
Chapter 233 The results of the Yishan project broke out, Chen Nian's overall situation

(There is a little flaw in the last chapter. What SMIC is doing is not the project of the lithography machine itself. It should be a project of cooperating with microelectronics to make chips. It is indeed a bit confusing. The main reason is that the writing is wrong. I actually know this myself .)

In fact, Chen Guo's plan is not to allow SMIC, a manufacturer of chip processing, to purchase various equipment and parts, develop and produce lithography machines by itself, but to let it be a leader, with the help of the 20nm chip project, To stimulate the development of the entire chip and lithography machine industry.

This is a typical "flagship project" idea. In the past, this idea has been used in China to achieve many results.

It's just that, compared with those previous projects, this time the project is more difficult and the threshold is higher.

Therefore, after solving SMIC Zhang Rujin's problem, Chen Guo continued to visit many companies including Shanghai Microelectronics.

Compared with SMIC, it is much easier for these companies to communicate.

After all, they are all state-owned enterprises with administrative affiliation.

Communicating with them is more like a task than a transaction

It took a small week for Chen Guo to finally arrange everything properly, and at the same time as the chip project started smoothly, on the other side, the large-scale achievements of the Yishan project finally began to appear one after another.

At the end of May, Zhenhua Heavy Industry’s first super-large gantry crane rolled off the production line. Although it was a certain distance away from the 22,000-ton Honghai, the 16,000-ton gantry crane set a new record for the world’s largest gantry crane. History of the weight lifted by the crane.

This gantry crane was first deployed in Dalian Shipyard, replacing the original 9,000-ton gantry crane.

This replacement will undoubtedly speed up the progress of the Shenlan 16 project to a great extent, and the originally difficult lifting work of decks, gas turbines and other large equipment has become extremely easy. According to the evaluation of the professional technical consultants of the shipyard, this gantry crane alone , the overall project process of Deep Blue 16 can be shortened by more than 3 months.

At the same time, Zhenhua Heavy Industry is still further sprinting towards the ultimate goal of the project. The construction of Honghai has officially started, and the design standard has increased by 20% compared with the predetermined standard, reaching the 26,000-ton standard.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the purpose of such a giant gantry crane at a glance.

With such a big crane, you can’t use it to load and unload cargo at the port—that would be a bit overkill.

And all kinds of warships do not need such a heavy crane.

Therefore, from the beginning of its birth, the goal has been clear.

Clearly point to the next very large ship.

Whether it is the No. 002 aircraft carrier or a 400,000-ton freighter.

One is military and the other is civilian.

Although it seems that the significance of the former is much greater than that of the latter, in fact, as the conflict between Iraq and Saudi Arabia intensifies, oil supply is expected to be tense, and we have obtained priority supply rights from Saudi Arabia, a giant The strategic value that freighters can provide is, to some extent, not weaker than that of aircraft carriers.

Of course, it is too early to talk about such a grand strategy.

Relatively more practical is the birth of the large shield machine "Qiangguo".

Thanks to the previous technology accumulation on large dredgers, the progress of this shield machine has far exceeded the expectations of Chen Nian, the Xinghuo team and the Civil Affairs Office, whether it is in the comprehensive power system or in the reamer unit.

When it finally rolled off the assembly line, the Qiangguo super-large shield machine not only reached the technical standard, but also reversely output a series of technical optimization and technical extension results.

Under its influence, the development of small and medium-sized shield machines has been smooth.

With the emergence of Qiangguo and other types of shield machines, the construction speed of the first standardized and practical high-speed railway line has suddenly accelerated.

In March 2006, the Jingshi and Shiwu sections of the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway officially started construction. Only two months later, the tunnel work involved in the entire line was basically completed. Compared with previous similar projects, the tunnel construction efficiency has increased by more than 5 times.

This speed has amazed the whole world, and some media have even issued several reports questioning the falsification of the engineering results.

But when the work video of Qiangguo was released, the faces of these media were all swollen.

Undoubtedly, this is a major milestone in the history of the development of human engineering machinery. The technology condensed in it, as well as the wisdom and heritage embodied in system engineering design, make it impossible for those who want to question it.

After all, with the capabilities of those media, at most they can question what system, system, culture, etc. there are no standard answers.

It can use its rich experience in sophistry to turn white into black.

But in the industrial field, what can it do?

Everyone can see that the shield machine is the standard answer.

Qiangguohao is the standard answer.

Moreover, it is a standard answer that cannot be copied in most countries.

Of course, the emergence of the shield machine is not just a huge project such as high-speed rail, but the difficulty of engineering and the reduction of engineering cost brought about by it have also made many small cities with complex terrain see opportunities.

A large number of county-level and township-level roads have been built, and the economy of secondary cities has entered a period of explosion—of course, this is done under the premise of overdrafting finances.

However, it seems that in the lower administrative organs, no one is worried about such overdrafts.

Yes, such a major issue can only be handed over to the upper echelons for consideration.

Reviews, research, and planning are non-stop, and the atmosphere and rhythm are extremely tight. Because of the pressure of the financial crisis, it is impossible for superiors to suppress the economic vitality of subordinates, but they must find ways to ensure financial health.

This is a complicated issue, but fortunately, the results of various previous projects have finally begun to see benefits after a 3-year vacuum period.

Gas turbines, radar electronic equipment, military weapons, ships, excavators, and even a small amount of aero-engines have all begun to be exported, which has brought good returns and barely supported economic development at an unstable balance point. .

However, if this kind of development wants to gain benefits, it must go through a long vacuum period.

However, this time the subprime mortgage crisis, because we have actually participated in the "ignition" action, the shock we received is far stronger than the previous life.

Coupled with the fact that now with Chen Nian's technology plug-in, the road of catching fish was naturally abandoned.

Instead, it is natural to rush forward in the field of science and technology.

And this also put more pressure on Chen Nian.

Xigong University.

Chen Nian sat at the table, staring at the source of 3.6 points displayed on the system in a daze.

During this period of time, he has actually been working very hard to increase the generation speed of source points, but for some reason, the average daily source point production seems to have reached a bottleneck, stuck at 0.3 points. There was no movement on the threshold.

Occasionally, due to some accidental technological fission, the generation of a single source point will reach 0.5 or even 1 point, but more often than not, except for the stable source point income that learning can bring, the additional source point income is blank.

After the Yishan project was launched, the source point increment brought about by technological fission broke out for a while, but it quickly returned to normal.

In a word, it is the source output of the system, which has not been able to achieve a "step-up" upgrade in the same way as the development of technology.

This made Chen Nian feel a little anxious.

Because, according to the current progress, he estimates that in the next two to three years, the entire "contemporary technology" system will be traversed, and then it will enter the near-future technology field.

However, compared with "contemporary technology", the number of source points required for "near future technology" is making great strides forward.

For example, for elementary artificial intelligence like Yujing 01, which relies on machine learning and neural networks, it may only cost a few sources to analyze.

But if you want to build an advanced artificial intelligence that can be widely used and even pass the Turing test, the source point you need directly exceeds 10 digits, reaching the level of thousands or tens of thousands.

For another example, the source point consumption of an H-20 is only 10 points, but the source point consumption of Luanniao space carrier and Nantianmen space platform is 100,000 points.

Similarly, the relatively advanced Amprius lithium battery consumes 20 points, but the next-generation silicon battery consumes 900 points.

In this case, once you have completed all the layout points of "contemporary technology", you may face the dilemma of "the ceiling cannot be broken" for a long time in the future.

How long will this predicament last?

Nobody knows.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian sighed deeply.

What should I do

For this problem, he actually thought of many different solutions and schemes.

For example, if you directly collect a wave of big moves, first point out the BCI brain computer, so that you can get rid of system bugs and rely on a large amount of information transmission to clear the source.

However, he quickly realized that, in fact, the process of transferring knowledge after system analysis is not exactly the same as the process of transferring knowledge in the BCI system?

Since the system transfer of knowledge will not be rewarded as "learning", then BCI must not be able to.

The criteria for the system to judge the behavior of "learning" should be the continuous activity of the brain, as well as the active activity of the memory area and the thinking area.

Neither the system nor the BCI can meet such requirements.

Therefore, in fact, on the path of "learning to obtain the source point", I am very limited.

The only thing that can make a fuss is the "source point of knowledge increment generation".

However, the frequency of technological fission and knowledge addition is limited, and the speed cannot be accelerated


Chen Nian suddenly felt a flash of light in his mind.

That's right.

Judging from the current situation, the frequency of new knowledge is indeed limited.

But the problem is that this is limited because the basis for knowledge transfer is limited.

Those who come into contact with these cutting-edge technologies are generally experts and practitioners in related industries. The number of them is small, and not everyone has inspiration. It is normal for the fission speed to be relatively slow.

but if.

What if I make these technologies into a popular science-style publicity?

There is no need to divulge the core points, just explain the principles and basic logic, and someone will always be inspired by it, see deeper and farther things, and create more results!

Even if there is only one person out of 10,000, even if the source point benefit that this person can bring is only 0.01.

Can be enlarged to a base of 100 million people, wouldn't it generate 100 points of source income? ?


Why does this income route feel so familiar?

Chen Nian frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly realized.

Isn't this the basic logic of compulsory education and universal education? !

Obviously, my previous logic of technology diffusion followed the logic of elite education, and only those with certain abilities and who have been verified can access it.

This kind of diffusion logic may be relatively high in terms of immediate benefits, but if the overall benefits are considered, it is not an order of magnitude compared with "universal education" at all!

Chen Nian immediately became excited, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have made some mistakes.

This system, it was not born for itself.

It is not for the purpose of using the power of the system to become the supreme "god" in this world, but to use itself as a medium to pull everyone forward together!


It turned out that my previous route had been wrong all along.


No, it cannot be said that it was a wrong walk, it should be said that it was a slow walk.

Two hours later, in Chen Guo's office.

"What? You want to do education reform?"

Chen Guo looked at the young man in front of her in surprise, as if she hadn't expected that he came to find her for such a thing.

"To be precise, it has not reached the level of so-called education reform."

"My idea is that our general education in science should take a step forward and not just be limited to the traditional theoretical teaching."

"We should allow our youth to learn more about new technologies --- and systematically."

"For example, why a stealth fighter can be invisible, what is the principle of an aero engine, and how does a radar work. These knowledge should be divided into depths."

"Shallow ones will be disseminated on a large scale, while deep ones will give interested people a way to inquire through channels such as the National Library and National Archives."

"In this way, the level of higher education in our entire society—no, it cannot be said to be the level of higher education, it should be said to be the level of 'specialized education'. There will definitely be a significant improvement."

"On the other hand, if this work can continue, for a wide range of educated people, their range of choices will also become wider."

"For example, some people may be interested in welding. Then after we announce the latest non-classified technology in the welding field, we may be able to guide him to study and research in this field in advance."

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Chen Guo's expression gradually became serious.

"So, what you want to do is actually a broad general education system?"

"It's going to be hard ... we lack the medium."

"No, we won't be short."

"the Internet!"

Chen Nian said firmly.

".Do you predict how much the Internet will develop?"

Chen Guo asked suspiciously.

"It's very simple, it will develop to the point where a normal social person cannot leave the Internet for more than a day."

"This kind of coverage is enough for this project."

"Get ready, the sooner we make arrangements for this matter, the better."

"Otherwise, after fast-food entertainment has seized the user's inertial space, it will not be so easy for us to squeeze in."

Chen Guo nodded and replied:

"Okay, I'll arrange this matter."

"This should be said to be a very far-sighted layout. I believe that the superiors will not reject such an investment."

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