Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 999: Farewell to apprentice

"Is this, self-destruction?" Isabella, as a party, naturally knows her situation better than Yue Zhong. The red flow pattern that overflows the mech is not only a trace of uncontrolled energy fluctuations, but also a sudden burst of his own The blood was red.

No wonder the Queen of e-Starry will choose to recall herself when the frontline battles are tight, whether it is the original action or this time it was sent to stop Yue Zhong, she has long known that she will not be controlled, but just treats herself as if The use of disposable consumables, irrespective of success or failure, will inevitably be destroyed. She can't tolerate the ship mother's behavior that begins to exceed powers. How can she tolerate a self who is more obedient to her own actions?

The Greenwich Computing Center said that to make final adjustments to her mecha, it turned out that she just designed a self-extinguishing coffin and dragged the queen’s enemies into the grave. If she can kill Yue Zhong here, maybe There are still some surplus values ​​that can be used, but she can’t complete the task, so naturally she will stop.

I thought Yue Zhong was undoubtedly mortal, but now it is still a bit naive. It is undoubtedly that he is right. Obviously, he has been abandoned by e-Star once, why would he continue to believe it, martial artists should choose their own The way, not to be the **** of others. In the final analysis, the patriotic feelings that were instilled in the Naval Academy were still in trouble. They had abandoned these things, but they came back because they were obsessed with Yue Zhong’s duel. get rid of.

"Escape." Isabella felt a fiery flame rush into her mind, as if to burn her will with her body and soul to ashes, and the heavenly spirit covered with a crater burning, destroying all the flames at any time From there, it spewed out, and then turned this starry sky into a sea of ​​fire. The only thing she could do was to restrain the final eruption as much as possible, and let Yue Zhong run away.

I will always remember when I am dying. Isabella's first thought was not a fulfilling career in the Naval Academy, nor the majestic sense of accomplishment of all opponents, even if you broke the forbidden miracle. The dignity of the next country is still not the most satisfying memory, but rather the period of time she was reluctant to admit, and she was repeatedly humiliated by Yue Zhong in the Star Wars, and they still learn to arrange flowers with Lexington. it is good.

Was this your most precious memory? It’s not too late to know...

Yue Zhong can feel the terrible destructive power contained in the mecha with red flow patterns. He never imagined that he would watch Isabella die in such a way. Wasn’t she already detached from her own restraint? Why? It will also become a victim of a mean political struggle. Her clear will should override the sky and create a legend of her own, not be destroyed by this.

The red energy rhythm began to roll over the silver armor like magma. Its unmeasurable extreme high temperature burned fiercely with the armor itself as fuel, and the surrounding dark matter in the universe also burned into a plume of smoke.

It can be imagined how much pain Isabella sitting inside is suffering. Her body is nothing more than a fetus. If the cockpit is connected to the will protection of the control center, it will be burnt to ashes early, and she insists every second. The pain is growing hundreds of times, being burned repeatedly but not turned into coke. The continuous burning pain constantly stimulates her nerves, but Isabella still insists that she just hopes to give her the most important The teacher of thoughts can stay away from this purgatory that is about to turn into flames as soon as possible.

Yue Zhong did not leave. He believed that the mecha designed by Xiao Meiyan could still resist the bloom of pure energy, but he also knew that if he really wanted to run, it would not be far away. The enemy’s calculations are interlocking, and he has entered the e-star. Within the territory, when they came to their control site, would they give themselves a chance to escape?

"Why don't you leave yet!" Isabella yelled in flames, seeing Yue Zhong's delay.

Yue Zhong controlled the mech and shook his head: "I will be fine, but you... if I leave, who will collect the corpse for you?"

"Where will there be corpses, what exactly do you want?" Isabella felt Yue Zhong was still so abominable, and she had always hated him for no reason.

"Don't make trouble, just give up if it really hurts. I can't walk without thinking."

Isabella sneered and closed her eyes: "If you are looking for death, then you can do whatever you want. I didn't expect to die with someone like you."

"Does it matter? I'm your teacher anyway, and you are also my best student." Yue Zhong, with a smile, was still beating as always.

After closing her eyes, Isabella could no longer hear any voices. Perhaps Yue Zhong's last words would make her touched a little, but she didn't hear them.

The red lotus-like fire burst into bloom, instantly swallowing Yue Zhong's mechs, and everything in this Xinghai became an innocent purgatory.

Yue Zhong should be dead, but when the extreme flame burned to the highest temperature, he was still sitting in the mech as usual. His inference is correct. No matter how advanced the Greenwich Center’s technology is in front of Homura, it’s just high-temperature energy. It can burn everything in the material world, but how can it be burned by time. people?

Maybe the legal court will have a way to release the asylum of time, but some of them can only be used by themselves, and they will never be handed over to the aliens. An important reason why Xiao Meiyan will become a wanted criminal is the outflow. With regard to the technology of the general plane, they are the legal court. How will they know that the law breaks the law?

In front of Yue Zhong, there is still a flame that does not know when it will burn. All the detection equipment is invalid at this He can’t even see the world in front of him, and controls the mech to Issa Bella Mecha just fumbled in the direction she was in, but found nothing: "Is there really nothing left?"

"It's a surprise that a person like you will die in front of me." Yue Zhong said the lightness of the wind and light, but there was always a lingering sorrow in his heart. Isabella inherited her martial arts after all. Student, and her strong and stubborn girl will never make Yue Zhong hate, "Unfortunately, I can't cry, because I haven't seen you well, even my master, I also use you as an exploit Object."

"Sorry, sorry."

She really died like this, not even vigorous, but succumbed to death in the hands of people she had been loyal to. When she left the world, she would eventually have one less student who inherited some of her things, less There was a girl with gray hair flying high forever.

Yue Zhong searched for nothing, and waited until the flames burned out, holding a ray of re-illuminated starlight as Isabella’s relics hidden in the light filter of the mech, and then continued unswervingly 'S heading towards the e-star capital star.

He was a little angry in his heart, and those who abandoned the people always had to pay some price. rw

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