Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 121 - Steal


Lady Mish Laurent, the mother of Geraldine wailed loudly while caressing her daughter's forehead. They went to the clinic where the physicians are ready to treat Geraldine Laurent.

Everyone is in shock upon seeing what happened to Geraldine Laurent and this raised concern about the situation of the forest and this also became the Duke's problem since he's the one operating the forest area to keep the dangerous creature within the other side of the forest.

"How did she managed to survive like that?" Gavril grimace and shakes his head as he turned around and went away.

As for Geraldine, she remained expressionless as she followed Gavril as he went back to her tent. After 15 minutes, all of the head of the noble families has been called by the Emperor to discussed what will they do to prevent any accidents or deaths among them.

The event for the females has been stopped since they don't know if another accident might occur and some families are afraid of their children's safety and their own.

Everyone became busy as well, almost all the knights from each of the nobles family are sent within the forest to check if any dangerous creatures have past through the barrier.

"This is the best time," Geraldine whispered as she took the satchel with her and put it on her waist that contains the Stygian cards.

With a satisfied smile, she turned around to see Levine looking at her with a look that knows what she will do.

"Young miss, I know that I don't have the power to say something but I needed to say it or I'll become crazy." Levine sighs loudly and look into Geraldine's eyes, "Young miss, just because the unicorn's power healed you doesn't mean that you can go anywhere without a proper rest."

What her servant said made Geraldine's eyebrows raised in amusement. She smiled and crossed her arms, "You said it already. I'm already healed so nothing to worry about."

Levine became silent for a while before she sighs again, "I saw that woman pulled you to the forest, young miss."

Upon hearing what her servant said, Geraldine's body freeze on the spot. Then she moves closer to Levine where there's only inches apart, "Tell me, what did you see?"

Levine was taken back by the sound of Geraldine's voice. It was deep and grumbling and the looks of her eyes seemed to eat her soul. She couldn't help but gulp heavily as the courage she builds slowly disappear. 

"Umm, I - I only saw miss Laurent pulling you with her, young miss. I was about to follow you since she might do something bad but I was called in the kitchen. Then, what happened to her---" Levine paused as she lowered her head. Geraldine didn't say a word as she wanted to hear everything Levine will say.

At that time, Geraldine's right hand was hidden behind her back and was transforming into silver metal as she didn't mind killing Levine on that spot if she really knew about what happened that night as it might destroy everything Geraldine has worked for years.

"I'm just afraid that what happened to her might happened to you too, young miss." Levine sobs as tears stream down her face which shocked Geraldine as she expected something else. "I don't know what you talked but I'm grateful that you've come back alive and well. WAHHHH!"

Geraldine facepalmed and chuckled at the situation. She reverted back her silver hand back to normal and patted Levine's head, "Yes, that Laurent girl likes my brother so she's angry with me because she thought that I talk bad about her. Of course, I went away as fast as I could as she wanted to slap me."

She created stories to make Levine believed her lies and won't get herself suspicious to her.

"That's a relief, young miss. You are unharmed," Levine sniffs and tried to stop her tears. 

"Yes, I'm lucky, I guess," Geraldine muttered and patted the servant's girl head again, "and also, don't worry about me. I'm just gonna read a book. If you want, you can come with me."

Levine nodded happily as she went to pack up some snacks as they planned to have a picnic. Geraldine brings another book as a disguise to her plan.

Both of them went to the open area which is near the place where their tents are placed. They also bring two knights with them to serve as their guards and keep them away from danger. Geraldine doesn't want it but her family insisted as it was the new rule that's implemented by the Emperor to keep everyone safe.

Levine laid the blanket on the grass and took out the food from the basket. Geraldine stands as she looked at the sky while observing the two knights on her peripheral vision.

"Young miss, why did you bring your crossbow? It's kinda destroying the design of your dress," Levine said as she wipes away the area where Geraldine will be sitting.

"this place is dangerous, so we need a weapon to protect ourselves," She muttered while taking a sip of her tea.

Levine cocked her head to the side, she wanted to say that the crossbow doesn't have any arrows that can shoot. So, it was practically useless but she didn't know the real use of that crossbow.

Some of the noble men that are skilled enough are sent to the borders separating the dangerous creatures from them. It took hours of investigation when they noticed something strange. The barrier was destroyed and became weak which alarmed the everyone else.

Geraldine could hear the panic of the nobles as some of them wanted to go back home and leave the place as they are afraid of their safety. Also, Duke Gauthier is being blamed by the other senior nobles for his negligence and laziness to check if the forest is safe for the event especially that the royal family is present.

So for that day, everything is chaotic and stressful but for Geraldine it was the best time to do her plan. 

"I'll just admire the beauty of the flowers. No need to get worried or alarmed. Also, stay there Levine, I wanted to have my own time." Geraldine smiled sweetly to Levine and the two knights whose eyes are following each of her move. 

She didn't wait for their respond as she went to the wild flowers growing nearby and pick the most decent one and put it behind her ear and faced them. To show that she's having fun but what she's really doing is making the green - colored butterfly to appear on her hands and show her the location of the unicorn.

After the information was given to her, the butterfly disappeared immediately before the knights could see. 

Then she sits behind the tree as she opened the book and act like she's reading peacefully and wanted to be alone. As for Levine, she took out her sewing kid and started her needling on the handkerchief.

As the time goes by, the knights started to get bored and even Levine yawned. Geraldine keeps on getting her patience longer and longer while getting information from the green - colored butterflies about what's happening around her and the status of the situation they are in.

*Master, the unicorn as been transported to a different location.*

The butterfly relay the message as it gets on Geraldine's skin. These happened frequently within the time they stayed their and the view of her was unique and ethereal in the eyes of those who see her as it was not common for butterflies to just land on someone almost every time.

After a while, Geraldine stands up and took her crossbow and fill it with mana bullets, "I have all the information I needed. Now, it's time for actions." she muttered and aim the crossbow on one of the knights. 

She didn't hesitate to hit the knight which caused panic to Levine and the other knight. They didn't know what to do as they are torn in between fighting her or protecting but she's the one attacking them.

Geraldine loaded another mana bullet and shoot the other knight who was running away as it was the best decision to make.

"Young miss!" Levine yelled in fear as she started to crawl backwards when Geraldine aimed her crossbow towards her.

"Don't worry, Levine. You won't remember what happened when you wake up. Now, sleep." 

As soon as Geraldine finished her words, she shoot the bullet on Levine's forehead. Now, three of them are unconscious to the ground. She ordered three blue - colored butterflies to guard them if anything happened that can cause them harm.

Geraldine didn't waste any time and rush to the location of the unicorn which is located at the back of the Crown Prince tent. It was transferred there for the safety of the creature.

"It's now or never," She whispered as she took out the book that contains the Stygian cards.

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