Space Spirit Spring: Farmer Girl Cleverly Headed Home

Chapter 829: Enemy of the whole school

"It's Alocasia! She asked me to teach you a lesson!"

Little Taimei’s nose and tears flowed wildly, she wiped it indiscriminately, the non-waterproof mascara was filled with a piece of it, and the false eyelashes fell off one side and hung ridiculously at the corner of her eyes, looking terrible.

"Alocasia? How much did he pay to hire you?"

Su Haitang felt that the name Alocasia, um, is so difficult to describe.

Little Taimei was stunned, and hurriedly waved her hand to deny!

"No no! We were not hired by her, I confiscated the money."

Seeing her frowning impatiently, the little Taimei suddenly felt her skin tight, so she hurriedly poured her beans out of the bamboo tube.

"So what? Although Alocasia is your sister, she is completely different from the heroine you. She looks so delicate and kind, like a pure Alocasia flower."

Little Taimei is so complacent, she will make a metaphor too!

But her eyes begging for praise met Haitang's cold eyes, and her whole body was cold from the inside out!

Nima, is this the time to praise the goddess of alocasia? She is dead!

"She is not as pretty as you! You are the first school flower voted by the whole school! Calla lilies are not as good-looking as Begonias. Begonias can still bear fruit, unlike calla lilies, whose fruit is still poisonous..."

Little Taimei has almost brought out all her life's knowledge! She didn't even know that she was so knowledgeable, so moved!

"Talk about the point."

Su Haitang did two things with one heart, listening to nonsense and reciting the Tao Te Ching silently, his physical condition improved a bit, and his endurance also improved.

"Oh yes, the selection of school flowers. Well, the goddess of Alocasia tied your votes, and then we thought it was not worth it for her."

"Obviously, Goddess, she has a good temper and a good family background. Why should I lose to you a sordid fetus!"

Little Taimei said, her temper came up again, but at Shanghai Tang's bright eyes made of ice and snow, her anger pierced and was extinguished again, shouting evil in her heart.

Originally Haitang came and walked alone and was quite arrogant, but I didn't think it had such a momentum! Otherwise, who would dare to mess with?

Sure enough, as the goddess of Alocasia said, Xiaosansheng is an actor, with different appearances, and likes to pretend to play with people!

"I won?"

Seeing her distracted, Haitang had to ask.

Isn't it a loss to tie for first place? Because of this, it is too much to beat the crowd to death. Even the children of the third grade have the right to survive. The moral issues of their mothers will be discussed separately.

Speaking of this awful result, Xiao Taimei curled her lips, her face was so ugly that she couldn't bear to look straight!

"It's not you! I don't know what shameless means was used to seduce the president of the school grass president to vote for you a key vote. Only then did you narrowly win and be elected this year's school flower!"

The charm of the school grass is infinite, better than the fear of the terrifying force of Begonia!

Little Taimei, a stubborn fan, curled her lips again, and asked in a vicious voice: "What is the relationship between you and the president! Why did he vote for you? He obviously never cared about this!"

Where does she know!

Su Haitang frowned, feeling the obvious hostility of Little Taimei, and probably understood the reason for the death of the original owner, and was beaten to death by the stupid fans of the school grass!

This is really embarrassing!

Su Haitang, who was once known as a flower in the military camp, has no opinion on the selection of the so-called school flower, but has a headache about the current situation of the public enemy of the school, and the death of the original owner is not worth it.

"Go surrender, pull in your accomplices, don't leave any of them, otherwise, if I do it myself, you will not have the opportunity to go to the lesser education!"

Su Haitang asked for the list of students who participated in the assault of the original owner, threatened coldly and left.

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