Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 120 - Found Her

As he walk by, he couldn't help but think hoe Geraldine had a pill similar to the pills Gavril sell in the Empire but it was different. It is more powerful than the mana pills.

He looked down at his finger that was chewed by the dire wolf to see no signs of the wound and even his bones grew back.

The thought of it gives chills to his bones. He shook his head to erase his thoughts and memories when he saw a unicorn standing in front of Geraldine's tent and it didn't take long before Gavril went out.

Both their eyes connected for a few seconds before Gavril gestured using his head for Gael to come inside his tent.

He took one last look at the unicorn before following Gavril. As soon as he enters his tent, he saw his brother drinking some wine and sighs heavily.

"Gavril, what's going on? Why is there a f*cking unicorn in front of Geraldine's tent?" Gael whispered and pointed his index finger outside.

"So, you haven't heard the news huh?" Gavril sits on his chair and put his feet on top of the table.

Gael's eyebrows scrunched up and it was the only sign Gavril needed to know the answer to his question.

"Something happened while you and father were gone. So, if you want to know then sit on that chair as I have a story to tell," Gavril smiled and offered the chair in front.

Gael didn't want to waste time listening to his brother talk but his curiosity gets the best of him. So, he sits down with a grunt and waited for Gavril to start his story.

Gavril, pour him some wine and slides the glass in front of Gael as he started to talk about what happened.

It took more than 30 minutes before Gavril finished his story in detail. Gael has no words to say as he leaned back on the chair.

"The Crown Prince for sure is pissed off by what happened. He really hates it when his possession gets stolen or taken by someone." Gael runs a hand on his hair due to frustration.

"I know. Now, I'm worried for her safety," Gavril chuckled by what he said, "Nobody will bully her except me."

Both men remained silent as they are on their own thoughts. After a while, Gael stands up and bid goodbye to his brother as he goes back to his tent as his eyes wanted to shut down.


Geraldine groaned as she wakes up from her sleep. She slowly lifted her eyelids to see that she's already in her own bed inside her tent. Then she quickly reach to her back to check the wound to see that there's none. 

"What happened? I'm sure I felt that knight cut my skin, it's quite painful," she muttered and rotate her shoulders to see that it is still flexible. 

She closed her eyes to try and remember what happened before she lost her consciousness when she heard the unicorn neigh outside. 

She instantly stands up and flips her tent to see Bolgo and the fellow knights trying to subdue the unicorn. The Duke is standing at the side with his eyes glaring at the creature. 

"Father," Geraldine went to him and curtsied. 

The Duke didn't look at her as he spoke in a firm voice, "That creature belongs to the Crown Prince even if it chooses you over him. You don't own it and we need to take that back to him or something else will gonna happen to you and to our family."

Geraldine's hand trembled as it turns to fist. She doesn't care of something happened to her since she can save herself from any danger but she's more concerned on her family. Not because she cares for them but she needed their status to get contact to Alexjin and be involved with the issues inside the nobility. 

She looked at her father and smiled, "As you wish, father but let me handle that creature as no one can do it except me."

With the Duke's approval. The knights step aside as Geraldine makes her way towards the creature. When the unicorn saw her approach, it instantly calmed down and shows affection. 

Geraldine hugged the horse and whispered, "I wanted to keep you in my side but the one who captured you threaten me and my family if you stay here any longer. You need to go back to the Crown Prince, it's where you belong, my lovely one. I'm sorry I'm unable to save you but I wished you will find freedom sooner." 

Geraldine step aside as the knights put ropes on the unicorn's neck. It didn't became aggressive and remained calm while it's eyes is still looking over to Geraldine. 

She gives him a smile as the unicorn was taken away. She felt heartbroken but that's their life. Everything is decided base on the status of a person. 

After everything was done, Geraldine went back to her tent as she excused herself for not feeling well. Geraldine wanted to do something to get back the unicorn to her as she knows that the Crown Prince will only use the creature as his trophy especially that they saw it's powers right before their eyes. She doesn't want the past to repeat itself because of her. 

She spend the remaining hours thinking of a way to steal the unicorn. She planned to do it at the next event but doesn't have an ally to work for her. She can't have Levine do it since she would pass out in fear or the unicorn might stab her. She can steal the unicorn by herself but she needed to be present at the event to lessen the suspicion about her if the unicorn will be gone. 

"Ah, I'll think about it later. For now, I just need the unicorn's location." Geraldine muttered and flick her fingers then the green colored butterfly appeared and lands on her index finger. 

"My dear butterfly, find the unicorn's location as soon as possible."

The green colored butterfly flapped its wings as it flew to the sky and vanished in thin air. Geraldine sighs as she laid on her bed and close her eyes as sleep invades her. 

In the morning, the next event is about the females. It was different from the males who have violence involved on their event. 

For the ladies, they would only show their skills on their elements as a support. No violence but a showdown to see who has the most beautiful bending among them. 

Geraldine finds it useless as she doesn't want to look like an entertainer for the other nobles to see. She wanted to hunt in the forest as well to challenged herself and her skills but she needed to participate in the event even if she doesn't want to. She doesn't have a choice since she's the only daughter of the family.

"What can a light user do against those powerful elementals?" Gavril sneered at the Duke who is having a morning coffee outside of their tent.

"She can do it," The Duke spoke calmly as he sighs in content due to the hot liquid running down his throat. 

Gavril wanted Geraldine to drop out of the female event so that she could rest from what happened that night. He saw it on his own eyes and doesn't want to repeat that scenario again.

In the end, he can't do anything against the decision of the Duke and could only sunk at his chair. Geraldine on the other hand, remained silent in her tent. She could hear everything they say but didn't object with her father's objection.

"Young miss, are you sure you want to join? This might cost a toll in your body," Levine muttered in concern as she pour some honey on Geraldine's pancake.

"I will be fine, Levine. Don't worry too much," She chuckled at how Levine pouts.

Levine continued combing Geraldine's hair as she's eating her food. Her mind wandered to the things that she needed to be done that day. Then her eyes went to the satchel she brought with her that contains the magical book.

After a few minutes, she was about to leave her room and prepare herself when loud screams could be heard from outside. It sounds so heart wrenching that Geraldine knows what it means.


The scream came from the other side of the forest. It came from a mother who saw her daughter who is on her way to the deaths door.


A knight that was rounding around the forest to make everything safe is carrying a woman he found under the bushes covered in blood. She have no hands and feet and one of her eyes are gouged out of the socket. The image of her is so gruesome that some even divert their gaze away from the woman.

Geraldine Laurent has finally been found after spending the night on the cold forest and watering the grass with her blood.

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