Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 366: Invincible

   "Boli Lingmeng, you really don't take us too seriously. Are you really a fantasic town here, are you really an absolute strongman outside of the theory?"

If Reimeng wants to kill Marisa, the first object is Alice, then the second is naturally a succubus, no matter what the feelings between them, as a master, it is impossible to watch his apprentice die in the hands of others. , And this person is not as strong as himself.

In the face of the reckless intrusion of Lingmeng, as soon as I met, I was directly angry at the Morrisa killer who did not respond to what happened. She would be angry with the succubus’ self-esteem. Her roar accompanied the earth-shattering sparks. Demon Realm, at this home, no matter who comes, it is not eligible to entrust.

The missed spirit dream quickly evacuated the core area of ​​the succubus magic attack. Even without the blessing of the Boli enchantment, she is still the most talented witch of all generations. There is no seamless attack in her eyes, as long as it is a bomb She can wipe it for you.

"Hey, who can tell me what's going on." Watching the sudden fierce battle broke out, Marisa shouted inexplicably to a pair of people in the sky who tried to output a dexterous dodge, "Isn't this a dream, Yesterday we all met well, how come today suddenly came to attack me?"

In the colorful light, Lingmeng’s figure was erratic, and no matter how the succubus poured out the sparks, there was no way to scratch her piece of clothing. She even had a mood to answer Marisa’s question: “Yesterday After seeing you, I confirmed one thing, so I must ask you to die once."

"What's the reason for me to die? I'm innocent, okay!" Lingmeng couldn't say clearly, which made Marisa even more crazy, but no matter how she asked Lingmeng, she wouldn't say a word again, It is too reluctant to participate in the battle between succubus and spirit dream with her power, but she can only watch it in situ and wait for them to tell the difference.

In a demon world composed entirely of magic, succubi can pour out the surging magic power of her body unscrupulously, because they just burst out, there will be enough magic to supplement the whole body, unless she consumes all the energy of the entire demon world. But this is obviously impossible. Although the succubus is powerful, it is impossible to squeeze out the magic world that Shenqi has been operating for countless years.

The demon world with its very bright color is more dazzling in the tens of thousands of sparks. The half-spirit body of the succubus is directly covered by the colorful brilliance. That terrifying magic power is also attack and protection. Although it is temporarily unique with evasive skills. There is no way for Lingmeng, but the other party does not have enough means of attack to break through the magic power and threaten the succubus.

  No matter how Ling Meng can hide, her physical strength as a human being is limited in the end, letting the thousands of magic cannon sparks roar, she will inevitably be defeated and die.

The Interpols also followed the sound of fighting during this time, and the brown-haired man seemed to be the temporary leader among them. After seeing this situation, he whispered to the people around him: "This is an opportunity. The captain has been completely contained. Having lived with the monster, we took the opportunity to kill the target."

"Vice captain, shouldn't there be two big monsters around the target to protect? The other one hasn't appeared so far. At this time, if we hurriedly be countered, the only chance to win is gone." Another Interpol Road, "The captain is still at ease, as long as we can attract another person, we will be much more likely to kill the target."

"But can she support the captain, this terrifying magic output, even if we are together, I may not be able to support a few waves." The brown-haired man looked at the continuous magic cannon blasting not far away, the captain's petite body I'm afraid I'll be dead if I get caught.

   "She is the captain, have you ever seen the captain lose... Of course, the highest police officer does not count, it is already another level of existence."

Out of trust in Lingmeng, the Interpols finally chose to wait. There are various superpowers in this team. There are also some special talents at the same time of defensive output, such as those similar to Gu Ming Di Lian. Unconscious and non-existent, covered by his abilities, as long as the people inside do not release their abilities, most detection methods cannot find them.

This is the superiority of the team. They allow Lingmeng to die in front of them and they are naturally not greedy and afraid of death. It can be said that there are no people who fear death in the black wings of today. They only need to consider whether the task can be completed, and Killing the Mist Rain Marisa was a death order from the Son of God, not to mention the fact that the captain they returned had this idea, so as long as the goal can be achieved, no matter how much sacrifice is acceptable.

After half an hour of high-intensity evasive movements, even Lingmeng began to feel a little tired, and he maintained his body's avoidance with instinct. Lingmeng's eyes were fixed on the succubus in Wanzhongguanghua, as if he had worn everything and reached his heart. Generally: "If you talk about the attack power, the power of the succubus is the well-deserved number one in Fantasy Township, even if you see the wind and the fragrance, it is inferior to you."

"Even if there is no power from the Boli enchantment, your evasion is unparalleled in the world, the spirit is like living water, and it is like a dream, it seems that I look down on you." The succubus does not want to cause the spirit to die to the death, she thinks When Lingmeng spoke, he gave up a wave of offensive and persuaded, "Go back, no matter what reason you have, I will not let Marisa die. Now you have no capital to do whatever you want."

After all, they recognize the power of the Boli enchantment. Compared with my existence, is it irrelevant? Succubus, I have seen through your means, even if there is no Boli enchantment, there are no monsters It will be my opponent, because I am a Bollywood dream!

   Musou, it is absolutely invincible in one respect, as long as this advantage still exists, then it is not time to give up.

When Lingmeng clearly knew what she was going to do, it was the most terrible. It was a cold and unconcerned person. If even the final belonging could not be guarded, the only meaning of living would be lost: "No one takes Fantasy Township Seriously, all the big monsters use it as a bargaining chip, but have you asked me for your opinion?"

   flying in the sky, the incredible witch turned into a hot sun and hit the million magic lights.

   "Spiritual dreams, are you crazy?" The succubus didn't worry that she would be broken by the opponent's power, but she just didn't understand what kind of obsession the witch had to kill Marisa.

There is nothing in Ling Meng's mind, no thoughts and no thoughts, and he completely handed over his body to the fighting consciousness of the genius. When the fragile body inevitably touched the brilliance and high temperature of the magic cannon, it symbolized the double knot with each other. The world started immediately.

In the enchantment, the position of the direction is multi-level, not just up, down, left, right, back and forth, the concept of the extra direction will also become a space to dodge. Since it is a spiritual dream, it should be as elusive as a dream. How can you use common sense To judge whether it is safe.

The enemy’s attack is on the first level, and the trace of his own passing is on the second level. Nothing will happen even if it hits. This is the double enchantment of the dream. After all the attacks have converged, it is displayed in front of the succubus, similar to the phase. Deflection avoidance method.

   This is the unprecedented way of fighting in Lingmeng. At this moment, even the succubus is moved, because if she is allowed to break in, she will lose 10% of her chances of winning.

In the final analysis, the enchantment and the realm are still the way of energy display. Lingmeng is good at the former, while Yakumo Zi is good at the latter. Although their conceptual meaning makes people feel powerless, Lingmeng is called the charm of Fantasy Town’s first attack power. Demon, after completely abandoning the melee ability, the magic cannon that the graduate school studied can show the degree of collapse is extremely terrible.

   Never seen black and white magic can gather quickly. The speed and perception of the two are far beyond the others. Even between the electric light and stone fire, there are many reactions and actions.

   The ultimate of the magic of the devil world, completely eliminating all the black and white sparks of defense without a name, but the moment it blasted, even the sound of the world was suppressed.

  The magic cannon that surpasses all light and darkness penetrated the double barrier. The suppressed space made Lingmeng nowhere to escape. When the destruction spread to her body, it seemed that the battle had ended.

"Sorry, I don't want to kill you." The succubus breathed out, when he could no longer feel any breath of The method demonstrated by the master brought her refreshing energy application skills, and she was a little uneasy because of Lingmeng's attachment: "Obviously you can't beat the master, why do you insist on it?"

"Morissa, gone, just a spirit dream made me spend a lot of energy. In case a few people come to kill you, I am not sure that I can protect you. It is only safe to go to Shenqi. After all, she is No one here can win her, the master of the demon world." The succubus shouted at Marisa. The latter worriedly glanced at the magnificent cannon eroding the space of the demon world, and finally followed.

  She didn't want to die, let alone die unclearly. Although she didn't understand why so many people wanted to kill her, it was always good to find shelter and live on, but she couldn't understand it anyway.

   "Captain, lost?" The Interpol who were hiding aside looked at the end of the fight in disbelief. Isn't the captain they always dreamed of really not as powerful as expected?

   "Absolutely not, although the captain is sometimes confused, but if you fight, you will never lose so cleanly!"

As this sentence says, since the circumvention ability is unparalleled in the world, then there can be no attack that can be hit. At least the strength of the succubus has not formed an absolute crush on Lingmeng. As long as there is a chance of victory, Lingmeng will It can be continuously expanded, after all, she was a legend long ago, and the invincibility of the Boli enchantment was put down, and she was able to overwhelm all the existence in the battle of Fuka.

   "Where are you going?"

   is inherently invincible, is a dream.

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