Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 122 - The Shadow

Geraldine holds two cards in her hand. It will be the one she will use as her allies since she had no one to depend on. It was easy for her to sneak around since there are fewer people roaming which are the knights from the different houses of nobility. Most noble ladies and children are staying in their tents for safety until everything will be cleared. 

She walked at a fast pace but kept it normal when she sees some knights walking by. The royal family's tents are a bit far from her location but it was a bit of a walking distance.

There are royal knights situated at the Crown's prince tent. Protecting what's inside which makes Geraldine interested to see.

As she got nearer, she sent another green - colored butterfly to survey the area and waited for a few seconds before she got the information.

"Seven knights for a unicorn. That's more number of knights protecting some nobles," She whispered in amusement as she loaded her crossbow with bullets again..

Geraldine doesn't want bloodshed nor gets her hands dirty for killing them but her time is limited and she needed to make it fast or she'll be caught.

Her walk was as light as the feather to prevent any noise for her to be detected. When she got nearer, she hide behind the bushes and aimed her crossbow and hit one of them then goes to the next. The other royal knights bring out their swords and look for their enemy but see no one but a bunch of trees and bushes.

"Scatter around!" One of the knights yelled as they run to a different location while only two of them stayed to guard the unicorn. They have checked the two knights who have fallen down to see if they are still breathing or not.

"The two of them are still alive!"

They didn't even have time to rejoice when Geraldine shoot the other one. This caused for the other knight to call back the others for help. 

"It will be a complete waste of these mana bullets if I shoot them all." Geraldine whispered and took out one of the Stygian cards from the book.

"Zulo, Fighter, tier A. Hmm, that seemed pretty good."

Geraldine looks at the cards for a few seconds before taking out one of her smoke bombs then throws it at the group of knights after coming back.

"take them out but don't kill them," She whispered to the card before throwing it to the ground. A man wearing a golden armor that glistened under the sun nearly blind Geraldine's eyes. He had a golden helmet with spikes on both sides then he holds a golden spear with a red undone bow-tied before the blade.

The sight of it makes Geraldine felt uneasy but managed to pull herself together. Zulo looked at her and nodded his head but before he could go, Geraldine throws a black cloak to cover his appearance. After that, Zulo went and fought the knights with all his skills.

Geraldine could hear their blades kissing on another but she kept going on and hastily run around the area to proceed to the other side. She throws another smoke bomb when it has nearly gone to limit their vision.

Using Zulo as a distraction, Geraldine went to the cage where the unicorn is being imprison. The cage is made of a special kind of metal that has been combined with mana, making it indestructible even if cutting it with a strong sword or use any kind of elements.

"Wise but not wise enough," She whispered as she lifted her hand to see that her fingers started to turn into silver with blades sharper than the mightiest sword.

"Shhh." She gestured her index finger over her lips to keep the unicorn silent. Then she proceeds to touch the cage to see the amount of mana inside.

Looking back, she could see that the royal knights slowly fall down one by one. Without hesitation, she has torn down the door only using her silver hands. It didn't completely break but it was half to go down. She continued clawing the cage until it completely breaks.

She opened the door and the unicorn greeted her happily, she didn't waste any moment as she pull the unicorn with her, away from the Crown Prince lair and went to the forest where she will set the unicorn free.

"Go now," She whispered and pushed the unicorn ahead but it stayed close to her and even lowered its body for her to ride.

She got confused for a second before riding the unicorn to see where it will lead her. They ride through the forest and didn't realize how many minutes or hours it took before they arrived at their destination.

They were at the barrier separating both sides, the unicorn used her horn to pierced in the barrier and they went through the other side. Geraldine extend her hand and the 'rose' went out of her body.

"Take back my card and bring it to me!"

Geraldine yelled as her 'roses' swirl around her for a while before going back to where Zulo is left with the knights.

The cold wind hits Geraldine's skin as her hair flew gently on the breeze as she holds tightly into the unicorn's neck. She closed her eyes as she waited for the creature to stop riding. 

They arrived at a place where different kinds of flowers grow everywhere. It looks likes a garden in paradise which makes Geraldine's mouth hang open in amazement.

"Where are we?" She murmured while mounting down the unicorn. In front of her is a house that was covered in vines and other flowering plants. 

She was quite surprised that there's a house build in a place where dangerous creatures lurks day and night.

The unicorn urges her to enter as she did. She removes the vines covered the doors as it creaks when she pushed it open. There's nothing inside but an old wooden box covered in vines and white flowers.

She slowly took a step inside and walked straight towards the box. She pull out the covering to see another box inside which to her surprise was clean and neat without a single dirt situated any where.

She turned around to look at the unicorn to see that it was gone already, "Now, let's see what did you bring me here for."

She took out the rectangular box and instantly felt electricity coming to her skin as soon as she maid contact with it. 

Geraldine's chest breathes deeply at what she sees inside. It was a Stygian card base on the markings behind it. She took it with trembling hands as excitement started to grow deep within her. 

Flipping it on the other side, she saw a picture of a child in pink clothes with ears that looks like a raccoon then in front of her is an animal that looks like a leopard cat.

"She's cute," she muttered with a smile as she puts it in the book where it belongs. When she got out, her 'roses' arrived with a card floating in the air. It has dirt and blood splattered around it but she didn't care. She wipes it using her inner skirt and puts it on the book as well.

The 'roses' enters her body as she started to look for directions to go back to her tent. Now that the unicorn is nowhere to be found, she needs to make her way back home on her own.

She walked in the direction where she remembered and just go with it. She also remembered that there are knights checking the barrier and she's torn between letting them see her or hiding somewhere but that didn't concern her much as much as the two knights and Levine is awake by that time and will be noticed that she's missing and that will cause her family to panic since there are troubles happening.

She fastened her face and tried to smell the remaining scent that lingered in the air to help her find the directions. It took her an hour before she heard voices calling her name around.

"Geraldine! Geraldine!"

"Lady Gauthier!"

The sounds echoed throughout the forest. She was about to yell when she felt the ground shakes and the presence of someone behind her back. When she turned around, a dark shadow is standing behind her and instantly flew towards her body before she could react. 

The shadow went inside her body as it tried to combine with her soul. Her heartbeat slowed down and it was hard for her to breathe. Falling on her knees, Geraldine clutched her chest and tried to control the raging mana inside her.

The shadow that went in her body is the one who originally belonged to that world. It was Geraldine Gauthier who she replaced and now, she wanted her body back to revenge those who did her harm in her previous life.

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