
Chapter 234 Don't block it, the Chinese is exposed

"Finally. I can take a little breather."

In the office of the May Club, Houston let out a long sigh of relief, with a dejected expression, but said in a relaxed manner.

For him, these two months were as difficult as being in hell.

The economy has collapsed, the unemployment rate has skyrocketed, and violent cases have occurred frequently. On several occasions, large-scale group activities broke out on the streets, and even the action departments under the May Party were forced to take to the streets to suppress them.

It can be said that it is only a little bit short, and this society will completely stop and fall into collapse.

But fortunately, the background accumulated over the decades saved his life and extended the collapse time to more than a month.

Subsequently, the operation in Iraq was also a great success. The rise in oil prices and the overwhelming media publicity finally stabilized social expectations and stopped the trend of continuing to slide into the abyss.

Of course, the situation is still not optimistic.

Countless factories have been shut down and bankrupted, social and economic activities have slowed down severely, and severe price increases for daily necessities have generally occurred. In some states, there have even been extreme shortages of supply in supermarkets.

For the May Party and for this country, the bleeding from the major arteries has indeed stopped.

But how to promote wound healing and how to return to a healthy state in the future is the biggest challenge.

Looking at Houston's expression, the assistant on the side also sighed, and then said:

"We have a respite, but it's only temporary."

"Our opponent, taking advantage of this opportunity, has already started running all the way to plunder what originally belonged to us. If we don't take countermeasures as soon as possible, it is very likely that we will directly fall into the dilemma of 'slow suffocation'."

"But we don't have the capability."

Houston said in a low voice.

"We have no way to fight them now."

"Look at their strategies, from finance, to infrastructure, to basic living security, and even arms exports."

"I even suspect that they've been waiting for decades for this day, just waiting to catch our slack and play all the cards in their hands."

"Everything is so smooth, it is impeccably smooth."

"indeed so."

The assistant nodded in agreement, and then said:

"But maybe we don't have a chance?"

"What they can do, we can do too."

"Infrastructure can drive their economic development, and it can also drive our economic development."

"How can it be!"

Houston interrupted the assistant mercilessly, then frowned and criticized:

"Are you an idiot? Their situation is completely different from ours. Whether it is in the national geographic environment, resource environment or population environment, there are significant differences."

"If they can build railways, do we also build railways? They build road transportation networks, can we also build road transportation networks? They build bridges, but we also want to build bridges. Where do we build them? The Grand Canyon?"

"This is not the same thing at all. Our population is too small, and the huge infrastructure construction is simply not worth the loss. Not only will it fail to drive economic development, but it will further narrow our survival channels."

After a pause, Houston continued:

"Besides, we don't have that much money."

"The state government down below, there's no way they would agree to such a plan."

Hearing this, the assistant shook his head and replied:

"No, they will certainly agree."

"What's the meaning?"

Houston asked puzzled.

For a while, he couldn't figure out what his assistant was thinking.

Although he is very reliable most of the time, in some special cases, he always proposes some strategies that make him jaw-dropping.

Those strategies can't be said to be completely useless, it can only be said that most of them are paths that have never been imagined.

To take that route in this country is to really make a joke of your own life.

Looking at Houston's suspicious eyes, the assistant did not flinch at all, but looked at him calmly, and said at the same time:

"The infrastructure I'm talking about is not the infrastructure that completely copied China's strategy."

"Of course, we could also build bridges and build roads, but like you said, that doesn't make sense."

"All we need is a pivot point to stimulate the economy, and that pivot point is not with us, it's with them."

"Or to put it bluntly, we should export a value: what they can do, we can do, and we can do better."

"Only in this way can the country's confidence be fundamentally boosted and the vitality of the financial market restored."

"You know, finance is the backbone of our country. If finance fails, then we will really fail."


Houston's eyes lit up.

"So, what you're saying is that the infrastructure construction is just a cover, and in essence, it's still a propaganda operation?"

"It can be understood in this way."

Houston leaned back on the chair. After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly asked:

"Will Congress support this strategy?"

"We are already tight on funds now. I doubt it. If we want to do such a billboard project, it will be difficult to get their support."

"No, they will definitely support it."

The assistant said firmly.

"Because, that must be part of the strategy."

"In previous speeches, the president has already mentioned that we should boycott Chinese products and build our own basic industries."

"That also means that we must start this strategy from the most basic aspects."

"You can submit this proposal, and I believe it will be passed soon."


Houston nodded slightly, and then he took out a cigarette from the drawer and brought it to his mouth.

The flames flickered and the smoke rose slowly.

He frowned, deducing more details in his mind.

This is indeed a good strategy, but where to start and in which industry?

It must be both practical and topical enough to generate sufficient discussion in this country, and the world at large.

Build an airport?

No, the current airports across the United States can no longer be said to be sufficient, but even a bit redundant, and the economic value is too poor.

Build a bridge? You can't blow up the Golden Gate Bridge and rebuild it?


A highway project obviously doesn't make much sense unless it's a railroad

High-speed rail?

Houston perked up.

He looked at the map hanging on the wall, and a bold idea came to his mind.

The high-speed rail from Los Angeles to San Francisco, maybe, it's time for a fix

A few days later, by the Hudson River in New York.

Houston stood nervously among the crowd, staring at the president who was making preparations in the distance, and put his hands on the holster around his waist.

In fact, he also knew that the probability of accidents was very small, but he had no choice. This speech was so important that even though he had participated in countless similar actions, he couldn't help being a little nervous.


After all, not long ago, the president was attacked in a public speech. Although he was not seriously injured, and the person who hit him with a prosthetic limb was also punished as he should, this incident has become a circle around Not the stain of the past.

Even the prosthetics of that brand have been enthusiastically sought after, and many ordinary people who have no physical disabilities at all also ran to buy them, clamoring to hit the president on the head in the next public speech to show their support for the veteran.

But today, there were quite a few people who came with prosthetic limbs at the scene, and the security personnel finally drove them out after several rounds of cleaning.

Even if the rest are not all supporters, at least they will not be extremists.

Thinking of this, Houston breathed a sigh of relief, and at this moment, the president not far away suddenly waved to him.

He hurried forward and stood aside humbly, waiting for the other party to speak first.

"Houston, you did a good job this time."

"Whether it is the plan itself or the organization of this event, it reflects your ability."

"If you can continue to maintain this level of work in the future, I believe that it won't be long before you will go further."

Hearing what the president said, Houston quickly raised his head and replied:

"thank you, sir."

"This is not due to me alone, but"

"Okay, don't talk about that."

The president interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and then continued:

"This time, we have obtained the support of several investment institutions in advance, and we have made full preparations in terms of funds."

"At the same time, the various state governments involved in the project have also clearly expressed their support."

"It can be said that the difficulty of the project has been basically eliminated, and the rest is the specific project management work."

"So, I propose that from now on, the May Council will take over the project."

"You are responsible for the project, and at the same time, you will also get the benefits of project completion."

"If this project can be made a success know what I mean."

There was an unconcealable excitement on Houston's face, he nodded solemnly, and replied:

"I understand, I will arrange everything!"

"I can rest assured that."

The President sighed, then said:

"Actually, you've done a lot better than Paine."

"Before you, he was in a much easier situation than you, and he screwed everything up."

"And you, in such an environment, can help me recover my losses more than once, which is really rare"

"You have worked so hard, and you should know why you worked so hard."

"Right now, Paine is still retiring in Texas. Maybe you should talk to him face to face about some things."

Houston looked serious, he already understood what the president meant.

But before he could answer, the president on the side had already adjusted his tie and walked up to the podium.

In an instant, there was a noisy sound at the scene.

There were cheers, boos, screams, and loud questions, but more of it was the buzzing of discussions.

Houston couldn't hear the discussion of those people, but even without using his brain, he could guess what they were talking about.

"Is the plan serious this time? Is it really going to build a high-speed railway?"

"What good is it to us to build a railroad? Why don't we send the money so we can buy bread?"

"Will the state government support it? Hope they don't become slaves to the Federation."

"I don't want a railroad, I just want a job."

"Will there be jobs after the railway is built?"

That's all.

Houston shook his head subconsciously, feeling a little contemptuous in his heart.

In fact, he knew that what these people cared about was nothing more than their bread for breakfast and steak for dinner.

The country has been on the brink of crisis, but they have always turned a blind eye, and there is no sign of unity.

What would such foolish lambs have become without a wise shepherd leading them?

Maybe, it will quickly degenerate and become a mess

While he was deep in thought, the president's speech had already begun.

".Yes, the crisis has come to an end for now."

"Here, I can proudly tell my people that with our joint efforts, this financial turmoil that could destroy any country in the world stopped before the Statue of Liberty."

"The economy is improving and financial markets are recovering. Although we still face short-term problems of rising prices and insufficient employment, I believe that these problems will be resolved soon."

"—However, we have to ask a question before we get over it."

"What is the reason for this difficulty?"

"There are many answers to this question."

"Overheated real estate, overly aggressive financial industry, hollowing out of industries, lack of factories, lack of workers, lack of infrastructure"

"Every answer does have a certain rationality."

"But if we explore deeper, we have to admit a fact that is both helpless and infuriating."

"We are being kidnapped."

As soon as these words were spoken, the people under the podium immediately fell silent.

They seem to have never heard such a view.


Who kidnapped us?

Will the great United States of America be kidnapped?

The President looked at the reaction of the people with satisfaction, and then he continued to look at the teleprompter and said:

"Maybe, you already have doubts in your heart."

"Perhaps, you will want to ask: Who kidnapped us?"

"Well, now, I'm going to give you the answer."

"People, my dear countrymen!"

"Go and see where the commodities that are necessary for life in the supermarket come from!"

"Go and have a look, those ships that are constantly flowing on the river, where are they going!"

"Go and see the faces of the passengers on those passenger planes that have flown halfway around the world!"

"Go and see, who are the shareholders in the company you work for!"

"There is only one answer."


"Yes, they have permeated every aspect of our lives."

"If you are a housewife, then for every dinner plate and every knife you buy, there will be 10 dollars or more of profits flowing to China."

"If you are an employee, then every output value you create must be distributed to Huaxia's shareholders."

"Not just you, your daughter, your wife, your husband."

"It's not just business, in fact, every coin you spend will be divided by them!"

Hearing this, the crowd below were instantly excited.

They may have been vaguely aware of the connection between China's economy and them in their past lives, but no one has ever said it so frankly in public.

And now, the person who said this fact is the president.

The authenticity, then, cannot be doubted.

For the first time, they realized that their connection with Huaxia had actually reached such a level.

Obviously, the financial crisis this time must have something to do with them.

In an instant, the sound of a mountain whistling and a tsunami sounded.

There was a smile on the president's face, and then he raised his hand and made a gesture of pressing down, and continued:

"Of course, we are tolerant."

"Not only are we tolerant, we are also rational."

"We know that if the world wants to develop, exchanges and cooperation between countries are inevitable."

"So, we allow them to do business here, and we are willing to provide them with corresponding convenience."

"—But, they shouldn't do everything."

"There are some things that should be done by ourselves."

"So, starting today, we're going to take back what belongs to us!"

"We're going to make our kitchens, we're going to form our companies, we're going to build our railroads!"

"We don't need their so-called 'help', even if we only rely on ourselves, we can definitely do it!"

"And the high-speed rail from Los Angeles to San Francisco will be our first battle!"

"This war will be completely participated by ourselves, and it will not have any Chinese elements!"

"There is no smoke, no flames of war, but it will be just as intense."

"Once we fail, we will be... forever lost."

"However...we will definitely win!"

Once again, the scene erupted into a frenzy of enthusiasm.

The initial discussion has been completely replaced by cheers, and even Houston has a look of excitement on his face.

It was indeed an inspiring speech.

Once broadcast, the effect of this project will be infinitely magnified.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

At this time, on the Hudson River, a huge ship passed by.

The siren sounded, as if moving towards the strongest movement for this speech.

Everyone was drawn to that ship—it was part of the plan.

The public sighed at the powerful sense of power displayed by the giant ship, and their confidence in the high-speed rail project was also extremely high.


However, at this moment.

A strong wind blew across the Hudson River.

That gust of wind took away the mask covering the giant wheel.

In the next second, Houston's expression changed drastically.

Because, after the mask came off, four characters were impressively revealed under the mask.

"Zhenhua Heavy Industry".

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