Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2164: Anti-detection conspiracy

The other party didn't show his feet, it seemed that she was both confident and calm. "

There is no doubt that a series of undetectable anomalies that occurred in the Presidential Palace today were directed by Hadleys. Obviously, everything is not as simple as it seems.

After analyzing with Fan Hanshi, Hadris has almost ninety-nine certainty that the person who has been assisting Veneto to block the Pan-plane Joint Intelligence Service from spying on the Flame Federation is hiding in the presidential palace. But finding her and knowing who she is is not the main purpose of the Joint Intelligence Service.

Looking for Bruce Lee’s game was played by Fan Hanshi. If it was not that Li Xiaobei seriously hindered the work of the Joint Intelligence Service, then Hadris was not very interested in her and her entanglement with Fan Hanshi. He The commissioned task was to subvert Veneto's **** of the Federation of Flames, and then to seek to make the Joint Intelligence Service finally be able to divide the interests of the Void Eye and the Sky Show.

The most worrisome thing about doing intelligence work is to face the unknown. When they already know who their opponent is, everything will return to the trajectory of the Joint Intelligence Service. No human force can compete with the Joint Intelligence Service in this regard. length.

However, because Li Xiaobei did not take any measures, it was difficult for Hadris to analyze the character style of Li Xiaobei, and to take specific actions to restrain this point while ensuring the smooth execution of the operations of the Joint Intelligence Service.

But he didn’t have any gains at all. The maid did not need to stay in the presidential palace after the day’s work when the big president was away. The mobility management during working hours allows all but maid on duty Free time to go out.

Even though Li Xiaobei noticed the abnormalities in the two maids, she took no action, so they left the presidential palace without hindrance.

In a small church outside the Roman Star administrative area, two maids appeared as believers in this place after some disguise. If they only report on the situation in the Office of the President, they do not need to take such a big risk, but the two appeared there today with other tasks, so it is necessary to come here.

The two were indeed not maids in the presidential palace. They replaced the two maids and appeared there. Even though Hadleys did not decide the purpose of the two at the beginning, the Joint Intelligence Service, which had prepared everything, left Hadleys with enough cards to play. Their body is irregularly distributed with biological anti-detection organizations of the same composition and genes as the flesh itself. After coming to the church to analyze the anti-detection, Li Xiaobei once noticed that their eyes are no longer secret. .

"You can be sure that both of them have been probed in some way, and it is not a common detection method for panplanes. So you need to compare them in the database to determine the way. If it is some kind of original detection, it will be more troublesome. But in the end, the source can be found." The person in charge of the anti-detection resolution point set in the chapel is very confident about this, and at the same time, he must tell the key agent who infiltrated the presidential palace key information, "Preliminarily compare this detection. The method is by no means a technology that Double Flame Federation can master, so there are others there, and the detection range is between 20 meters and 50 meters, the most likely interval...the Admiral’s Office."

"Understood, continue to decipher the detection method she used, and this place will be evacuated immediately. The original two maids can also be put back." The Pan-plane Joint Intelligence Service apparently knew the flaws in the two maids. But they released it today as a bait to lure Li Xiaobei, and now that they have obtained the key information, they can go back and forth from there.

The agent who presided over the operation of the Presidential Palace saw the person in charge of anti-detection analysis and all the equipment in the prayer room disappeared under the regional space transfer. The original prayer room was also far away and there was no flaw left before leaving the peace of mind. .

Behind him is the maidservant who secretly followed the two fake maids.

Even though the disguise of the two maids was perfect enough, the maid chief actually saw something wrong at first sight.

She knew where the threat that Chongyan Federation was facing came from. The enemy had targeted her maid, and if the loss was caused, it would be her maidservant's negligence.

If it is based on duty, then the maidservant should report this matter to Veneto as soon as possible, but she has experienced some strange things recently. The influence of these events unconsciously prompted the maidservant to personally solve this problem. Thing.

She was implanted with the idea that now Veneto doesn’t trust anyone, and she was taken to another place without exception during the full search of the Presidential Palace that day, and did not return until after the so-called search ended To work.

The omnipotent Pan-plane Joint Intelligence Service has long been eyeing such an important position as the maidservant, but through investigation and analysis, the maidservant is not a person who can be bought with interest, so the responsible agent has implanted a large number of her daily life. The vague suggestion gave her a false intuition that Veneto did not trust her but would believe the evidence.

The maidservant brought two fake maids into the office of the president today to find evidence of their attempts to spy on intelligence. Unfortunately, they did not show any anomalies and completed the maid without flaws under the training of the Joint Intelligence Service. Cleaning work.

As for the accident that the maidservant encountered at the information terminal also exceeded her imagination, her first reaction when she saw the intelligence information "missed" by the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had a problem but that it was a Neto's temptation to herself was based on her expression.

The information was fake, and it came from a real projection technology of the Pan-plane Information Office, so the maidservant did not control it, but showed a performance that he wanted to see. The same is true for the pictures I The false information let the maid chief see through false means that if she could deceive Li Xiaobei to make her actions in the Provence star zone flawed, if not It is enough to make Li Xiaobei, who does not trust others, suspicious of the maidservant.

The maidservant followed two fake maids who came here to find evidence to report to Veneto. It was a follow-up to the plan of the Joint Intelligence Service. Under the operation of the agent, she had already had an unexplainable connection with the chapel.

Agents' wars are in invisible places, and they often don't need to see blood to kill someone.

If Li Xiaobei believes in the maidservant, then she must waste time on her to make meaningless investigations and expose her flop. If you don’t believe her, she will not be able to persuade her to force her trust. If the position of the maidservant is gone, the big president The government will be even more flawed.

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