an eye, on the white and sunny moon cold eyes.

In a moment, the big lady felt like pouring cold water, from the beginning to the feet.

It's bad!

She was so excited that she praised the woman behind the screen in the face of the white and sunny moon!

"Sunny and sunny months I...... " The big lady realized that she had said something wrong and stuttered to want a party, but the sunny moon was impatient to hear her say a word.

"Get out of here." She just squeezed three words from the teeth, and she was cold on her lovely face, which was as beautiful and delicate as a doll in the ordinary days.

"Wait a minute, sunny moon, you listen to me..." The big lady wanted to explain something, but she was interrupted again by the white and sunny moon.

"I'll let you get out of here for me! I'll never see you again! You will not be my friend in the white and sunny moon! "

The big lady was scolded for her white face, but she could not say anything but red eyes, grabbed the small bag on her desk and ran out of the box crying.

And those other girls who stayed in the box in the sunny moon were more frightened and pale, and the atmosphere was afraid to come out. They looked at me, I saw you, and all of a sudden realized the seriousness of the matter.

They thought that there were only some women who were not used to the screen in the box in the middle of the second floor. But now, the excited attitude of seeing the sunny moon is obviously not to be disgusted, but really hate the woman behind the screen.

They couldn't help wondering, who was the woman sitting in the middle box on the second floor? How can it get the white and sunny months to this point?

Although curious, they dare not to ask about the white moon, but busy began to comfort the white moon.

"Sunny moon, you don't put it in your heart. That woman just got lucky and hit such a diamond again!"

"Yes, it is blind cat who touches dead mouse and goes shit! You must not care. "

Although all these girlfriends around are desperately comforting, but the face of the white and sunny moon is still a piece of iron and green.

She looked down at the downstairs of the box, and saw that the heavy duty in the audience was still constantly feeling Lin suer's ability to beneficiate against the sky. Hearing those feelings, the face of the white clear Yueqin was even more iron and green.

She said that Lin suer, a woman of poor origin, had no eye power, and could not even choose a stone. But she didn't expect that Lin su'er would not only choose the original stone, but also the best and most valuable stone!This is just to let Bai Qingyue say before those money laugh at her words, like a bloody slap like, severely fan in her face, the pain is deadly!

Thinking of this, Bai Qingyue's whole body couldn't stop shaking.

And at the same time.

Different from the tension in Bai Qingyue's box, the atmosphere in Lin su'er's box next door is full of joy.

"Su'er, su'er, you are so good!" Next to Xia Xiaonan can't help but pull Lin su'er, the adoration on his face almost all comes out, "unexpectedly bought a powerful diamond! How can you be so good

Even Ouyang Luo beside him was shocked. He couldn't help but poke Bo QinGang with his elbow. He was stunned and said, "I'll go, Bo QinGang. What's wrong with your antidote? It's amazing. Even if the first stone is in, how can the second one be more powerful? How can such a large volume of powdered diamond cost hundreds of millions of dollars? "

Next to Bo QinGang different from Xia Xiaonan's surprise, also different from Ouyang Luo's gaping, he just squinted at Ouyang Luo next to him, "nonsense, I like it."

Ouyang Luo next to him said

Hemp eggs.

I just sigh with you about buying diamonds. Why are you feeding me dog food!

At this time, Xia Xiaonan next to her suddenly thought of something. She grabbed Lin su'er's hand and hesitated: "su'er, can you help me choose a cheaper diamond, I want to be my mother's birthday present."

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