Little Taimei slipped away, and Su Haitang didn't care whether she surrendered herself or not. Anyway, the ugly words are at the forefront. If you don't want to go through legal channels, it's better to solve it privately!

She is happy to punish these murderers accordingly for the original owner!

Su Haitang went to the infirmary and found that it was full of students.

A dozen face-to-face, quite familiar.

Su Haitang sneered, stepped into the infirmary, and looked around.

Yude High School is a private high school. It is not the kind of aristocratic school of the kind of tall school, but it also has its own school-running characteristics.

The biggest feature is money!

Yude High School’s investment is undoubtedly the most successful, building the most advanced campus, hiring the best teachers, and recruiting poor top students with the best conditions, as well as the second generation of wealthy and powerful.

Then, conduct strict education in fully enclosed militarized management.

For most poor or ordinary top students, Yude High School is definitely an excellent choice.

Free tuition, high scholarships, excellent teachers and excellent room and board conditions, it is a dream day in heaven!

They are the focus of teachers' one-on-one tutoring and the best guarantee for the admission rate!

Needless to say for special talents, Yude High School can more or less win a few trophies for various awards at home and abroad. It's pretty passable!

And those second generations, the school is not letting it go, but adopting another management model, competition, the strong is king!

Allow them to organize various societies, develop their own small forces, and then create all kinds of opportunities to instigate each other!

The parents of the second generation do not need silly children, so they are very satisfied with the teaching direction of the school.

The school leadership board vigorously supports the student union, suppresses various small groups, and does not make the school order completely out of control.

The members of each session of the Student Union, without exception, have become the backbone of the social elite family. They are willing to give back to their alma mater, which has also contributed to the reputation of Yude High School.

The principal of Yude High School is also very energetic. In recent years, he has contacted many foreign high schools and universities, formed a sister school, recommended university admission qualifications, and got mixed up.

In short, Yude High School is a good school. When school leaders don’t show up very much, the student council is a godlike existence, and the student council president is an absolute leader who responds to everything!

I don’t know if it’s a historical coincidence or the shameless nature of the face dogs. In every election for the president of the student council, the person with the highest face wins!

This is especially true!

Yu Nanjin, with an impeccable look and incomparable mind, is rightly the new president and the **** of the school.

It stands to reason that such a perfect prince of heaven has a better choice, and there is no need to succumb to this small pond.

It is a pity that Yu Nanjin has a fatal flaw, laziness.

Too lazy to take exams, to speak, or even to eat.

Had it not been for a good face, attracting a group of face dogs to feed at any time, he would probably be really lazy to die.

So lazy Yu Nanjin entered Yude, sleeping like a fish in the student union every day, waiting to be fed.

After mixing for three years, his chairman's throne was firmly seated. He didn't attend a class and didn't take care of any work. Someone did it for him.

If it weren't for the turmoil in the selection of school flowers this time, the fans of the two factions had made appointments several times, which affected the intrigue of other societies, oh no, it was the development of competition, and things wouldn't get in front of him.

After all the effective votes of the students in the school were counted, they were strangely tied. This is also an eternal wonder.

The final decision right falls into the hands of the last student council president who has the right to vote!

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