Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 365: Old Ministry

I’m Boli Lingmeng. I used to be a witch in Fantasy Township. My daily job is to teach disobedient monsters and retreats. One day, Fantasy Township is gone. I don’t know what happened after that. I heard that I became A policeman in the real world.

The policeman’s work seems to be the same as that of a witch. They all kill monsters and maintain the order. However, some people say that only a policeman like me can do this kind of thing. Whatever he is, as a policeman, I have been controlled by the old lady. Died in a massive decisive battle.

Now I have become a witch again, even if the fantasy town I guarded before is no longer there, even if the Boli enchantment is no longer there, but there is a change. I should deal with it, only to teach all the disobedient guys. , The new fantasy town will reopen the door, even if there is no need for me as a witch there, but it is my hometown after all, even if the things are wrong, the memories will remain there forever, in order to be able to go back, everyone Can't stop me.

The alienation of the Great Enchantment is developing in an uncontrollable direction. I once imagined that the more important humans in the township could not come because of the second identity in reality. I used to be one of them, and these people continue to exist in the Great Enchantment If it does, it will cause a lot of trouble.

The new fantasy township has a very stable composition. There is no need for me as a witch or a big enchantment. Let the big enchantment be controlled by others. The imprint of those people will gradually pull the big knot that will collapse at any time. The world is re-covered on the new fantasy township, and the horror that envelopes this world will continue to threaten the new fantasy township, so those obstacles must be cleared one by one, the barnyard begged me to kill, then it’s your turn, fog and rain Marisa.

   Rest assured, it won't hurt or die, just need to pay a little price, your insignificant experience and memory in this world.

Boli Lingmeng, who broke into the ground alone, quickly found the barrel demon colony named Qianxianyuan. The traces of the life of this monster population close to the genocide still exist. She quickly found a fish in the net. Huiye instructed Qismi to guide her.

"Spirit, Lingmeng, don't do it, I'm here to show you the way!" Qi Simei unexpectedly did not return to Fantasy Township but stayed in the underground world, because she wanted to find a way to save her race. Even if he obeyed the drive of Penglai Shanhui Ye, he would not hesitate.

  Lingmeng recalled for a while, and finally remembered that this little barrel demon was the guy she had packed up before, but why did she take the initiative to lead herself.

"I don't mean anything else. Penglai Shanhui Ye let me come. She also told me to tell you that if you want to find Marisa, the other party has been hidden by Alice in the Demon Realm." Qismi added that when she saw the dream, she was alert , "But she is now protected by two adults, Shenqi and Succubus, you have to think of other ways to kill her."

"Why did Huiye help me? Isn't she trying to seize the big enchantment?" Lingmeng asked, standing still and without a lazy appearance. There was a strong heroic energy in her body. When she was fully absorbed, how much was there? What the Interpol looks like.

No matter it’s a dream of a witch or an international criminal police, Qi Simei was very afraid, so she never dared to look directly at each other: "I don’t know, I just do things for her, Hui Ye said you To ask this question, let me tell you that a person named Yue Zhong asked her to do this."

   "Yue Zhong, it's calculated that my purpose is the same as his, killing Marisa." Ling dreamed and said afterwards, "It seems that he is quite destined, Qi Simei, you can lead the way."

Qismei nodded quickly, shaking her barrel and started to move forward on the underground road. Ling Meng followed her in a hurry and impatiently, and soon the two came to the place where Gu Mingdi and Fengcong Ears had fought. local.

"The embers of power have not completely dissipated. It seems that there has been quite a fierce battle here. Speaking of just now, Qismi said that Marisa is now protected by God Qi and Succubus. What about Alice and Remilia?" Ling When the dream was not clear, he asked directly, "Qismi, have you been to Alice and the Red Devils before I came?"

  Qishimei turned back and said: "They did not go to the Demon Realm. The Mountain Girl accidentally got caught by them and took them down to the bottom of Qianyuan to go to the other shore."

"Did you get taken away, it seems that I'm just using it." Ling Meng shook his head carelessly. "In this case, Hui Ye they must have prepared a feasible plan to lead Shen Qi and Succubus. Let me kill Marisa?"

  Qisimi shook her head and said: "I don't know."

Passing through the capital of the ghost race, it was completely destroyed in the underground shock. The ghost race living here also did not know where to go under the leadership of Gu Ming Gejue and Xing Xiong Yongyi after reaching an agreement with Huiye. Dreaming that she saw nothing but the ruins of a place.

   "Yue Zhong and my goal are the same, but there will definitely be other ideas. The Huiye side is naturally the same. We will not always be on the united front, so we can't follow their ideas."

At the same time, Yue Zhongmeihong and the rested Shenhuo sat on the core ship and ate the dinner prepared by Meihong: "As long as Lingmeng can successfully kill Marisa, then Alice will naturally go crazy. Both Shenqi and the succubus will bring great pressure to Yakumo Zi. After all, Lingmeng is of course a monster and a sage, since Iceland."

   "Will it be that simple, Lingmeng is not the opponent of Shen Qi and Succubus." Mei Hongdao.

"Naturally, I have let the Divine Son send people to the ground to lurk. The few international criminal policemen know Lingmeng. Although Lingmeng doesn't know them now, somehow she has had the cooperation and cooperation. "

"Can rely on them to elicit Shenqi and succubus?" Meihong still doesn't believe it. After all, they are two characters who are good enough to compete with Yakumo Zi. The current Lingmeng is still far from it, but it depends on It may be extremely difficult for several super-skilled international criminal police officers to get rid of them. This seems to be an inexplicable situation.

   "I don't quite know what kind of person was the previous dream, but I am very clear about the spirit of the Interpol, wait and see."

  No matter how the situation develops, there is a choice of directions, miracles and impossible, only to be foreseeable is not enough to fear.

"Everyone thinks that without the invincibility of the Boli enchantment, I am a bully. I may have depended on it in the past, but some things must be done to stop me, no matter who I am. Will not flinch."

At the entrance of the demon world, a large group of international criminal police officers showed joy and excitement when they saw the appearance of Lingmeng. Some of them were once imprisoned in Iceland, and were not saved until Xiaomeiyan attacked there, while others I didn’t participate in that action, and I always had an unbelievable attitude toward the side where Lingmeng would betray humanity. However, at this time, no matter who he was, he re-saw the captain who led them to death. Put it down.

"Captain!" Qi shouted uniformly, just like after countless drills, everyone's eyes were somewhat moist, no matter how in the past, as long as the captain who could protect them safely and invincible regardless of everything could come back, Those are no longer important.

In the eyes of longing and expectation, even the dream of forgetting Interpol's career was a little touched. She could see how joyful these people were, and how sincere she was to call her voice.

   "Well, I was so prestigious, and the feeling of being recognized was like this..."

   Ling Meng opened her mouth and said nothing, because she was no longer their captain, and it seemed inappropriate to accept this respect.

"Captain, you say a word, we all know that you were controlled by a wicked monster, and no matter what you do, we will not blame you." A brown-haired man in the head Said, "So please don't leave us anymore"

   "Human feelings are too extravagant to own. If you accept them, I'm afraid they can't do anything you want."

   The original moving eyes became condensed again. Since it is a dead past, why not pick it up again? The comedy reunion is certainly but it is useless.

   "You are staying here, don't blame me if you keep up." The arrival of the Interpols made Qisimei run away long ago, but she has brought Lingmeng here, and the task is considered completed.

  After saying this, Ling Meng did not look at them, and broke into the mysterious demon world.

   "Captain... How did she become like this." The brown-haired man's face was full of disappointment, and the whispered voice just happened to be heard by his companions, as if expecting an answer.

   However, the response was silent. No one could explain the reason. Even comforting words could not be said, but it was not easy to let them give up and forget about it.

After a long time, a voice came out from the crowd: "We are here to help the captain to perform the task, even if the captain does not even listen to our intentions, the task must still be completed, whether it is for humans or for the captain, the magic world is unpredictable. , I can’t let the captain take the risk alone!"

"So, let's go in. The captain just said that we were worried about the accident. Now that she has gone far, we will not be found in the past. As long as the captain is helped at a critical time, this trip will not be. It's a free run."

This scream has found a direction for the confused people. In any case, they will not believe that their former captain will really deal with themselves. Under the leadership of the first person, all the international criminal police have entered the Devil's world without turning back. in.

   did not receive any attacks, so that everyone was completely assured, the roar of the trembling world rang in the distance.

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