"It’s not convenient for the president to disturb now. Don’t make troubles unreasonably! Don’t stand up as if you are rehabilitated. You should take a good look in the mirror. What else do you have besides looking good? Are you worthy of the president?"

Teresa threatened in a low voice, her eyes were not good, her hands were tightly clenched, but she was very restrained and didn't want to act impulsively.

"Isn't it enough for me to look good? Yan is justice!"

Su Haitang boasted brazenly and smiled in a very good mood.

"You are shameless! Are you shameless?!"

Deng Lisha was trembling with anger. If it weren't for the guild leader who was sleeping next door, and the surveillance in the office, she would have torn the face of this woman! She didn't want it anyway!

Su Haitang looked horrified and suddenly moved three feet away from her!

"You still sell human organs?!"

Deng Lisha can be the vice president of the Student Union, and her IQ and EQ are all top-notch. She immediately understood the Xiao Jifeng in her words, and was almost amused!


The snorting that shouldn't exist suddenly sounded, causing the two to turn their heads at the same time.

Haven't you seen others fighting each other? Feel free to spout immorality!

The most important thing is, where are you from?

"As expected to be the Queen of the Vicious Tongue, she broke the golden sentence again. You continue, I will post a post first."

Zhang Qing, one of the vice presidents, stood without standing leaning against the door frame, and his slender knuckles quickly clicked on the interface of the latest limited-edition mobile phone, with a wild smile at the corner of his mouth, and clicked to send.

"Zhang Qing! Why are you everywhere? Delete it quickly!"

Deng Lisha stared at him irritably, and the anger in her voice could hardly be suppressed!

"Deng Yundiao, I'm okay with you, why do you want me? I'm **** with her, I have a treasure, and I can get a golden sentence. I'm still waiting to continue to break the news."

Zhang Qing shook the mobile phone in his hand without any righteousness. She was so angry that Deng Lisha almost broke her silver teeth!

"I do not care!"

Deng Lisha flushed her eyes, and slammed the two aside to grab the door. Then there was a heavy slamming of the door in the bathroom next door.

"Tsk, so angry."

Zhang Qing chuckled and took a picture of Haitang with her mobile phone with interest.

"Student Hai, can you say something more?"

Su Haitang smiled calmly at the camera and made a cheering gesture.

"Student Zhang, don't be discouraged, one day, you will be as beautiful as you think, come on!"

Zhang Qing was stunned, then burst into laughter.

"I posted the video on the forum. You really have you. They don't look good. They think so beautifully. How can they be so bad in your mouth?"

Su Haitang ignored the crazy laughing boy, curled his lips, and walked silently to the president's office at the end of the corridor.

Knock on the door?

That must be called Sleeping God.

Su Haitang pulled off his hair, secretly pulled out a thin black hairpin, straightened it, and quickly swiped it at the door lock.

With a soft click, the door opened in response, it looked like she hesitated and pushed the door down tentatively, and the door opened in response, but it shocked the girl.

"Huh? Is the door open? This Deng Lisha wants to fake her own business again."

Zhang Qing looked up, muttered, and didn't care much about editing the post and clicked to send it. Then Shi Shiran walked over with her mobile phone.

Su Haitang moved into the chairman's office, pretending to be surprised, and looked at the empty room.

no one.

She looked around quickly and locked a closed door.

There must be a lounge in the office. The sleeping **** is probably having a good dream right now?

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