Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 100: Bright sorrow (2)

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"She is so powerful. According to our current level of abilities, she is probably the first to reach the watchman, that is, the dark abilities who broke through the eighty-level realm. And the magical dark curse, she has been alone with the Holy See for hundreds of years, and won precious time for the re-emergence of the dark forces."

The sky mark is heart-warming. Of course he knows that this person is the founder of the dark sacrifice. It is said by the light mouth that her power is strong, and it is obvious how important this great wizard left in the history of darkness and light. trace.

The light looks at the sky mark and says: "Have you already guessed who she is? Yes, she is the founder of the dark sacrifice, which is the first generation of soul sacrifice. Fortunately, none of her disciples can inherit her clothes. Otherwise, it will not be darkness, but the Holy See, which is the dying. She is also the only one in the dark who has never failed in the struggle with the Holy See. In this way, darkness and light are completely different. The forces have been fighting each other for years and years. Sometimes, the light will prevail. Sometimes, the darkness will suppress the light, but these situations are only temporary. Even if they have been fighting until now, they have not really won the game. Later, with the development of science and technology, mankind began to move forward toward the outer planet. The struggle between darkness and light also temporarily stopped for a period of time. Due to the highly developed technology, the faith was questioned and the Holy See retired. But our bright abilities are always there. The name of the Holy See is always in our hearts. The Holy See is not destroyed. We are always the Holy See. And I, the Pope is this generation. "

Tianzheng looked at the light in surprise and realized the meaning of the two words of the Pope. The eyes were full of thoughts.

Guangming continued: "With the continuous development of mankind, the number of wind, water, fire, and earth abilities with a small number of people has gradually increased, while the light abilities have been increasing for some reason. In order to continue to fight against the forces of darkness, my ancestors set up the current sacred alliance, recruiting all the abilities of the sects except the dark, and relying on the power and dark forces of the sacred alliance as a whole, as long as the forces of darkness If there is anything that is not conducive to humanity, then there will be members of our sacred alliance around them. This is what you know, why the sacred alliance originally rejected the darkness. At that time, it was not just the rejection, we It was an enemy, fighting for thousands of years. The dark forces of that time have developed into what they are now. The biggest change is the vampire family. Among the largest family of vampires, there is a wise leader, that is, Deku. De Cula XIII of the La family, he conquered all the vampire families by means of extraordinary wisdom and iron fists. Therefore, among the three major forces of darkness, The spread of Dracula family a pulse, but there is no other vampires system. "

The sky marks a slight smile, saying: "The elders of light, what you are telling is not a story, but the history of the Holy Alliance and the forces of darkness. I think, you must want to explain what."

The bright singer said: "These are just the prelude to the story I want to say. The reason why I say a few more words is that you can understand that the real situation is not as circulated. Now, my story is about to begin. In this story, There are three protagonists. The story happened about 80 years ago, the Galaxy Alliance has ruled about 700 administrative stars. At that time, our sacred alliance is far from the current scale and influence. One of the protagonists is the The elder of the sacred ally, the son of the sacred ally, was named Hiller and was born in the balance ball of the headquarters of the Earth sacred. At a very young age, Hiller used his father as an example. His goal in life was very Simple, it is to inherit the father's clothes in the future by virtue of his outstanding performance. For this goal, he spends most of his time every day, and he is used to cultivate his own abilities, pure light abilities. In his peers, he It was always the best. The judges at that time appreciated him very much and gave him the greatest convenience in all aspects, so that he could cultivate better. Go, bright line Shearer abilities continuously enhanced, and finally 24 years old at the time, the judge reached the realm. And Shearer, is my name. "

Although the eclipse of the sky has been guessed, when the light said the last sentence, he could not help but shake the whole body, because when the light said his name, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. The day marks did not speak, quietly waiting for the light to continue to say, he faintly felt that today, the light said so much to himself, must have an extraordinary purpose.

The light sighed and continued: "Because I grew up, I have been practicing in the headquarters of the Guardian League. Therefore, my friends can only be confined to the headquarters of the Guardian. These friends are the judges who were in power at the time. The disciples, their names are Zhu Rong, Rose, Woma, Okay, Moore and Sei.

The last name was the most shocking to the day mark. He was the second time to hear the name. When it first appeared, it was Moore said. At that time, the name of the separation was connected with the end of the world!

"In addition to the separation, I and several other people are the best brothers. We practice together and progress together. You have heard it. Until now, they have also called me by the boss. And when they are separated, we are among us. The most special one. It is also the only woman. It is very beautiful, she has the temperament of the empty valley. She is the teacher of your teacher Moore, and the only daughter of the elders you saw yesterday. At that time, the brothers had a good impression on the picking, but they did not launch the offensive because they knew that I loved the picking, and the separation also deeply loved me. We are a pair of orders. A couple that anyone should envy, she is another hero in my story."

The day marks blurted out and debuted: "The third hero must be the end of the world, right?"

A bright light, followed by a resolute statement: "Must be Moore tell you. I don't know how much he told you. Listen to me, let's go, some things, even Moore don't know. Yes, you are right. The third protagonist in my story is the end of the world. I have always been proud of myself in this life, but I admire two people from the heart, that is, the end of the world and the separation. At the beginning, I became a sacred squad at the age of twenty-four. The youngest controller is the time when young people are proud, and the talents that are taken away are no worse than me. Their ability is better than that of other brothers. We are known as the golden boy in the young generation of the sacred alliance. Everyone thinks that in the near future, I and I will be the happiest couples. But the truth is not the case. If everything is going on normally, maybe I will not be like this now. It is because of the appearance of a person, this person is naturally the genius of the world in the dark world - the end of the world."

Speaking of this, the pain in the bright eyes is a bit more intense, his body is even a little trembling, so many years have passed, but the original memories have not been diluted by time, "the end of the world is bigger than me and the separation When I was twenty-four years old, he was already thirty years old. At that time, I still lived in the shelter of my elders, but in the last days, I have been working hard in the dark world for ten years. The last days were born in the Dark Council. But it does not belong to the dark council. According to himself, when he was born, he had six levels of darkness. His father, the old dark speaker, and the current dark speaker, is the last world. My brother, I don’t know much about the childhood of the last days. I only know that because of his high talents, he has reached the realm of the masters when he was only twenty years old. The dark masters! The dark control of twenty years old At that time, it was a miracle. It was because of his genius that he was embarrassed by his brother. In the dark world, it has always been a strong person. If it develops smoothly, it inherits the position of the Dark Speaker. In order to save the full power that he might get in the future, his brother used imprisoned methods to imprison the last days. Because their brothers and their father’s old dark speaker have the ability to connect with each other, the elder brother did not dare to kill. He, but he took the limbs of his limbs, abolished his dark abilities, and quietly sent him to an undeveloped planet. Every time, he personally sent some past food to maintain the end of the world. life."

The day marks were shocked and listened to the words of light. He never thought that the only king in the dark world, the end of the king of darkness had such a sad childhood.

Guangming stood up, walked to the window, and bathed in the sun, his emotions seemed to be stable. "Compared with me, the end of the world suffered too much. But he has the iron willpower. Here At one point, you are very similar to him. Perhaps this is why he chose you to inherit the position of the king of darkness. Don't wonder why I know that it is easy to understand this, whether it is rumors or my judgment. After ten years of grinding a sword, when he was 30 years old, he finally left the ridiculous planet, not because his brother sent a good heart, but by his own strength, flew back to the Galaxy Alliance. The planet. At that time, he spent ten years not only reshaping the body, but the dark ability reached an astonishing 50. The place that I admire in the last days is not only his willpower, but also his Patience. If you change me and I, I am afraid I have already returned to the Dark Council to hurt my brother’s guilt to recover what I deserve. But the end of the world did not do that because he has more ambitious ideals. He To a secret place, beginning a long period of meditation. And also at that time, I know the end of the world and taken away. "

The last few words, the light is said by biting his teeth. The golden light fluctuated in an instant, and the huge pressure made the sky mark uncontrollably push the cosmic gas to resist. "Great elder, are you okay?"

Turning back, the light apologized: "I'm sorry, I am dying. Perhaps, it is because I have not been able to let go now, so that I can never break through the bottleneck of the 81st level."

The look on his face gradually calmed down, and the light continued to say: "At the beginning, after I reached the control at the age of twenty-four, I was assigned to the executive star of the Galaxy Alliance to be responsible for the affairs of the powers. The sacred alliance has not yet been recognized by the Galaxy Alliance. These are just things inside our sacred alliance. And that planet is the planet that chose to hide cultivation in the last days. I really regret it, why should I take it away? The planet goes, if it is not because of this, in the end I will not lose my love."

Tianzheng said: "Is it because the separation has left you after meeting the end of the world?"

The light shook his head, and the painful said: "If that is the case, I will not forget it now. After all, how can a woman who is not dedicated to love be worthy of love? Listen to me. Over the years, I still For the first time in front of a person to tell everything in the heart. When we met the last time in the last days, he was so lonely, although only thirty years old, but not as old as ordinary people, but like four Ten people were in general. At that time, we encountered it unintentionally. When the end of the world discovered the identity of my abilities, I would immediately kill me. Although I was not weak with the ability to pick up, I was already on the fifth. At the end of the tenth level, there was no power to fight back. Just when I was about to be killed by the last days, I was hiding in front of me. Until now, I still remember her eyes at that time, and her eyes were resolute. Unless the last world kills her, it is absolutely impossible to kill me. At that time, the last world asked us if there was only one person who could leave alive, who would be. I did not hesitate to answer with him, it was him."

Speaking of this, there is a little sweetness in the eyes of the light. "At the end of the day, I was stunned. At that time, I was seriously injured. I could rely on the help of the detachment to stand still. After a long time, the end of the world still did not move, as if lost. The soul usually stood there, thinking back to his inner painful things. After a long while, we became his audience. He also said to us to listen to it, and it was like talking to himself and telling about his own experience. Finally He told us that because of our determination to give each other, he decided not to kill us and let us leave. At that time, I was very surprised by the separation. The ridiculous thing was that I didn’t even notice that since then, kindness With the separation, my heart has a bit of pity for the end."

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