Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 104 - The Black

Geraldine put the dresses she picked on the counter and the cashier looked at her with distaste but smiled when looking at Levine.

The sale's lady put Levine's dresses ahead of Geraldine and cleared her throat as she smiled to the casher, "Let's pack this young lady's dresses first."

This caused Levine to panick and looked at Geraldine, "Young miss…" she whispered and went behind Geraldine's back.

This caused the casher and the sale's lady to raised an eyebrows to what they have seen. Geraldine pushed her dresses forward and lifted her hood a little bit for them to see her face.

"Put those sets of dresses on a separate bags," Geraldine said and opened her bag to take the empty cheque when the casher looked at her with one eyebrow raised.

Geraldine gives a single piece of the cheque to Levine as it was the servants job to do the paying while their owner waits for the items they bought.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you both but is it kinda rude for the servant to ask the owner to be the one who will do the paying," The sale's lady crossed her arms and looked at Geraldine from top to toe.

Geraldine was about to reply when Levine step in front and answer for her instead.

"How dare you say that in front of my young miss!?" Levine spoke with her voice in a high pitch that surprised the sal'es lady.

"Huh, you - young miss?" The casher stuttered as their went to the woman wearing a black cloak.

"Yes, she's the young miss of the house of Duke here at the North!" Levine said with pride and even presented Geraldine who was embarassed by her.

"You don't have to--" Geraldine tried to stop her but Levine was so into her character that she ignored Geraldine's words.

"You mean the Gauthier's family?" The sale's lady spoke with shock evident on her voice.

"Yes and you're the one who is rude and disrespectful here," Levine crossed her arms as she glared at the two people in front of her.

The casher and sale's girl immediately bowed, "We apologize for the misunderstanding. I hope our actions won't affect your thoughts about the quality of our clothes," she said and immediately gestured the casher to pack their clothes instantly.

"It's fine," Geraldine muttered and pull back her hood to cover her face and went outside as Levine payed and grabbed the clothes.

"Tsk, those employees are rude, you shouldn't tolerate it, young miss," Levine said with a pout as she doesn't want her owner to feel bad or uncomfortable.

"I don't mind it Levine. It's better for people not to recognize me as I can have much freedom than fully showing who I am," Geraldine smiled and started to go to the next destination.

As they keep on walking, she could still feel the presence she felt inside the botique following them. She let it be and act as if she didn't know but she's concerned about the well-being of Levine as she might get pulled into her mess.

As hours passed by, they went to different stores and Geraldine could still feel the presence following them but everytime she turned around, no on is there.

"Young miss, it's already lunch time," Levine said while wiping away the sweat forming on her forehead.

"I lost track of time, wait here and I'll go buy some food for us," Geraldine said and leave immediately. Levine can't follow her because of the multiple bags she's holding.

Geraldine went to a bread store and broght some and while she's waiting for the bread to be heated. The presence of somebody became closer until she could feel it behind her back. Her body hair stands up and her heart beat fastened as if she's been running for an hour.

With a quick turn, Geraldine is confident that she'll be able to see the face of the one following her but there's no one behind her.

"Young miss, here's your order," The baker handed two box full of fresh bread with a smile.

"Thank you and by the way, have you seen someone behind me earlier?" She asked, hoping that the baker could answer.

"Huh? You're the only one standing there in line since all the customer's went inside to eat," The baker scratch his head in confusion.

"I see," With a nod, Geraldine went away and at that time, she could no longer feel the presence which she sighs in relief.

After going back to Levine's location. They went to the carriage went travelled back home while eating bread inside.

"Ah, it's a good thing that nothing bad happened to us," Levine's sighs while eating an egg pie.

"Yes," Geraldine answered and look outside the window. Her mind still can't forget the presence she felt as if it's still lingering around her. 

After arriving at the mansion, Levine arranged the clothes they've bought and when she's done, Geraldine sent her away to eat while she lounge over the bed.

"I have the knowledge of what happened for more than one thousand years. I learn every books and information surrounding the Rakkaegia Empire. Every victoryand improvement of this land, I was there. I seen it all but why do I feel so dumb right now? I feel like a child who is just dreaming and thought that dream is real but it wasn't. Am I in the right path?" 

Geraldine muttered while looking at the ceiling and that's the time when she started doubting herself base on the question that still doesn't have an answer. She doesn't realize that she have fallen asleep due to overthinking.


Geraldine flinched when she heard steps approaching her way that's caused her to wake up, "Ugh! What time is it?" she grunted and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"It's already night. How long did I sleep?" She yawned and stretched her body. Her room is covered in darkness because she have forgotten to turn on the lights but she didn't move because she wanted to sleep a little bit more.

She thought that the footsteps belong to Levine and shrugged it away but after some time, she noticed the difference on it's pace.

Geraldine's drowsiness was gone and replaced with attentiveness as she slowly raised up from her bed and tiptoed to prevent any sound.

She grabbed the nearest item beside her and used it as her weapon as she slowly walked towards the door.

Geraldine couldn't help but gasp when she felt the same presence that has been trailing her since she went out to the market. She raised the lampshade in hand and put her free hand on the handle and counted up to three. She opened the door with a quick swift and that's when she saw a shadow retreating. 

"HEY!" Geraldine followed the shadow but every time it pass by the lamps, the fire would die, making the place in total darkness but it didn't bother Geraldine a bit and trust her other senses to tract the presence.

After a few minutes of chase, Geraldine arrived at the garden. She didn't realize that she was already outside because her mind is too focus on other things.

"Tsk! Where did it go?" She muttered and look around for any possible way it go or hide. The lamps around her begun to flicker and instantly burst, leaving the area covered with darkness with only the moon giving light to the surrounding.

"I know you're here. Show you're self and tell me what you want. I don't have time to play with you," Geraldine screamed and continued turning to look for any sight of the shadow when she felt the presence behind her.

She instantly turn around and use the lampshade to shield herself. That's when she fully saw her opponent.

A figure wearing a full black clothes and robe with the hood covering it's face and a mask with gold lines on it.

"AHH!" Geraldine screamed and push her opponent away. Both of them are now standing facing one another a few meters apart.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Geraldine spoke calmly and aimed the lampshade to the opposite side.

The opponent didn't answer and cocked it's head to the side, it didn't move nor show any sign of attack. It just stand there while looking at her behind it's dark clothes.

Geraldine is doing the same, she's observing her opponent and wrack her brain to think for her opponents intention for her.

"If you want something from me, just say it. I'm not a hard person to talk to and can you at least tell me if you're a man or a woman?" Geraldine shrugged and waited for a reply but there's none.

The cold wind blows towards them as the clouds moved away from the moon making it's light shined over them. 

Geraldine took a step forward with it's weapon still extended, she was about to speak when her opponent move and took something inside her cloak and what she saw next makes her eyes bulged in fear.

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