Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 101: Bright sorrow (3)

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"I am not a villain, so I did not report the things that existed in the last days to the above. After leaving that day, because of my curiosity about the end times, I and I often go to see him with him, but the end is not there. Leaving, although he is often full of strong murderous, every time he sees the separation, his eyes will become very gentle. Gradually, I found the demeanor of the end, for my beloved, I resolutely I left the planet with the pick, left the headquarters, and re-applied for a new mission. After that, I haven’t seen the end of the world for ten years. I thought that the end of the world has passed, but the fate It teased us."

The day marks asked: "Why are you a big elder, why didn't you marry with them? If you are married, Miss Sei will not choose the end of the world."

The light sighed and said: "All the mistakes are in me. I have never hated to take away. I only admire her. You are right. If we get married, nothing will happen. But I am a The person who is proud and proud, after paying the end of the world, I swear in the face of the singer. If I can’t be the judge of the Guangming Department, I will not deserve to be her wife. I have repeatedly advised me to give up the oath. However, out of a man's dignity, I have always insisted. With my persistent thoughts, my progress is very fast. Ten years later, when I saw goodbye with the last days, my ability was enough to compete with him. He is fifty-five, and I am fifty-two, plus my holy beast, and the end of the war has become a tie. Oh, yes, I have to explain to you something, when Moore told you, It should be said that the magic star was discovered when I was fighting with the last days. Actually it is not. That kind of statement is an explanation for non-core personnel. In fact, the magic star has already been discovered, and it was already at the time of the establishment of the Holy League. Found that the earliest time is the palm In the hands of our sacred alliance, the discoverer is the first great elder of the sacred alliance. The reason why it was discovered in that decisive battle is that it is afraid of causing excessive attention from the parliament. At this point, sacred alliance and the dark alliance have the same consensus. Therefore, even if Moore is your teacher, I will not tell you the truth. The former sacred beast can only be the top of the League, but since the sacred alliance has a higher status in the Galaxy Alliance, in order to strengthen the strength, Do not open magic stars to ordinary people, so that they have sacred beasts to enhance their strength. People are too mixed, and they will not be able to continue to hide. Since they can’t stop, we will make up a story, so that you will understand that I have a holy beast. There is no contradiction. Perhaps, you will wonder why the speed of the end of the world is slow. In fact, the reason is very simple, because he put most of his experience on the goal of conquering the dark forces. The end of the world is a person with great ideals, he The ideal was later learned by picking me away. Do you know what his wishes are? It is not a simple unification of the dark forces, but the entire galaxy. League owners, let the darkness around every corner of the Galactic Federation. "

"Ah--" The sky marks exclaimed, and the ideals of the last days can be said to be crazy.

Guangming said: "When he met again in the last days, he already had a certain power, but he still did not return to the Dark Council, nor did he start to deal with the three forces of darkness. He was waiting, waiting for the opportunity. That time, I I am not satisfied with my performance, but I have seen hope. In order to catch up with the end of the world as soon as possible, I have retired for ten years. I have also been with me for ten years. When I left the customs, I finally reached the dream of trial. I have been waiting for me for so many years. Originally, I should marry her immediately. However, the desire to defeat the end of the world has motivated me to leave the earth with me and to find the traces of the last days. At that time, I always Perseverance believes that only by completely defeating the end of the world can we cleanse the shame of the original, and then we have the power to be separated from each other. The work pays off, after a year of searching, we finally found the end of the world. But when we see him At the time, he was already seriously injured and dying. I naturally wouldn’t take the time to do it. I and the squadron helped the last days to repel the enemy who pursued him and took him to an The local health care. The end of the world promised me, and when he was hurt, he and I will play a fair game. In ten years, he has not been abandoned. Like me, he has just broken through the realm of the judge, reaching 64. I am confident in myself. This time, I will be able to win. But, at the time, the sacred alliance suddenly came the news, my father was dying. When I received the news, I immediately I am confused, because I don’t understand it anyway. How can my father’s ability be invaded by the disease? At the moment, I don’t think much about it. I left it to take care of the end of the world. One person ran back to Earth and went to see her father. After all, it’s been twenty years since the end of the world seemed to be affectionate. I didn’t think much because of the chaos in my heart. When I returned to Earth, my father was already in a state of dying. He would be the elder of the sacred sect. The position passed to me and passed away. Do you know why my father died? He did not suffer any disease, but was seriously injured. He was suffering from a fatal wound on the 68th level of the bright power. By several trials in this league, I learned that the father of injury from the last days of the attack. Yes, it is attack. "Jin Jinzuan light tight fists, his eyes full of hatred.

The sky marks the light and looks at the light. "Why? Why is this? Isn't the end of the world treating you as a friend?"

"Friends?" Guangming could not help but smile. "In the dark forces, the end of the world can be said to be the best one. But he has ambition. People in the dark have always been unscrupulous in doing things. Moreover, the last days do not know, at that time. The great elder of the Holy League is my father. The reason for his father's murder is simple, in order to be able to rule the entire dark world. I also learned shortly afterwards that the end of the world returned to the Dark Council after reaching the realm of the Judge. With strong strength and three dark saints that don’t know where to get it, he played all the invincible forces in the dark. He did not kill his brother, but instead raised his brother to become the new speaker of the Dark Council. Put forward the idea of ​​unifying the entire dark world. You should also know that the people in the dark forces are extremely selfish and will never do anything that harms others. When he proposes to unify all the forces of darkness, he immediately suffers an objection. Finally, At the same time, the soul sacrifice, the dark speaker and the blood emperor simultaneously proposed that if the end of the world can kill the sacred elders, then he I was willing to surrender. The end of the world did not hesitate to agree, and I went to the Earth Headquarters alone. After several months of ambush and investigation, I finally found my father’s certain life rules. Under an accidental opportunity, I fully launched my father’s life. Sneak attack. If you play in the face, although the end of the world has the help of the Dark Hallows, it is impossible to win my father, because he can only use two kinds of dark sacred devices at the same time, but the father has a powerful sacred beast partner. With a higher level than him, the father will surely win. However, the sneak attack is different. There are two sorrows in the darkness of the holy sacred name, which can completely cover up your breath, plus a pair. The unique corrosive power of the bright abilities, suddenly sneak attack, the father was seriously injured, although with his strong strength fled back to the headquarters of the sacred, but in the end it was still wounded. And the end of the world was also countered by his father, seriously injured When I met him, it was the **** man who was chasing him, apparently trying to remove him when he was seriously injured, lest the end of the world unify the entire dark world.

The sky marks a long exit, saying: "I have experienced so many twists and turns, then do you hate the end of the world? Have you ever asked him if he knows that the elder is your father, will you still do it?"

The light extended a thumb to the sky mark. "You asked about it. I hated the end of the world and hated myself. If I reported the last days to the headquarters of the Union, I might not have that. I am desperately running back to the end of the world to recover from the injury, I want to find his theory, but when I came there, the end of the world and the separation have disappeared. According to time, the end of the wound should be better. I I was desperately looking for him, but I couldn’t find it this time. I even wanted to find a member of the three major forces in the dark. It was so difficult. Finally, through some channels of the League, I learned that the end of the world had a taste. I finally unified the whole dark forces. Although I hate him, I also admire him. As a person who was once framed by his brother and became disabled, he was able to gain strong strength with his tenacity. Ten years of forbearance, I finally achieved my goal. This kind of wolf-like endurance made me deeply admire. What is more valuable is that after the end of the world unified the entire dark forces, it took five years to The dark forces are truly unified, and no one will violate his orders. In the past five years, he also broke through the seventy-level powers with the help of the three great saints of the darkness. Under the constraints of the last days, the dark three The big forces have completely abandoned the original business, that is to say, in addition to the Dracula family need to use human blood to maintain their lives, they no longer do anything that harms the human world. This alone, if not the iron fist policy, It is absolutely impossible to achieve. Until now, no one of the dark forces dared to violate the rules set by the end of the world."

Tian Keji asked: "Why then? Have you let go of the end of the world because of this?"

The light shook his head and said: "Although the power of light represents positive emotions such as justice, peace, kindness, etc., how can I let go of the end of the world without killing the enemy? I am trying to improve myself. The strength, while looking like the madness of the end of the world and the whereabouts of the separation. Finally, one day, the end of the world and the separation came to me." His original ruddy complexion suddenly became pale, his lips slightly trembling, "At the moment I met, I said to you, Hiller, I am married to the last days. I am already his wife, I am sorry."

Silence, the whole room is completely in a silence, only the bright and rapid breathing, as the 80th-level light abilities, can affect his mood, showing how painful this memory is to him.

Tianzheng did not ask questions, quietly watching the light, he knew that even if he had experienced the betrayal of his girlfriend, he could not understand the bright mood. After all, the relationship between him and Lina is four years, and the feelings between light and singularity may have been forty years. Separation can be said to be a bright goal. If the father of the light is not dead, his hard cultivation is to prove himself in front of the separation, but he is married but the groom is not him. This kind of pain can't be tolerated by anyone.

Two drops of tears slid down the bright face, he smiled, but he was even more ugly than crying. "Thirty years have passed, I didn't expect it, I still can't forget what happened at that time. In other words, I feel that I am going crazy, yes, I am going crazy. That kind of pain is not something I can bear. I asked her why she was crazy, but she refused to say it. I started to the end. Challenge, but, in that state, how can I be a close opponent in the end? I lost and lost again. Compared with before, this loss is even worse, because I not only lost the ability. I also lost my wife. The end of the world and the pick-and-go, when they left, they cried and cried. I didn’t know until the two of them retired together. In fact, it’s still me who took love, what she did. Everything is for the end of the world, but more for me!"

The day marks are a bit confused, but the light is not stable at this time, it seems so painful, how can he bear to ask again, and has to wait for himself to say.

"You should have heard of Moore in the battle more than 30 years ago." The light suddenly calmed down, but the sky mark found that his hand was bleeding because the nail pierced the palm of his hand.

Nodded, the sky mark said: "Yes, I heard that. In the first battle, you finally won the victory and saved the entire Galaxy Alliance."

The light snorted and shook his head: "No, in fact, this is just a play, a movie by the last director. This matter, no one knows except the end, the separation and me."

Tianzi’s eyes widened and he lost his voice: “What? Acting? Is it going to be a play?”

Guangming solemnly nodded and said: "Yes, that is a play. The three of us are starring, while the other characters are coordinated by unsuspecting people."

The day marks muttered: "Don't the black hole be fake?"

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