Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 105 - The Presence

"What the-- How did you-- Who are you?" Geraldine couldn't form the words she was about to say as her mind is confused as she's rattled by the presence in front of her.

Her opponent didn't say a word and swing it's own weapon and aim it towards Geraldine who was still in shock upon seeing something familiar to her.

"Where did you get tha - that?" Geraldine pointed at the opponent's weapon.

Her opponent is holding a silver spear with a red zircon gem in the middle. It's features is exactly the same when Geraldine became Victoria, a spear of victory and honor that gives the Rakkaegia Empire it's abundance and prosperity from the conquering kingdoms by using her. That's why Rakkaegia becomes known around the world for it's cruelty and power.

"Don't you remember this?" The opponent finally spoke and it's voice sound robotic that you won't know it's gender.

"Tsk!" Geraldine glared at the person in front of her and knowing she doesn't hold any weapon that can be used to fight her foe. She doesn't has a choice but to use the hardening her finger's which turned to silver. 

"Who are you?" Geraldine asked for another time as she wanted to know the person who has something to do with her past.

"Don't you recognize who am I?" The opponent laughed as it's voice grumbled evilly which makes Geraldine flinched, "I should be the one asking you that."

"I am Geraldine Gauthier, the only daughter of the Duke's family," Geraldine said with pride on her voice but the person before laughed sarcastically.

"Are you sure about that? Because from what I know, you don't belong here," the opponent swings the spear and played with it before slicing in front of Geraldine, "You're not from this world. You stole what was supposed to be mine!"

After her opponent scream, it jumps and attacks Geraldine with no hesitation. Swinging the spear from side to side, a skill that seemed similar to Geraldine.

"I don't know what you're saying!?" Geraldine yelled as she dodged the attacks coming to her way and she's able to hide behind the tree when the cloud covers the moonlight.

"You don't belong here!" The opponent laughed again as if taunting here again and again. 

Geraldine's hands trembled with the words she's hearing from her opponent as if she knew something of her secret and she's in doubt whether to ask any information or kill the person to shut it's mouth as it will hinder her plan of revenge.

"How can you say that I don't belong here?" Geraldine shouts as she prepare herself and went to another tree while looking at her opponent who is following her voice.

Silence followed when the opponent went to the tree where she used to hide but never came out of it.

Then it's the time when she felt that presence behind her, it was too sudden that she got surprise as well.

"Because I'm the one who belong here!" 

The tree was cut down easily to half by the opponents spear and went to attack her. Geraldine throws the lamp on the opponents head and went it was distracted, she used the time to claw the opponent's chest but was able to dodge and only able to scratched the shoulder.

Geraldine doesn't know what to reply or say as she's confused at what's happening to her at that moment and her priority is to survive the fight.

Her opponent didn't stop and throws the spear towards Geraldine's chest but she easily avoid it due to the distance. Rolling to the side, that's the time when she's able to ahve a closer look to the spear.

"It looks exactly like --- me," She whispered as her eyes trembled and lose her focus as her mind started to drift at the time of her suffering at the mage tower where she taste different kinds of experiment for years. 

The opponent went towards her and yanked the frozen Geraldine's hair upwards and made her look into it's eyes.

"I will kill you and retake what's mine!" Her opponent grasp her neck and choked her while preparing the spear to pierce into Geraldine's heart. "I have searched for you for a long time, Victoria."

As soon as her opponent says her spear's name, Geraldine came back reality and used her hand to claw her opponent's face, causing the mask to fall off. That's when she saw that the one she's fighting is a female.

The opponent loosen her grip on Geraldine's neck as she tried to cover her face. Geraldine used the opportunity to kick her in the chest to separate them.

*Cough cough*

Geraldine holds her neck while trying to catch up for a breath then she dashed towards her opponent with her sharp pointed fingers ready to dig into her flesh but when the time that she's able to reach her.

Her opponent instantly vanished like a smoke in front of her eyes.

"I'll be back~"

That's the last words she heard when the lights instantly flickered on, giving light to her surrounding. She turn around and saw the broken lampshade and the sliced tree.

"It isn't a dream," She falls down on her knees and looked at her hands that slowly going back to her original flesh.

Suddenly, she became dizzy and her vision started to become blurry that she could no longer stand up and she could only lay down on the cold ground as she embrace the night.

"Young miss! Young miss!" 

Series of loud voices entered Geraldine's ears that added to the thumbing of her head. She wanted to tell them to shut up but she could not move her body or speak. Then she felt that she's being lifted by someone and she lost her consciousness again.


A girl is standing in the middle of a pitch black room that has no exit. She looks void of emotions while holding her bunny stuff toy in one hand. Her eyes shows emptiness like a dead person.


Standing in front of her is a woman with the similar feature as the girl in front of her. They are both facing each other with the same dead eyes. 


"I want to live again," The girl said and hugged her bunny with the look of longing.


"Are you dead?" The woman in front of her ask, curious with her words.


"Yes," The girl answered flatly which makes the woman pitied her.


"I'm sorry."


Silence followed as they both stared to each others face. The woman took a step closer and kneel in front of the girl to make their head level.


"Who killed you?" The woman ask but the girl only hugged the bunny tighter and mumbled words that the woman can't understand.


"What's your name?" The woman ask and that makes the child look into her eyes.




"My name is Geraldine as well," The woman said with a smile and that's when she took notice the similarities between them. They have the same facial features with the same hair and eye color. The only difference is the tiny mole under the girl's right eye. 


"We have the same name," The woman smiled and took a step back from the girl, "So, what do you want to do now?"


The girl's face change into a maniac with her smile that reached her ears, making the skin surrounding her mouth split open.

"I want to go back to where I was before but that requires something I needed to attain," The girl said and walked towards the woman who looked at her with fear but tried to stay calm and avoid the black blood dripping from the girl's mouth.


Then something formed on the girl's hand, her flesh turned to silver and didn't waste any second and swiftly plugged it on the woman's chest. Grabbing her heart and pulling it out on her body, causing the woman's blood to pour out of her body like a fountain.


"Why--? The woman wasn't able to speak as she falls on the ground while clutching her chest while trying to stop the bleeding but it's useless.


"Because I need your body. After all, we are the same person living in different worlds," The girl giggled and walked away with her heart dangling in her hand.



Geraldine's eyes snapped open as she instantly grabbed her chest to feel her heartbeat and sighs in relief when she felt the soft beating of her heart. Then it followed by a terrible headache that felt like it's gonna crack her head into two.

"Young miss! You're finally awake!" A high pitch voice echoed in the room, making Geraldine to put both of her hands over her ears to prevent the sound from entering.

"Doctor! Call the doctor!"

A hand suddenly grabbed Geraldine and gives her a glass of water, "Young miss, are you okay? How are you feeling?" Levine ask while helping her owner to sit up and support the glass. Geraldine didn't answer and cupped Levine's face and pull her closer to her.

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