Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 104: Purple fantasy only ice family (below)

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The purple illusion reveals complex emotions and stunned: "The most precious thing? No, you are wrong. For me, even for the whole ice people, it is a deadly poison. You don't have to guilty, though I made it all out and you became the body of crystal, but you also fulfilled me and solved the crisis of my life."

The day marks are gone, "I don't understand what you mean."

Purple Fantasy looked at his high-tech synthetic watch and said: "Other people need some time to wake up. You are my first man, let me tell you. Do you know the ice family?"

The sky marks quickly searched for resources in the brain. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he was surprised: "Do you mean the ice family that spreads the cold plague?" The ice family once saw in the history of the development of the Galaxy Alliance. However, it was about a hundred years ago, the ice family was born on a planet called Xuan Xuan, the planet is only winter, covering the ice and blood all the year round, and the ice people are developing in the Galaxy Alliance. Found on the planet, the ice family has very strange characteristics, can spread the cold poison of its own to humans, there have been hundreds of people died in this cold poison, there has been panic in the Galaxy League, in order not to affect To humans, the Galaxy Alliance has carried out a great cleansing of the ice races on Xuan Xuanxing, which has already eliminated them, and listed Xuanxuanxing as a taboo star. No one is allowed to land in any way, otherwise it will be destroyed. Unexpectedly, the beautiful purple illusion in front of him turned out to be his ethnic group.

The purple illusion screamed, "In all the records of the Galaxy Alliance, we should say that we are plagues. But do you know what the truth is like?"

Tianzi said: "Listen to what you said, there should be a hidden feeling."

There is a strong hatred in the eyes of the purple illusion. "There are no ice people in the world. The so-called ice people are actually just ordinary humans. Every time a new administrative star can be found, the Galaxy Alliance will send one. The expedition team went to the planet to study. And my ancestors were the members of the expedition squad. There were more than 300 people. At that time, when they arrived at Xuan Xuan, they could not adapt to the temperature there. The ship's energy could not be supported forever. At the time of the exploration, various environments suitable for human existence were found on Xuan Xuanxing. So the captain of the time decided to carry out an expedition on Xuan Xuanxing, three hundred. People left dozens of guardian warships, and all others were dispatched to start the detection of Xuan Xuanxing at a low temperature of minus 40 degrees. After nearly a month of inquiry, they discovered a valley in the valley. As warm as spring, all the researchers couldn’t help but cheer when they found the valley, but they knew where it was because of this adventure. Pushing into the abyss of death. After entering the valley, the researchers began to study the various plants. They found that there is a red fruit in the plant that has high nutritional value and can be used by humans. For research, among them Some people ate the fruits with their own bodies as experimental products, and the results were better than expected. The fruits not only restored their strength, but also supplemented all the nutrients needed by the human body. At the same time, they also had the ability to resist cold. And let the body aging and dysfunction disappear, if in human terms, it can be counted as a fairy fruit. Unfortunately, the number of such fruits is not much, with this discovery, they immediately to the Galaxy Alliance The parliament made a report and received the commendation from the parliament. The holy liquid of our sacred alliance was made after research and according to the nutritional ratio of this fruit. At the time, the researchers thought that if the fruit could be transplanted to humans All the planets are going to be able to enhance the human ability as a whole. Soon, the Galaxy Alliance sent a group of people to Xuan Xuan. Directly led by the Speaker of the Galaxy Union Council at the time. There were more than a dozen members accompanying them, and the others were all robots. At that time, the captains of the first batch of researchers thought that the Speaker was afraid of the environmental impact on Xuan Xuanxing. Only the robots that were forbidden to develop were brought up, but soon he knew that he was wrong. After surveying the valley, the robots led by the speaker directly occupied their warships and began the massacre."

"Ah, why is that? The discovery of that fruit should be credit! Why is it killing heroes?" The sky marks frowned.

Purple illusion: "Because of greed. At that time, the captain reported directly to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. In order to be able to take this kind of fruit for himself, it is only in the hands of a few people. It is their choice, so he leads My ancestors came to Xuan Xuanxing personally. My ancestors reacted immediately after a sudden attack, but they were too weak after all. In the face of powerful robots, they only fled. At that time, Already hundreds of people have died, others have ran out, using the body that is not afraid of the cold to desperately escape. The speaker commanded the robot to chase them, the human body can never be compared with the robot, and more and more people die. At a critical juncture, the researchers discovered a valley. In order to avoid the pursuit, they had to escape. The environment in the valley saved them, and the temperature there was several times lower than that of Xuan Xuanxing. One Baidu. Even a robot can't survive in that environment. A large number of robots are completely destroyed, and only a very small part is frozen. Researchers Through the cognition of science and technology, the procedures of these robots were changed, and the thought of destroying the enemy was added to the program and brought back to the valley. This allowed them to escape temporarily. After the star is listed as a taboo star, it destroys all the evidence on the grounds you know. The valley that is as warm as spring is occupied by him. The funny thing is that the ice man he made has actually appeared. Although the researchers in the ice valley are not afraid of the cold, but a big problem threatens them, they are human beings, and they need food! In desperation, they can only search in the cold valleys, perhaps they are in love with them. The researchers who sacrificed their greed to the high-ranking people discovered a blue fruit. At that time, there was no time for research. In order to relieve hunger, they only had to eat this kind of thing. As a result, the ice people produced The blue fruit is actually a cold thing. Even if the red fruit that I have eaten before partially offsets some of the cold, it still erodes their body. It has become short-lived, with a total of less than 100 people, who have died in decades, and the number has become increasingly rare. Until twenty-two years ago, under the drive of curiosity, Peter was personally led by the great elders of the League. The **** came to Xuan Xuanxing. They avoided the guards left by the Galaxy Union Council and surveyed the entire Xuan Xuanxing. When they searched for the ice valley, they found a baby girl in a mountain. And hundreds of ice sculptures of the human body and the remains of these people. From the ruins they realized that the secret of the original Iceman was like this. And the baby girl is the last iceman, that is me."

Tianshen’s heart is full of pity. No wonder the purple illusion is so cold to anyone. It turns out that she has such a miserable life. Before she floats on her body, she gently puts the purple magical cold body into her arms and looks at her tears. Pretty face, soft voice: "All have passed, don't be sad, those people will always get retribution."

The purple illusion whispered: "It was the hope that Peter gave me a new life. After he took me back to the institute, he discovered the cold poison that I had. In order to make me survive, he used all kinds of methods. I want to dispel the cold poison, but the temperature of my cold poison has reached an astonishing 260 degrees. When any medicine enters my body, it will be frozen immediately. Even if it is soaked, it can only be temporarily Keeping my life. Time passed, I grew up, and Teacher Peter was always troubled by my business. Ten years ago, he finally thought of a feasible way, if you can use thousands of precious herbs. The fusion method developed a drug, and after a high-heat baptism, perhaps there is a way to poison the cold in my body. However, this method has a problem, that is, there must be a person to make a primer, if it is an ordinary person Even with the ability of the judge, it will be harmed by my cold poison. Only the flame in the dark can resist the invasion of this cold poison, which is the **** fire that you know. The drug was developed, but The person who is the initiator has never been found. In the dark world, there are very few people who can have the power of Hellfire. Besides, they are all dark judges with amazing ability. How can they easily make it a model? Ok, I am afraid I will be hurt by it. A few days ago, when you were fighting against the judges, Peter was actually in the big arena. As a member of the high level of the Holy League, he knew that you have the ability to dark. I didn't report much hope. I just wanted to see what your darkness reached. I didn't expect you to use Hellfire. So, after discussing with the Evergrande elders, Peter decided to let you and I use each other as the medium of each other. I am soaking and transforming you with ten times the dose. It is theoretically absolutely feasible through simulation experiments and previous studies. So, there is the scene last night. Unfortunately, After all, theory is not practice. After the drug gradually saturates your body, it has already triggered your hidden hellfire ability, but it still cannot be used as a primer to drive out the cold poison in my body. When I am somewhat desperate, you, you have entered my body, the cold is connected with the heat, the theory has finally become a practice, my body is affected by the heat that you are constantly passing, and the cold poison in the body is finally gradually dispersed. I got a new life, and you, also become the body of the crystal, after four hours of forging in medicine, your body can withstand the 80-level impact of its own cultivation. And the alien attack, Unless you can't hurt you unless the intensity can exceed the forty-level ability. I mean you don't have to defend yourself. Now your skin is lighter than any known technology. We must be tougher. So, we are using each other. You don't have to think about it because of my business. I have heard the word one-night stand before, even if we have this night love." Purple illusion to the sky mark Yan smiled and said: "In fact, I still take advantage of you cheap, you are just a physical transformation, but I am born again."

The sky marks a slight smile, said: "Purple fantasy, then what are you going to do in the future? Continue to study in research?"

Purple illusion shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, in fact, I am also one of the candidates of the saint. Because of my congenital ice, I have a special ability, not an orthodox water system, but a pure ice system. Yes. After last night's business, my ability has been fully opened, and I don't have to worry about causing cold poison. My ability is special, and blue is not necessarily my opponent. Because you and I fit, you are my only one. The flaws. I have to go, the cold poison is discharged, I can also start to practice. If I can have the absolute zero ability, I think, it will not be worse than the judge's realm. After you physically transform, you will be Selina fat man is fully responsible." Standing straight from the sky mark, and looking at him deeply, he turned and walked outside.

"Wait." The sky mark subconsciously calls the purple illusion.

The purple illusion turned back. "Is there anything else?" The mist in the beautiful glimpses flashed, and she looked at the tall and handsome sky marks. Her heart could not help but stir.

Tianzi said: "Can we see you again in the future?" Even he himself did not understand why he asked.

Purple faint smile, said: "I don't know, if there is a fate, maybe we can see you again. Sky marks, maybe when I need warmth, I will come to you." Cold, reappear in her face On, a cold cold flashed from the purple magical eye, she resolutely turned and went. Solving the crisis of life, she now only hates, hate those who have maimed her ancestors.

The purple illusion left, the sky mark stood alone, reminiscent of everything that happened last night, the back of the purple illusion when left, deeply imprinted in the depths of his mind.

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