Space Speed Xing Hen

Chapter 179: Use my blood (below)

The 179th chapter uses my blood (below)

After the cosmic gas of the sky mark reached the stage of unity between man and nature, he discovered that human life is impossible to live forever. Even if the metamorphosis is developed, the human body will gradually become aging, especially the brain. Metamorphosis is actually a method of regulating body function. After a certain degree, the brain is no longer affected by this regulation. Will die. Even if the sky marks his current state, he does not dare to say that he will live forever in the future, but he will be alive longer than ordinary human beings.

Metamorphosis has developed to the present, but for more than a hundred years, it can indeed increase the life span of human beings. So, so far, people who have used metamorphosis have lived well and remain young unless they are surprised. Appearance. However, in the next few decades, or a hundred years, it will be difficult to say whether this situation will be broken. The human brain can be said to be the most sophisticated biological instrument. I want to study it thoroughly. I am afraid that humans still need a long time.

From the surface observation of Goralton, his current state of mind is very bad, which will accelerate the aging of the brain. In the future, it depends on his own adjustment. "Hello, Lord Kohler. From the point of view of the seniors, I should call you a grandfather, but I think that you must come to me to talk about business, I still call you a patriarch."

Gole Rilton pointed to the sofa on the side and said, "Sit down." He looked very tired, leaning against the back of the chair and looking at the sky mark, his eyes showing a gentle glow.

The sky mark sat on the sofa and looked at Goralton: "The patriarch is looking for me, what do you want to tell me?"

Gore Lipton smiled and said: "I should ask you this, it should be that you come to me."

Tian Kedao: "I am very sad that the Gore patriarch, the Hitachi patriarch's sacrifice."

Goericton’s body was slightly shocked, and the sorrowful light flashed through his eyes. The old lost son of one of the three sufferings of life was caught up by him. How could his mood be better? With a sigh, he said: "These are gone. Frankly, I don't even have time for sorrow. There are too many things in the family that I need to deal with. Sky marks, in fact, the entire Lipton family is very grateful to you, if not. After the unrequited love and Melis returning reinforcements, our losses will be even greater. Melis has paid the price of an arm for this, and I am very sorry that she has not protected her safety."

The sky marks are light and said: "Things have passed, the patriarchs don't have to care. I am coming this time, I have to pick up Melis and go back to the wounded."

Gore Lipton nodded and said: "Unexpectedly, with your help, it really blends the magic flower. Now in the family, I am afraid that no one except my mother can compare her ability. You helped the Lipton family to have a sharp-eyed abilities, and you have done what you promised your mother."

Tianzi said: "This patriarch does not have to thank me. At the beginning, if it wasn't for your help and the help of Grandma Ziqing, I couldn't have a stronger cosmic atmosphere, let alone help. This is what I should do. However, I think that I should have paid off the Litton family now."

Gore Lipton's face changed slightly, stood up from the position, walked around the table, went to the center of the hall, and after a long sigh, said: "The sky mark, I have got the news of everything you have done recently, you can say Helping the three major families resolve the crisis. As far as I know, you should have left the sacred alliance three years ago, and are you going to go back?"

The sky mark shook his head and said: "I don't want to lie to you, I am afraid I won't go back."

Gloria Lipton’s eyes shine brightly. “I need people to help me, and the Lipton family needs it.”

The sky marks a slight smile, stood up and walked to the front of Gole Lipton. "Star sword brother should be your good helper."

Golliton shook his head and said: "Compared with you, his mind is enough, his mind is smart enough, but he is infective, a kind of appeal to others, that is enough to infect others. The power together. It is the so-called leadership temperament. Perhaps, after a few years, the Star Sword will be competent, but, do you think the Lipton family can wait for a few years?"

The sky mark smiled and said: "The Gore patriarch is not trying to pass on the patriarch's position to me."

In the eyes of Gole Lipton, there was a deep light in the eyes, saying: "There is nothing wrong with it. The premise is that you change your name to Litton."

Tianzhen was shocked. Although he knew that Goralington had the heart to win over himself, he did not expect that the draw would be so obvious. The Lipton family had such a large stall. Now, this situation can only be described by the hot potato. "Then you have to discuss it with my grandfather. Grandpa can only have such a grandson, I will not be willing."

Gole Lipton said: "Isn't the Lipton family so attractive? I can even promise that I will give you the best. As the first beauty of our Lipton family, it should be worthy of you."

The sky mark stunned, shook his head, and smiled bitterly: "Gorge patriarch, I am sorry, I can't promise you this request. I will always be a sister. Not to mention, you should know that I already have more than one wife. Three women have a play. I have four wives now. I don't want this show to expand. If you have nothing else, then I will leave. Later we will leave the Lipton family. Here, first. Say goodbye to you."

Gore Lipton’s eyes are in full bloom. “Is there no thing that is worthy of your love for the Lipton family?”

Tianzheng shook his head: "You can't say that. I have too many responsibilities. It is not easy to do my own thing. I really can't promise you anything. If there is any crisis in the Lipton family in the future, if I If you can help, you must try your best. The sky marks retire." After that, he respectfully bowed to Gore Lipton and turned around, leaving without any nostalgia.

Looking at the back of the sky mark, Goleton sighed and said: "Taro, you come out."

The unrestrained Lipton just came out of the bedroom in the middle of the room, and the eyes of the United States were a little sluggish, as if they had lost their soul.

Gole Lipton said: "Now what is your intention? He does not want to have anything to do with you."

Before the day marks came, when Gole Rilton sought the unrequited opinion, she refused to combine with the sky mark. Although she had a good impression on the sky mark, she had so many confidantes as the first beauty of the Lipton family. I always feel that if I follow the sky mark, I am very wronged. However, just when she heard the refusal of Tianzheng without hesitation, she found that her heart seemed to have lost something, just like when she knew that Naibi Bill was a woman, even more difficult than that.

Golliton sighed: "With the ability of the sky mark, he just couldn't have known that you were in the room. Then he said it was for you. Stupid girl, if you can let go of your arrogance earlier, maybe the result is not This will be the case. Sometimes, when the opportunity is given up, it will not come again. Which woman is not good around him? Are you stronger than them?"

Unrequitedly headed up and confronted Gorley Litton, she wanted to refute, but she couldn’t say anything, and slammed into the arms of Gorielton and burst into tears. She knows that she has lost what she should not lose.


Different space, the sky mark a person flying slowly, because the body has not fully recovered, so he did not rush to accelerate. After leaving the Lipton family, he and the three women returned directly to the bird star and merged with Luojia, but they set foot on the road to the earth. Although the blue three people did not give up, they also knew that some things were still going to the sky. Processing is better. In particular, he is going to face the great elders and the lieutenant Lily.

Flying on one side, Tianzhen thought in his heart, perhaps, this time is the last time he returned to Earth. I hope that the elders of Guangming can understand their own minds and make plans for the Galaxy Alliance.

The different spaces are colorful and colorful, and the energy of the road is floating. The sky marks still clearly remember how embarrassing it was when you first entered the alien space. At that time, if it was not the star mark, it would be magical. I am afraid that he has already been swallowed up by these strange energies.

Now, the complex energy in the different space is so peaceful in his eyes, there is no need to defend, let the colorful light continue to blow on his body. Cosmic gas will automatically filter out harmful scent and will be suitable for your own absorption.

After feeding his blood to Melis this time, Tianzheng fully realized how important it is to give life to the **** of life. Let me not say that Melis has recovered from one third of her blood. There is also improvement. I said that I lost one-third of my blood. I only slept for one night, and my physical condition recovered more than 80%. Now, Tianzi himself feels more like a monster.

During the flight, the sky mark suddenly felt the airflow in the different space changed. The colorful energy that floated in front of the front was no longer linear, but slowly rotated when they hit their body. It is obvious that this energy is much larger than the ordinary energy impact.

How is this going? Is it that my character is really so bad, and I have encountered a different space storm? It won't be so bad.

When he hesitated to leave the space immediately, the colorful light in front changed again. The rotating lights turned into a colored ball of light, which was like an energy bomb. .

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and the sky mark raised his right hand. The black and white energy condensed into a shield in front of him. At the same time, the white cosmic gas floated out, wrapping his body, and the shape was transparent. The general idea is that it will not appear on him.

The energy ball floated, and the sky marks greeted it. The shields of darkness and space ushered in the bombardment of the energy ball. No sound was emitted. After the shield contacted the energy ball, a piece of space broke out in the space. The color of light rain, the momentum of the sky mark is stagnation, and the speed of progress is restored again. Through this contact, he couldn't help but be surprised. The bombardment of this energy ball can almost be compared with a judge's level abilities. This is also his own. It is difficult to change a poor ability. Competing with it. I hope that they will not encounter the same situation.

After testing the intensity of the energy ball, the sky mark will not be stupid to collide with it again. He has not left the space, because only in the different space, can he reach his destination faster, otherwise, only outside Flying at the speed of light, when will it be possible to reach the earth!

The defensive shield was retracted, and the sky marks were put on the devil's boots. The white figure added a layer of faint black gas, and the body turned into a smog. The speed suddenly increased to three times before, rushing toward the energy ball, and the smoke continued in the air. The change, letting the energy ball be dense, he can easily cross easily, and the cosmic atmosphere of heaven and man has transformed him into a part of the whole space, and quickly goes to the direction of the earth.

At the beginning, Skymark thought that this kind of energy transformation of the alien space storm would not last for a long time, but soon he discovered that this kind of space storm seems to be endless, after a long flight, when he When the coordinates of the Earth are reached, this spherical and different space energy has become more and more violent. The day marks are secretly judged. In this case, let alone the transport ship, that is, the higher warships cannot pass through the different space.

The light flashed, the sky marks jumped out of the different space. Because it didn't fight with the energy ball of different space, he didn't consume too much energy. The blue planet was at his feet, watching the earth, the sky marks muttering. Self-speaking: "The birthplace of mankind, I am back."

The defense on the earth is not as strict as the Lipton star. Although the patrol car has increased, the streets can still see ordinary people moving back and forth. In order to avoid troubles and keep the speed of light, Tianzheng came directly to the headquarters of the sacred ball at the Earth's balance.

The balance ball is vaguely standing outside the balance ball. Looking at this weird building, Tianshen can't help but feel a bit of emotion. I haven't returned here for three years. I don't know if everyone is okay?

At first, I had already fixed the damage to this place. In just ten days, there have been so many things in the Galaxy League. I am afraid that not only is the parliament busy, but I am afraid that the elders are not easy. After all, the sacred alliance is now a loyal supporter of the House of Lords and has participated in many Political affairs, Lily also needs his help.

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