Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 104: Purple fantasy only ice family (on)

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The heart of the day marks is chaotic at this time, and the gentleness and generosity of the lily has made him have a new understanding. He understands that Lily does not necessarily want to monopolize his own love. It is only because of her hope in pursuit that she does not know how long it will take to complete. In order not to let herself wait too hard, she will say this. If there is no such thing as Luojia, Tianzhen will certainly wait for it, but Luojia has given himself the most precious virgin body. Can he be irresponsible? At this moment, he was deeply impressed by the fact that Moore’s sentence was involuntarily, and it was really involuntarily!

The cough sounded, and the purple chilly voice interrupted the couple in the kiss. "Time is up, come in, get ready to start the transformation. Come here is not to let you talk about love."

Lips, Lily, shy in the sky, do not dare to see the purple illusion, and the sky marks a slight disgust in the heart, after all, the feeling of being interrupted when the situation is thick is not wonderful. Gently caressing the long hair of the lily, and said: "I know, this is coming."

Purple illusion glanced at the sky mark, turned and went, Lily got up from his arms, caressing the cheeks of the sky mark, said: "Scar, go ahead. I am going to practice myself. Here we still don't get along alone. Otherwise, it will let others gossip."

In the eyes of the sky, the cold light flashed. "I am not afraid. If anyone wants to say anything, let them say it. You are mine. Although we can't combine it for a while, you will one day be your wife."

Lily picked up her toes and kissed her in the lips of the sky. "Go ahead, don't let everyone wait."

Tianzheng looked at Lily deeply and said: "Do you know? If you can't really marry you, my heart will never be settled." Then he turned and walked to the "canteen."

Lily looks at the back of the sky mark, the eyes in the eyes are soft like water. This tall and handsome man loves himself deeply and is willing to endure loneliness for his dreams. How can he not understand his contribution? Skymark, when Lily has completed his dream, he will love you wholeheartedly, no matter what you become at that time.

Back in the "canteen", the sky mark found that on the side of the wall did not know when to open a door, the other few people are gone, apparently entered another room behind the door. Stride in, in the room, he saw five things like a health warehouse, the health warehouse is fully enclosed, can not see the situation inside.

Seri greeted the sky mark and pointed to the health care warehouse on the far side: "Brother, take off your clothes and go in." Purple magic walked to the health warehouse, press the switch above, the cover slowly opened. In the health warehouse, the greenish liquid almost spread to half of the place. The day mark went to the health warehouse and looked at the purple illusion. He said, "Are you avoiding it?"

The purple faint faint look at the sky mark, said: "In my eyes, there is no difference between you and a beaker."

"You..." The sky mark is not a grumpy person, but the cold words in the face of the purple illusion are really unbearable.

The purple illusion did not go out, Seri went out, and when he left, he greeted the purple illusion and said: "The sky mark will be handed over to you."

The sky was stunned. At this moment, he was surprised to see that the purple illusion with a cold face was undressing, and he hurried back and said, "You, what are you doing?"

There is still no change in the purple illusion. "You are different from other people. Several elders make decisions, you will make special transformations, and I am the medium of transformation. Hurry up, take off your clothes and lie in the pool. ""

"No, this is absolutely not good. You have seen it. I already have a loved one. I can't do that with others. I don't need special transformations, just like everyone else." The purple illusion is no better than blue. What is blue, although facing her, but the heart of the mark is still a burst of stirring, after all, behind him is a naked, said nothing at all, is absolutely deceptive.

"Asshole, put away your embarrassing thoughts. What do you think I am going to do?" There was a bit more anger in the purple illusion.

A trace of the sky, subconsciously turned back, he was surprised to see that the purple magic body did not know when it had condensed a layer of ice-like crystals, the beautiful delicate body looming, looks full of powerful temptation "What are you going to do? If you don't make it clear, I will never let you easily transform me."

The purple illusion sounds from the ice crystal. "You are annoying. If you change to the squid, you have already lie in." Simply put, there will be great pain in the transformation of you. The stimulation of the body is too strong. Therefore, I must use the body of ice and cold to protect the clearness of your mind. Otherwise, if you are not good, you will give up your efforts. I am an iceman on the Xuan Xuan planet, just use my body. Temperature helps you, not what you want to do. If you don't want others to see you with me, just hurry."

Tianzheng does not understand how the transformation of himself is different from other people. Although he does not have much affection for the purple illusion, he believes that in such an important matter, the purple illusion will not lie to himself, and she has not lied. Your own necessity. Thinking of this, no longer hesitate, take off his clothes, and walked into the health warehouse to lie down. The green liquid will immerse the body in the sky, and the feeling of warmth will continue to flow from the liquid. It is as comfortable as a hot water bath. The sky marks up on the head and exposes the nose and mouth to breathe outside. The purple illusion stretched into the health bin under the ice crystal, and inserted a spherical instrument into the sky mark. A tube was attached to the back of the instrument and extended outward. Fresh oxygen is constantly coming from the instrument. The sky marks suddenly feel dark in front of the eyes, the lid of the health warehouse has been closed, and an unusually cold body has helped his body. Although the weight is not large, the strong cooling makes the sky mark Can not help but some are difficult to resist. Subconsciously use your own space to isolate the contact with the cold body. He knows that it is a purple illusory body. If it is normal, a naked beauty is on the body. He probably has a man’s reaction, but now it is different. The purple illusion is so cold that his The brothers could not look up at all.

The liquid in the health warehouse seems to be constantly increasing, and the purple illusion sounds. "Don't use your ability to block my body, relax yourself, and accept everything around you."

The liquid seems to have filled the entire health bin, and the sky mark can only breathe with the instrument in the mouth, reluctantly recovering the space ability and feeling the cold touch. The purple magical arm ring on the neck of the sky mark, although the body is covered with a layer of ice crystals, but still can clearly feel the elasticity of the skin, the two people's body is in close contact, the sky marks secretly smile, this is not half rape? Why do women now like this? It is a pity that it is an ice, otherwise, it is really enjoyable, lily! I'm sorry.

In the delusion, the surrounding liquid gradually changed, the temperature continued to rise, and the sky mark clearly felt that a stream of heat continued to invade his body, and the heat became more and more intense, gradually turning into a burning feeling. The stocks of the stocks continue to impact their bodies, and even his strong mental strength feels too much to eat. At this time, the coldness of the purple illusion will not make him repel, but it will become a life-saving straw, and the cold air will continue to be introduced into the body, neutralizing the negative effects caused by the heat flow. The sky marks a big mouth and breathes the oxygen from the instrument. The hands subconsciously hold the purple illusion, and the purple illusion is slightly trembled, not because the sky marks are holding him, but in the burning, the sky marks. The lower body has already reacted, and it is placed on some soft parts.

The sky marks did not find changes in his body. It was so hot that the temperature was still rising. He gradually couldn’t stand it. In the heat, the skin gradually came with a sting. The most painful thing was that he was actually in his body. It is also like burning, the heat inside, he knows, this must have been the role of the previous drink, both inside and outside attack, strong pain constantly stimulating the body of the sky mark, his arms subconsciously tightened, The physical contact with the purple illusion is more compatible, and only the cold outside can weaken the painful invasion.

The pain is still constantly escalating, and it is like a million needles in the body and in the body, which produces intense stimulation. The body of the day marks trembles subconsciously. This kind of pain, even his abilities and cosmic gas can't be ruled out. Suddenly, the sky mark feels that the lower body is tight, and it seems to have entered a warm nest. The body trembled fiercely, and the cold teeth bite on his shoulders. The strong comfort came from the lower body, and he shared a lot of pain and made the mind of the sky mark clear. The whole body was shocked. He immediately understood what he had done and hurriedly wanted to withdraw. However, the space in the health warehouse was small and only half of it was withdrawn. He could no longer move his body. The feeling of refreshing was relieved. It has weakened a lot, and the pain caused by the liquid in the health warehouse has multiplied. In the pain that is almost intolerable, the sky marks the subconscious mind and re-enters the warm nest.

The purple illusion of the body trembles fiercely, and a cold temper is constantly being introduced into the body from the lower body of the sky mark. The feeling of pain and happiness intertwined brings strange stimulation to the sky mark. At this moment, all the scruples are because The strange feelings disappeared, and he began a rapid and powerful impact. Only by mad venting can the pain of the body be weakened. Under his impact, the purple illusion of the body trembled constantly, the warm nest tightly contracted, seems to want to exclude the sky marks, but this, but more enhanced the feeling of stimulation.

As the two opposite feelings of pain and refreshment continue to rise, the consciousness of the sky mark is gradually blurred. He only knows that he is doing an action repeatedly, and the nest where the lower body is located gradually softens from the original tightening. The slippery feeling makes it easier to get in and out. Suddenly, the purple illusion of the body violently picks up, the soft nest is violently contracted, and a strong sense of coldness impacts the strong part of the sky mark. The strong comfort makes him completely released. There was a sigh in my mind, and I lost consciousness in the violent comfort.

I don't know how long it took, the sky marks slowly wake up, the comfort and pain disappeared, the whole body warmed and slowly got up. He found that the health cover didn't know when it had been opened. The original greenish liquid has turned pale yellow at this time, is it all illusion? The day marks ask yourself. Suddenly, he saw a trace of blood red in the yellow liquid, and the whole body was shocked. He immediately understood that it was not an illusion, and that the purple illusion was still a virgin. In the fascinating situation, he actually formed a fit with the iceberg beauty. Is this she raped herself or raped her? It’s hard to calm down because of the opening of the lily. Helpless to climb out of the health warehouse, the yellow liquid in the warehouse does not touch, a health warehouse, the sky mark immediately felt a heat flow from the whole body, his skin is much more crystal-clear than before, under the skin It seems that there is a halo circulation, open the space bag, put on a piece of clothing and stare at the inner view. The sky mark is surprised to find that the meridians in his body have turned into a crystal-like color, and the blood flowing is so clear, and his own The ability has also fully recovered to its best. He didn't know what state the body had changed, but it was certain that both the skin surface and the meridians increased the strength and toughness.

"You are awake." The cold voice came, and the sky mark looked in the direction of the sound. I saw that the purple illusion was standing at the door, and her delicate body was once again wrapped in the white uniform.

Looking at the cold purple illusion, the sky marks a bitter smile: "Yesterday, I, I really didn't mean it."

Purple snorted and said: "Is that I deliberate?"

Heavenly marks the bitter smile of the life: "It is my fault, purple magic, if I can, I am willing to make any compensation."

Surprisingly, the purple illusion has a faint smile on her face. She is beautiful. When a smile appears, it is like a fairy, and it is moving. "You don't need guilt, this is designed." This is what I should and must do."

A trace of the sky, "Designed? Is that what you said, or did you **** me? But I don't understand why you are doing this. Although you are also a member of the Holy Alliance, you don't have to pay for the Holy League. Big, that kind of thing, no one can ask for your right! After all, the virgin body should be your most precious thing."

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