Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1000: World attention

"Isabella failed, and her plan failed." The Queen's attendant knelt down in the zenith garden of the palace and looked down deeply at the rug on the deep red line.

The royal crown suit is noble and solemn, but the queen of the e-star domain, which has already appeared old, has not looked back. Her hands are resting on the white jade carved railings. The cloudy eyes overlook the planet she rules, and the afternoon sun is intense, here The climate has reached three volts, the rail trains of air public transportation are woven, and the flowers of the zenith garden are also blooming. This is the prosperous age of Haiyan Heqing and Cathay Pacific, but there are always storms.

Her Majesty always felt that the garden here is much larger than the garden in the ship's mother ecosystem, but it has three points less soul.

Now that the garden has lost the care of people and began to decline, her master is just like countless warriors who are devoted to the e-star domain, and sacrificed at the forefront of the war.

Once, Her Majesty the Queen was extremely proud of having this group of outstanding people, but now these best people have become the source of the most fear in her mind. Veneto used the fleet to force the e-star to surrender, she stepped on It is not only the glory of this country for hundreds of years that shattered her, but also the queen of her has been knocked down from the altar.

Ulster is the one who released her blame. He does not have the same appeal as before, but his queen has not been spared. As the highest leader of the country, the image of e-singland is damaged. In any case, the relationship is inseparable, but because Alster is pushed out, the two politically and militarily influential people are no longer so great, and the scourge of the country’s unrest has been buried since then.

"Yue Chong really didn't die?" Her Majesty the Queen of e-Starland has been under the same pressure recently and looks much older than before. "How can he not die..."

"Your Majesty, the professors of Greenwich are also thinking about this issue. They felt that there was no possibility that Yue Zhong would survive the fire that destroyed everything." Attendant responded in a low voice.

The queen's withered arm patted Bai Yu's railing, but the voice was not loud but the attendant's heartbeat was suddenly accelerated: "A bunch of waste, Greenwich is, and Isabella."

The attendant's head was almost down on the carpet, cold sweat slipped from his forehead, and from the day when Veneto was above the e-sky, the once amiable queen became moody, and any mistakes will be severe The punishment, his predecessor was also exiled to Xinghai because of a small matter and self-extinguished.

Now that Isabella is dead, the queen will not be able to get her anger on her head. The attendant is worried about her own safety and at the same time can't help fearing that Her Majesty will really clean Greenwich in anger. The blow to the field is devastating.

Fortunately, although Her Majesty was angry, she did not completely lose her mind. She hoped that she could solve the problem of Yue Zhong by herself. It was just that the Pan-planet Law Court, who had brought great pressure to her, saw that E-Star had the ability Controlling the situation, but now that she has failed, it is only a matter of time before the Judicial Tribunal will take action, and after the failure of eXingyu, how much power is left?

"Where's Ulster?" the queen's fingers were about to scratch Bai Yu's railings, and he pressed disappointment and anger.

"He has never been out in his office." The attendant answered quickly.

"He knows to avoid suspicion." The queen sneered and walked back to the Baihan Golden Palace with a wave of Wang Yu's stride.

The Queen has clearly expressed her dissatisfaction with Ulster. If you change to someone else, the attendant has already taken someone to catch the other party and sent it to the military court, but to Ulster, the admiral of the Royal Navy, How dare he?

The decline of the e-Star field is already inevitable. The bottom line has been tested again and again, and the interior has begun to surge. How can such a situation be managed by humans? How will its future be? No one knows, Her Majesty the Queen personally sent Not only is Isabella one of the loyalists who entered the country of death, but the predecessor of the attendant is also one of them. That person will definitely dedicate everything to the Queen’s cause, but his successor is not so stupid.

Where should I put my bets? If there is really a bright future, then some things are not impossible to do.

With complicated thoughts, the attendant did not follow the queen, and now Her Majesty does not want to see him, so the attendant hurriedly left the Zenith Garden and walked quietly towards a remote place.

The news that Yue Zhong was still alive spread quickly in the e-star capital Star. Since he left the shelter and returned to the public's sight, the eyes of the world have been concentrated on him, everyone wants Knowing what he was going to do, so when his purpose of going to the capital star of e-Zone was revealed, countless eyeliners and spies began to gather here, and there were also some important people who were truly ambitious.

Some people are expecting him to die, so he is very disappointed to know that he hasn’t died yet, while others hope to see him reach the capital star of e-star domain smoothly, whether it’s personally burying this former first country, or Disturbing the situation here are all things that are beneficial to other Starlands trying to rise.

Now no one will doubt that Yue Zhong can do what they expect. The only doubt is whether he will do it. Although Yue Zhong does not have a strong fighting power, but the wisdom alone will make the world face a reshuffle Situation, his energy has long been unquestionable.

"Whether in the star domain can reproduce this dynasty, Yue Zhongyi, but when we appear, we want to help him as much as possible. The people who have been inspected by the legal court have been exposed. As long as they can hinder the actions of these people, Yue Zhong Will be smoother."

"E Xingyu is about to Xingyu can't be its funerary, guys, are you ready to embrace our own future? No matter how much Yue Zhong can do, this is for us Independent careers are beneficial."

"Aust is always loyal to the great queen, but we also have to make preparations for the queen no longer."

The independence of each satellite and the large star field forces planned by e star field is also a matter of fear in the heart of the queen of e star field. To some extent, the independence tendency of these satellite star fields is even more people than the struggle within e star field. Fear, if you lose them, e-Star will lose its capital standing at the top of the seven galaxies, but if they are still there, then no matter how difficult the e-Star will be, it will finally usher in a better day.

There is no small difference in attitudes between the satellite fields, but some of the star fields that have maintained an alliance with e star field and do not want to see it fall down so quickly have also made their own moves.

Among them, the attitude of a star is the toughest. Although their admiral Chester William always wants to replace Alster, he cannot represent the entire a star, and the star a must be guaranteed from the overall situation. The e-Zone will not really decline, otherwise they will not be too far away from the day they step into the footsteps.

Operation Dragon Slaughter begins! "Rw

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