Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 103: Pointing up the elders of the elders (below)

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"It is a pity that there are no people in the League who have mastered the secrets of darkness. Otherwise, your ability will be able to ascend to a higher level."

The light flashed, and the figure of the sky disappeared, which is the speed of light that the sky mark is most eager to achieve.

Struggling to the crowd, in addition to Lily still calm expression, the other few people are very excited, obviously this day has allowed them to learn a lot of things that they could not learn before.

Seri and the purple illusion came over from the crawler, and Seri said: "Let's go, everyone is going to eat. It is very rich for you today."

As soon as I heard the sumptuous dinner, the wind was far away, and I was so excited that I sneaked into the side of Seri. I laughed and said, "What's delicious in Seri's big brother? Is there any lobster or abalone? I listen. If the abalone can be eye-catching, let me have a few abalones first. I am already hungry." The abilities of the abilities are not strong because of the absorption of external energy molecules. Therefore, several people The elders of the elders stipulated that they could only eat one meal a day. Others did not have anything. It was too sad for the wind to eat.

Seri smiled and said: "Absolutely better than lobster and abalone. Come on, you will understand when you see it."

When the six people of the day followed Seri and the purple illusion to the so-called restaurant, six people could not help but stunned. Here, it is still a room built of alloys, not so much a canteen, but rather a laboratory. There are a variety of instruments in it, as well as a variety of containers for different colors of liquid.

The wind is far from stunned to Seri: "Big Brother, are you not letting us eat these things?"

Seri smiled and said: "Why not? These are all the good things that we have developed in the Holy League. Come on, are you not hungry? Come on first." Say, pick up an empty space from the side. One liter of large beakers, the liquid in the front of the instrument, the amount of each liquid seems to have strict limits, after careful measurement, when the beaker is full, it has become colorful, looks very turbid It exudes a pungent smell. Seri handed the beaker to the wind and said: "Drink, good things."

The wind is crying and mourning: "Elder Seri, if you poison me, we will have one young man in the Holy League."

Purple magic cold road: "You can choose not to drink, but in the three months of your training, there is only one cup a day. If you don't drink, starve to death."

The wind is far and angry: "You... although you are very beautiful, but you are tempered by your temper, I am afraid I can't find a man in my life."

The purple illusion screamed, "I hate men most, no better. You can't drink, don't delay time, after the meal, rest for half an hour and you will start today's transformation."

The wind confessed to the fate: "I drink, I can't drink it. Oh, I have to endure." Holding a beaker, the mouthful of turbid liquid was poured into the abdomen. Although it smelled bad, but the turbid liquid did not have any odor, just like white water, after a while, it was drunk by the wind.

Seri said: "You should not underestimate these liquids. This is the first time that our nine special researchers have been successful under the leadership of Peter. After many years of development, it is not only the first step in your body's anti-drug transformation. At the same time, it is also the best tonic to enhance your physical strength. It contains a variety of cherished drugs from the various stars of the Galaxy Alliance. It is synthetically refined. The reason why your training period is three months is precisely because All the medicines are only enough for you to drink for three months. I think, after three months, you just want to die. What kind of transformation people have been studied by the parliament? After cultivation, these liquids can put organs in your body. Complete improvement, without the use of abilities, with the flesh can not be shredded in different spaces. If you encounter a laser strike, just like a bath. You said, is this a good thing?"

The wind is far away, "Yes, yes, this is really a good thing. Big Brother Serry, give me another drink."

Seri gave him a look and said: "You kid, I really don't understand why you chose to be a saint. Everything is a matter of degree. Do you still understand the truth? The dose you take is countless times. It was only determined after the study. Going to the side, the other person."

Everyone has drunk this unpalatable dinner. Under Seri’s explanation, they are also willing. When the last blue pick up the beaker, carefully ask: "Seri, this thing will not have any side effects."

Seri said: "This is not my research, what side effects can be. You can rest assured. It took more than five years for the experiment alone. Later, you want to drink it yet. Several of the most important The drug is now extinct."

Drinking this turbid liquid, the sky marks only feel a fever all over the body, and there is no special feeling, and there is no special care. The rest time is only half an hour. He still has something to deal with. He has a look to the lily and took the lead. . He and Rogga are like a fishbone in the throat. If he does not say it to the lily, he will never feel at ease. He is ready to face the blame of Lily.

Lily was a little red, and she glanced at the other people sitting next to me and bowed her head out.

The brows were slightly wrinkled, she also wanted to go, and got up a few times, but in the end she sat down, the intimacy of Lily and the sky mark in the morning, until this time it was still deeply printed in the blue heart, with the water system too When the elders practiced, they still didn't feel anything. At this time, her heart was still unable to calm down. She began to think about it, thinking about her feelings about the sky mark, is friendship? Still something else? Blue heart, messed up.

Out of the "canteen", the sky marks turned around and directly followed the lily that came out of his own. In the arms, Lily first felt a stiff body, looked up at the sky marks, and slid softly on his broad chest, feeling The sky marks some uneven smell, softly said: "The mark, what happened to you?"

The sky mark is next to the soft and delicate body of Lily. The feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment is so comfortable. The emotional way: "Lily, only holding you, my heart can be calm, and I will feel safe."

Lily smiled slightly and said: "Do you have a stupid saying that you are not the first brother who just touched the power. Even the 40-level firepower is not your opponent. What security is it?"

The sky marks his head and shook his head. "No, I don't mean that. I mean, only holding you, my heart can't be lost. Lily, do you know how much I miss you?"

Lily's eyes are somewhat blurred, whispered: "I, I miss you too. I like the feeling of being held by you. Sky marks, why are you so good to me, is Lily worth it?"

"It's worth it, of course worth it." Tianshen said firmly, "Lily, in fact, you are also the harbor where I shelter from the wind! Only when I am with you, I will not be confused because of other times, only with you. It was so comfortable when I first saw you, I thought that you are the home of my life."

Lily didn't talk any more, and her hands wrapped around the waist of the sky, clinging to him, as if afraid of losing him. The two embraced each other and felt the tenderness in each other's hearts.

For a long while, the body of the sky marks a slight shock. He remembered the purpose of calling himself a lily. Hesitated again and again, he decided to tell Lily everything. "Lily, I did something wrong."

Lily looked up and looked at the sky mark with some stunned look, whispered: "What?"

The sky mark sighed and smiled bitterly: "I really don't know how to say this thing, you can see it yourself. I pass my memory to you."

"Transfer memory?" Lily looked at the sky marks in surprise.

Tianzi nodded and said: "After my mental strength became strong, I suddenly discovered that using the fusion of the two forces of darkness and space, I realized a new ability to directly read the memories of others. Of course, the premise It is the mental strength of the other party that I can't do. In the same way, by applying this ability backwards, you can pass your memory to others. You relax your body, don't resist, I pass the memory to you. Look at this. After the memory of the paragraph, you are willing to punish me. Anyone who is right or wrong can not tell me, at least my memory will not be fake." Speaking of here, the sky marks slowly raise the right hand, the index finger points to the lily The eyebrows.

Lily closes her eyes, she will not have any alert to the sky mark, a cool airflow is passed into the lily of the sky along the fingers of the sky mark, Lily only feels the whole body shocked, and the scene is clearly presented in the mind. . With the method of memory transfer, the sky mark begins with the own transport ship, and the transport ship encounters a different space storm. How does it come to the bird star in the effect of the different space storm, and everything that happened with Luojia is accurately presented in the lily. before.

The memory flashed very quickly. Twenty minutes later, Tianzheng took back his finger and looked at Lily in a mood, waiting for her to pronounce a sentence against herself.

Lily's long eyelashes opened, and there was a little more in the soft eyelids. The sky marks let go of the hand and lowered his head to step back. He said: "If you think that I don't deserve you, then I..." Very chaotic, facing my own love, I really don't know how to explain it. Everything that happened has already told Lily through memory. Now he can only wait for the verdict.

"Don't say it." Lily's tone is very calm, and her face is reddish. Obviously, she is influenced by the chun palace. She stepped forward and re-integrated into the sky mark, and chuckled, "I just want it." What?"

A trace of the day, said: "Don't you blame me?"

Lily looked up at the sky mark, softly said: "In terms of feelings, although I may not be so generous, but I will not eat boring vinegar. This matter is completely manipulated by Luo Jia, what is the relationship with you? The mistake is not with you. Moreover, in my case, I never thought about monopolizing you."

The face marks changed and said: "What do you mean? Don't you love me?" Lily treated him so gently, and the sky marks some discomfort. In the subconscious, he hoped that the lily would be angry, so that Lily could be proved. I loved myself, but the reaction of Lily was so calm.

Lily sighed and said: "Day marks, you should not misunderstand. You also know my ideals. For this ideal, I can't accompany you to take care of you and help you. So, I am not against you having other wives. ”

Tianzheng smiled and said: "This will not be taught by several teachers. Love, shouldn't it be monopolized?"

Lily smiled and shook her head. "No, love is giving. I love you, so I want to think for you. I hope that you can be happy, not just Luojia. I see, blue seems to have a feeling for you. You want to I am willing to wait for a long time, so paying, how can I still demand to monopolize you? It is unfair to you, you are not an ordinary man, I do not want you to have any restraint on yourself because of this. Feeling, let go of the arms, if you really like people, people also have feelings for you, I don't care more than a few sisters." When it comes to her face, her face is redder, how can she not want to monopolize? But as Tianzheng said, she followed the three mothers from an early age, and she was very open in this respect. Moreover, because of her own ideals, Lily never thought that she would get true love. The feelings of the day mark can be an accident for her. For the man who is willing to give everything for herself, she has a few points in her heart.

The sky marks the lily, for a time, I don’t know what to say, but at least the matter of Luojia has been solved. He understands that Lily does not object to polygamy, and it is inevitably subject to the three masters. influences. He doesn't know whether he should thank the three masters, or should blame them, at least now his heart is a little uncomfortable.

Lily said: "Day marks, after the end of this training, I still have to go back to the planet to continue doing my own business. You don't have to limit yourself because of me, although Luo Jia said that it is only because of the blood red star. Do, but I think, if she has no feelings for you, how can I choose you? I will go to her if I have the chance. Guangming has told you about everything. It is not so easy to unify the forces of darkness. Things, with a dark sacrifice to support you, the possibility of success will increase greatly."

The sky marks the face of the lily, and the heavy kisses go down. The greedy **** the gentle lips. It seems that the dissatisfaction with the lily is venting. Lily’s body is shuddering, but soon, she is integrated. This is a deep kiss in the sky mark.

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