Xia Xiaonan's mother is close to her birthday. Xia Xiaonan's mother likes diamonds very much. Xia Xiaonan wants to buy a beautiful diamond jewelry for her mother, but she doesn't have a lot of money in her hand. She can't afford a good diamond. But if it's a raw stone, the cost performance ratio can be much higher.

Knowing that Xia Xiaonan is a filial girl, Lin su'er nodded and asked, "how much is your budget?"

Xia Xiaonan hesitated and said, "I've saved some lucky money and pocket money from childhood. If I add them together, I can have ten bowls. Is that enough?"

"That's enough." Lin su'er said.

The first stone she bought was 100000 yuan, and the lowest starting price in the raw stone auction hall was 100000 yuan. To put it bluntly, she just needed to find a raw stone that no one else was bidding with her, and then cut and design it to make a perfect birthday gift for Xia Xiaonan's mother.

With such an idea, Lin su'er and Xia Xiaonan begin to seriously watch the auction below.

As the auction continued, more than ten stones were sold.

But Lin su'er didn't find a suitable stone until a new stone was sent up. Lin su'er's eyes brightened.

I saw that the stone in front of me was quite big, but the surface was just like the original stone that Lin su'er had bought. It was full of potholes and bumps.

But in Lin su'er's eye, it is clear to see the beautiful white light on the original stone.

At the same time, the host on the stage has also said with a smile: "the starting price of this stone is 100000. Please raise your card to increase the price."

Obviously, this piece of stone is also because of the uneven surface, the starting price is very low.

"Just this one." Lin su'er said cleanly, "if I am not mistaken, the diamonds in it are not powdered diamonds, but they are also very good in quality. They should be able to make beautiful jewelry."

Xia Xiaonan, who is next to her, has already believed in Lin su'er's words. She does not ask Lin su'er how she can see the size and color of the diamonds in these black stones, but without hesitation, she raises the auction card in her hand.

"I'll give you a hundred thousand!"

As the girl's clear voice sounded from the box on the second floor, the whole auction house was suddenly agitated.

"My God, the girl in the middle box on the second floor has done it again! Is it true that this stone is also a potential stock? "

"Not necessarily. In my opinion, the first two stones are her good luck. She can't be so lucky for the third time, can she?"

"I don't know. Shall we take a chance and raise the price with her?"

All around the people are talking, and some of the guests have been impatient, directly raised the hands of the auction card.

"I'll raise the price, 100000!"

"I raise the price, 120000!"

"I raise the price, 150000!"

"I raise the price, 200000!"

Lin su'er frowned as the guests under the stage raised their bidding cards like groundhog and the rising prices.

"What's going on here?" Next to Xia Xiaonan is also a face stunned, "the surface of this stone is not particularly bubble, looking at not too valuable? Why are people still clamoring for price increases? "

"It was my miscalculation." Lin su'er frowned. "These people seem to believe my vision now. Maybe it's because I bid. They want to follow me to increase the price and try their luck."


If the stone on the stage is put on a regular basis, no one would like to buy it.

but it is because Lin su'er had two adverse miracles before, so now some people want to take a chance with Lin su'er.

In any case, for the people present, several hundred thousand is just a drizzle.

Lin su'er was having a headache, but she didn't expect that at this time, a proud and delicate voice was heard in the box next to her --

"I'll give you a million yuan."

When hearing this clear voice, the whole auction was stunned.

When they looked up to the side box on the second floor, they saw Bai Qingyue sitting behind the balustrade of the box, holding a piece of Dark Jade auction card in a cold look.

Different from Lin su'er's low-key that there is a screen in their box, Bai Qingyue's box is completely semi open, so everyone present can clearly see Bai Qingyue's face.

The whole auction was filled with a murmur of excitement.

"I'm going. Why did Miss Bai Qingyue start bidding all of a sudden?"

"Yes, yes, and a million dollars at a time. That's a big deal."

"I'm kidding. She's the daughter of the white family. A million dollars is nothing to her."

"So are we going to follow suit?"

"Add a head! Since Miss Bai has taken a fancy to this diamond, we have nothing to do with it. Do you want to fight against the white family? If you don't hurry to put down your auction card for meAt this time, Lin su'er in the middle box on the second floor frowned slightly when she saw Bai Qingyue join in.

Lin su'er always knew that Bai Qingyue also came to participate in the Caffeina auction, but because Bai Qingyue had not bid before, she didn't notice that she was actually sitting in the box next to her.

Next to Xia Xiaonan is a bitter face, "how is this going on, these people increase the price, but also suddenly added to a million, so that I buy this stone is not hopeless."

Lin su'er frowned slightly.

Xia Xiaonan said that this is indeed a problem.

It's not just this stone. If all the people present are the same as this time, they will raise the price when they see her raise a card. In this way, Xiaonan is absolutely impossible to buy a low-cost raw stone.

"It seems that I have to give up." Xia Xiaonan also wants to understand this truth, can only look disappointed and put down the auction card in her hand, but did not expect that the auction card has not been completely placed on the table, beside Lin su'er suddenly holds her hand.

"Don't give up in a hurry." Lin su'er looked up at the box where Bai Qingyue was sitting. She looked thoughtful. "I have a way to let us buy cheap raw stones."

Xia Xiaonan was stunned when she heard this, and before she could react, Lin su'er had already taken the auction card in her hand, raised her hand, and said faintly, "I'll give you two million."

Hearing Lin su'er's words, Xia Xiaonan is a fool.

"Two or two million, su'er, I can't afford that price."

"Don't worry." Lin su'er was calm. "I didn't mean to let you out."

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