With Zhang Qing's guardian of the law, Su Haitang's plan to forcibly break into the lounge naturally did not succeed, so he had to go back and talk to the boring Vice Chairman Zhang Qing for a few words and vomit bitterness.

Zhang Qing was also born in the second generation of the rich. He heard the sound of the strings and knew the elegance, and very happily gave her another grant.

Su Haitang did not pretend to refuse, but instead drew an IOU and took the money and left.

She didn't go to the classroom and went out of school.

"Interesting." Zhang Qing looked at the rapidly disappearing figure from the surveillance, rubbed her chin, and muttered with interest.

Department M also extended an olive branch to him. Chu Baihe gave him an A rating, but Haitang gave him an S rating.

Zhang Qing has all eyes on Haitang's recent changes, and there is nothing unconvinced.

In fact, in this dangerous job, the stronger the partner, the safer they are, and he will not have the jealousy of the male chauvinistic tendencies.

It's a pity that Haitang refused the M department's solicitation, and instead went to participate in the draft of that idol.

Zhang Qing rubbed his chin, opened the online registration form on the website, tapped her ten fingers to fill in her information, glanced at the quiet lounge, a narrow flash of eyes flashed, and filled in Yu Nanjin's name.

It's rare to meet such an interesting person, so Yu Shao would be willing to say goodbye to Zhou Gong for a while.

Su Haitang didn't understand that her trip to the Student Union would create another uproar.

At this moment, she was turning to a stone gambling shop, reaching out to touch every stone, wanting to feel the energy fluctuations in it.

She is no stranger to betting on rocks, but Xiaoyu cheated in the past, making sure to make money without losing money.

Now that Xiaoyu is falling asleep, she doesn't want to really bet on her luck, relying on this to make a fortune.

Although it is said that people have no foreign wealth and are not rich, and horses have no night and grass and are not fat, there is still a saying that people die for wealth and birds die for food.

Su Haitang only hopes that Xiaoyu can feel it, and it is best to absorb the energy hidden in the stone directly through her hand. This is the real no-profit business.

Her luck was good. When she touched a heavy rock, the palm of her hand was faintly heated, and then she felt a stream of heat flow directly into the body along the palm of her palm, disappearing into an unknown place.


Su Haitang tentatively shouted.

no respond.

Su Haitang was not discouraged and continued to try.

Facts once again prove that Xiaoyu is a hypocritical person. She touched all the stones one by one, and there were only three stones that could impress Xiaoyu's open mouth.

This little energy is not enough to stuff his teeth, but it's better than nothing.

Su Haitang was not disappointed either. In the end, she chose a pleasing stone and paid the money to untie it on the spot. With good luck, she offered a piece of jade, which was not worth any money. The store did not take the initiative to collect it, so she was happy too. I hugged my heart and left.

This is a good sign, Su Haitang thought.

Passing by the lottery shop next to her, she couldn't help but spend money again. She bought two to try her luck. In the end, she won another five yuan, not to mention it, but also earned one.

Su Haitang didn't listen to the shopkeeper's persuasion, so he closed out the lottery shop and went to the nearby commercial street to shop in a private beauty shop.

"I want this dress."

Su Haitang had just changed into a goose-yellow dress with a strong girlish breath and came out. He was looking at the mirror and took a photo from the left to the right. Satisfied that he wanted to change the payment, he suddenly heard an arrogant babble.

Someone wants to cut Hu, what an old-fashioned bridge.

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