Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2163: Office abnormalities

"They all ate different foods from their eating habits. On the other hand, A attended the friend's birthday party three days ago, and B entered the biological adjustment hospital a day ago and adjusted the curve of the buttocks, but did not report to the maid chief. Be prepared." Li Xiaobei felt that these two maids were very problematic. The Panoramic Information Office had the ability to replace their existence with two other people.

However, if this is the case, the Joint Intelligence Service should have done better. They should not be allowed to eat anything other than eating habits, nor should they be allowed to undergo bioplastic surgery: "The only possibility is that they were temporarily replaced. So this information cannot be removed, after all, if you temporarily modify so many details, more traces will be revealed."

Li Xiaobei can see their different sides, so as the maidservant who gets along with each other at the same time, she also claims that every maid is as good as the maidservant in charge. The maidservant should also be able to notice the changes in his men from other places.

The replacement maid is also not a professional agent of the Pan-plane Joint Intelligence Service. The risk of doing so is too small. Li Xiaobe subconsciously excludes it, and may only be temporarily recruited from the pan-plane, just like the replacement of Yue Zhong. The same stand-in.

No intelligence can support the slight changes in them. They may have entered the office of the President for the first time at work. Even if the structure of the opposite is very familiar, they still show no abnormalities.

While the other maids were working, the maid chief slowly approached Veneto's information terminal disposal area.

Here is connected to each end of the network of Chongyan Federation, and also stores all the confidential information of Chongyan Federation. Even Li Xiaobei hiding in the office of the Admiral needs to access this terminal before it can be released with the authority of the President. command.

It was the only device outside the Admiral's office that was incorporated into the Vientiane dream. All of Li Xiaobei's instructions were issued by connecting to Veneto and connected to it, so the only flaw she concealed was here.

Naturally, such an important area can only be cleaned and inspected by the maidservant.

After cleaning the place where the dust index is abnormal, the maid chief routinely starts the information terminal, but she does not have all the permissions, and can only use the system self-check and external scanning to determine whether there is a possibility of failure.

Li Xiaobei noticed a surprise expression flashed on the maid’s face, and somehow a confidential information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs appeared at her authority interface. Seeing and reporting this to Veneto, but the maidservant hesitated for a moment, and then the confidential information was automatically decrypted and opened...

Veneto is not here, all the confidential documents returned are kept in the form of reports, but this information is waiting for instructions: "Provence star zone three first-level targets three, second-level targets seventeen, third-level targets seven Fourteen people...please show them."

The names of the key places are obfuscated, and will only be displayed after the authority of the President is confirmed in person, otherwise the maidservant will not only be able to see the information of those suspected of contacting the Pan-Plane Intelligence Office, but also find a Existing multiple permissions control.

But things are already weird enough. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has always been orderly under Amfu’s care, so it will not easily make such a serious mistake and let other authorities see their reports. The access port is closed, and you can ignore things that do not belong to your own authority.

Although she only glanced in a hurry, as the self-test report was completed and showed no abnormalities, she withdrew and left, but these various performances still left deep doubts in Li Xiaobei's heart.

The maid’s inspection of the cleaning of the Office of the President was completed efficiently. As the maid finally left and closed the door, Li Xiaobei remained stuck in suspicion and could not make a choice.

The maid chief who left at last did not know what the reason was but also subconsciously glanced at the direction of the Admiral's office. Even if he left without making a gesture of approaching, it also aggravated Li Xiaobei's suspicion.

Before Li Xiaobei stayed in his own dream of Vientiane to avoid the scanning of the Pan-plane Joint Intelligence Service, and her main energy was also on the front line of spy warfare. As for the people in the presidential palace, she failed to pay attention. Everyone's life is dynamic, so the performance of the maidservant today and the two maidservants with anomalies have no problems. Li Xiaobei cannot make an accurate judgment in the first place.

"Interesting..." The expression that appeared on Li Xiaobei's face was not frowning but was full of enthusiasm. If everything went smoothly according to her envisaged plan, it would be boring to Li Xiaobei. thing.

Li Xiaobei can be sure that the maidservant has really been in contact with the Panoramic Information Office, but it is unknown whether the maidservant knows and has the anomalies of today because of her own wishes.

Compared with the intelligence leak in the Presidential Palace, Li Xiaobei knew that her existence was the key. She always had no intention of hiding herself in the dark, but the timing of her appearance must be within her grasp. Not forced to be exposed.

In this regard, Li Xiaobei did not order the arrest and investigation of the maidservant immediately, and did not even send someone to secretly testify about the maidservant's life in recent times.

The Interim Plane Intelligence Office's provisional decision has already met the very complete implementation conditions, so as the only chess piece in their hands that can reasonably enter the office of the big president, Li Xiaobei will not find the clues so easily. No one should know that they cleaned the office of the president. If it was just because of some abnormalities in the maidservant's body that the investigation was started immediately, wouldn't it be obvious what they hid in the presidential palace?

Li Xiaobei chose to wait, if the maidservant remained loyal to Veneto, even if she showed some abnormalities then she should report the wrong things to the Veneto to Veneto That's it, I'll really care about it at this point.

Li Xiaobe, who had made up his mind, temporarily let go of the doubts. Today, the maidservant entered the office of the president and received no important information. She will come again every day and clean the office of the president. very long.

Li Xiaobei, who has limited energy, has no free time to make too many guesses and verifications, and Veneto’s cruise will not stop. Before she reaches the next star zone, Li Xiaobei must also command the Ministry of the Interior and the Army. The manpower eliminates all crises, and the current situation of Chongyan Federation cannot withstand any problems that arise on one side.

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Chapter 2163 Anomalies in the Office (Page 1/1)

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