Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 179: Use my blood (on)

The 179th chapter uses my blood (on)

In the eyes of the sky, two groups of sultry people burst into the light. The three women who saw Melis were shocked at the same time. The blue and clear remembered that such a powerful war was not the first time that it appeared on the sky mark. The last time it appeared. At that time, it was when he and the powerful transformation fighter Xuantian played against Longchuan Star, the power of the demon king, which in turn aroused the war in the heart of the day, they did not know, this is a good thing or a bad thing.

The sky marks and the fists are clenched, and the bones are squeaking, and the faint road: "Méris, I will definitely avenge you." His heart has already flown to the Devil's Temple. In his lifetime, there is no time to be stronger than now. More eager. He is convinced that there must be items of the demon in the temple of the demon. The four items of the demon can already make him a leader of mankind. If you collect the items of the eleven devils, you will be able to compete with the demon.

The room was in a short silence. The eyes of the three women fell on the sky marks. In their hearts, there was a lot of worry. For them, they didn’t want the sky mark to face the demon king. It would be The game of death.

The eyes of Tianzheng don’t know when it turns into silver, blue, purple, and Melis. Without any precautions, the body is bound by a powerful force. The space is like a huge cage. Coagulation, so that they can not move with a finger. The sky was moving, and the silver eyes suddenly turned black, deep black, staring at the purple and blue, softly: "Sleep, sleep. You need to rest, only in sleep, you can see wonderful. world."

The blue and purple illusion is not firm, but in this sudden change, the two women are in the midst of surprise, subconsciously looking at the deep eyes of the sky mark.

Regarding the work on the eye, no one in the crowd can stare at the Medusa of the Upper Roga, but the hypnotism used by the Sky Mark is issued by the dark power that motivates himself. The blue and purple illusion only felt a faint stun in my mind, and in the hypnotism, the subconscious fainted. The sky marks raised his hand, and with a single wave, two huge white petals appeared under the blue and purple illusion, wrapped around their bodies, and fluttered to the side.

The eyes turned to Melis, who was also fixed by herself, but was surprised to find that Melis’s eyes didn’t know when it turned into pure black, which turned out to be anti-hypnosis. "Master, you, what are you doing?"

The sky mark sighed and said: "Milis, members of the Dracula family are very difficult to regenerate blood. This is not known to the Lipton family. Do you still know? Don't resist, this is me to you. The command."

Melis was shocked all over the body. "No, master, I can't accept your order. How can this be?"

The sky marks a slight smile, said: "What can't be done, when the purple illusion used to make medicine for myself with my own blood, I am strong and strong, give you some blood and nothing, I know you will not agree. Otherwise, this method will not be used. "In the eyes, the light is released. This time, the sky mark uses the ability to be confused.

Under the powerful cosmic gas, the emperor flower reached the realm of the watcher. With the ability to confuse, the sky mark once easily controlled the six gray demons for their own use. At this time, Melis was in a weak state. His ability can't compete at all. A layer of faint golden light is attached to Melis's skin. She only feels that she smells a sweet smell, and her mind falls into a deep sleep. The spiritual power of the sky marks takes over. Her body.

Melis's body slowly sat up under the control of the sky mark, and the day mark helped her so that she would not touch her own wound. The soft white cosmic gas enters her delicate body with a small amount of darkness, moisturizing every part of her body, especially the right shoulder just after the connection, with such a powerful cosmic moisture, the life atmosphere can be completely Make Melis's arm no different from before.

The reason why she helped her to sit up was mainly to prevent her from getting drunk when she drank blood.

Lifting his right hand to the mouth of Melis, the silver flashes in his eyes, and a clear wound appears on his wrist. Under the control of mental power, unless the sky marks are willing, the wound will never close. Blood is like a stream flowing slowly into the mouth of Melis. Under the control of the spirit of separation, Melis continues to swallow.

The main reason why Tianzheng decided to give his blood to Melis was because he had received the help of the energy of life, although the breath of life did not improve his ability, but, the day The traces are faintly felt, because of the **** of life, the vitality of oneself and passion is far more powerful than the average person. Under the nourishment of life, my own blood naturally has a stronger vitality. Vampires drink blood, to the level of Melis, although there is no need to drink blood to maintain their own lives, but blood is always their best tonic, especially the blood like their own, the effect will be good. Therefore, he did everything he had done before.

Swallowing the blood of the sky mark, the essence of Melis vampire gradually appeared, the pale and pretty face was a little more blush, and the feeling on the color was much better. The blood is constantly losing, and the sky marks are afraid that they have not given enough, and they have not stopped. Melis's vitality is constantly recovering in his vital blood, and the sky mark itself gradually feels dizzy.

Under the circumstance, Melis's spiritual power has begun to resist the confusion of the emperor's flowers. The sky marks a shock, and the spirit is strong, and the speed of blood flow is accelerated. Of course, he knows that people will die when they lose a third of their blood. He also believes that it is enough for Melis to have a third of their own blood. So, no matter what, you must reach a third.

Melis's struggle is getting stronger and stronger, and the face that gradually becomes pale has a smile, gradually reducing the transmission of blood, and increasing the moisture of the cosmic gas.

I haven't tested it, I can't feel the loss of one-third of the blood. The sky mark feels tired and tired. Even if the ability is strong, I lose so many sources of life - blood, for him, the impact is still very big. There is a faint stream of light in the eyes, feeling the vitality of Melis's constant recovery. He knows that everything he has done is not in vain.

The mouth closed naturally, the day marks bowed, kissed Melis's lips, and removed the control of her confusion. The white cosmic gas envelops their bodies, constantly moisturizing Melis, and constantly helps the sky mark to restore the vitality of the lost. With the influence of the cosmic gas on the body, his whole body hematopoietic function can be fully opened, supplementing the lost blood. .

Melis faintly awake, and although the sky marks her on her lips, she did not bring a slight weight. Since the injury, Melis’s spirit has been in a state of wilting due to excessive blood loss. The sky marks feel good. As a vampire family, blood is almost the most important thing in their lives, not to mention excessive blood loss, even if it is only a little blood. The loss will have a big impact on them. If Melis is not relying on her powerful dark powers and the enhanced cosmic atmosphere, the day after dealing with the demon queen, the blood that was lost because of the broken arm is enough for her life. Now, she got as much as one-third of the blood in the sky mark, and the vitality of the blood made her full of energy. Under the vitality of her vitality, her current state is even better than before the injury, except for the left arm. There are no problems except for some awkwardness.

The vampire is the most sensitive to blood. Although she lost her consciousness before, but now she only knows what the sky mark has done with the smell of the most salty, the right arm is holding back the sky mark and letting his body Pressing on myself, passionately kissing back, at this moment, she seems to feel that her life has been connected with the sky mark, his body has his blood!

The day marks turned over and lay beside Melis. After doing this, he felt a lot easier. Looking at the clean lavender ceiling, he smiled. "Fortunately, your vampires have no requirements for blood type. Otherwise, I want to help you." It doesn't work either. Melis, I can feel my blood in the process of new life now. This is a wonderful feeling! It is not a bad thing to change blood."

"Master, I..."

"Don't say anything, take a nap, blue and purple magic should rest, let us have a good day off, okay?" The dizziness in my mind made the sky mark very tired, but at this time he The heart is completely happy. Closing my eyes, my mind echoed between what happened to me and Melis. From the fascinating count of the vampire who just met, the biggest change of Melis is temperament. Now, who can say her? Is it a part of the dark world? She has been following herself without regrets, and it is nothing to pay for her.

In the middle of the night, the sky mark gradually entered a dreamland. For a long time, his rest was spent in cultivation. It has not been so sweet for a long time to sleep. This feeling, he slept well, even Even the spirit of vigilance has fallen into a deep sleep.

I don’t know how long it took, the sky marks woke up from the shackles. When I opened my eyes, I found that it was still during the day. Warm sunlight sprinkled into every corner of the room, bringing light and temperature, and opened my eyes. He found Mei. Lisi was sitting next to herself, looking at herself for a moment, and couldn't help but ask: "How long have I slept, an hour?"

The bad voice sounded from the other side. "What an hour, one day and one night."

Looking back, I saw blue and purple illusion standing on the other side of the bed. The blue eyes showed an angry light. Although the purple illusion was expressionless, it could be captured from the depths of her eyes. Dissatisfied with the light. One day and one night, with the ability of blue and purple magic, how can you not get rid of the emperor flower that has lost most of its control?

Covering the sly smile, the sky mark turned over and sat up from the bed. The perfect rest of the day and night made the blood in his body have recovered a lot. The cosmic gas released the negative effects of his body in the adjustment of the world. Although it has not yet returned to its best, it is not far off.

Stretching his body, the sky marks go to the blue and purple illusion, one by one, holding their slender waist and saying: "I think you are too tired, I want you to take a rest, this is Care about you! Hey."

Blue is not good-hearted: "Less come, Ms. Melis has told us all. How can you do this? Even if you add blood to Melis's sister, we should come together."

Tianzi said: "Okay, I did it anyway, next time I pay attention to it, I will pay attention next time. I am as strong as a cow, and I have nothing to lose blood. What if you lose prematurely because of blood loss?" His eyes filled with laughter. Imagine, how can the three women really blame themselves? He knows very well that they just feel bad about themselves, and now it is natural to be the best choice.

Melis also stood up and walked to the side of the sky mark. The eyes of the sky mark fell on her. The gauze on the shoulder was gone. At least from the outside, it has returned to normal. "How? Better? ?"

Melis nodded and said: "It's completely fine. Master, Melis's life is yours. Now you have your blood in the body. Please allow me to re-issue the soul sacrifice. ”

If you change a dark power here, you will think that your ears are wrong, and some people willingly give up the vow of soul sacrifice.

Tianzi looked at Melis’s firm eyes and smiled. “You are not fully demobilized now, so let’s talk about it later.”

Blue Road: "The sky mark, Lord Gore wants to see you, and tells you when you wake up."

Tianzhen thought for a moment and said: "The Gore patriarch still wants to see you. I am here waiting for me. I will go see him. When I come back, let us leave the Lipton family. Yesterday I heard Melis say the power of the demon king. We must re-estimate the demons, and only by bringing more strength together will be more secure for us."

After contacting Galeritton with the communicator in the room, Tianshen left the room where Melis was injured and went to the other side of the same floor to see the old patriarch of the Lipton family.

There was only one person in the room, and when the day saw him again, the heart could not help but be a little surprised. The old patriarch, who is known as the first master of the four major families, obviously aging a lot when he met three years ago. Wrinkles are dense. Although the eyes are still sharp, the old state is inevitable.

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