Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 33 - Travel

"Master..." Alexjin was about to ask a question but he stopped himself before he could mutter more words.

Geraldine knows what he wanted to say but it was not the right time for him to know and she prefers that he won't ever know about it because she's sure that he will do his best to stop her from drinking poison.

"I'm just tired, don't worry about it Alexjin as I'm also trying to cure myself too," She smiled while wiping away the blood from her hands and on the table where some blood splattered.

"Master, I know I don't have the right to be nosy about your life but I'm worried about your health so please ask me to do anything to help search for the cure," He said in a worried tone while gripping the bowl so hard as he tried to suppress his emotions.

"I will," Geraldine agreed to put an end to their conversation as she doesn't want to explain herself further.

Throwing away the rest of the tea from her cup, she immediately went back to her room and rejected Alexjin's offer of assistance and just ask him to go back to his room after he was done for the night.

Sitting down on her bed, she takes in a deep breath and performs the mana circle to cultivate her powers and to see if she'll be able to breakthrough.

Another set of pain hits her stomach but was not enough to make her puke blood, "Ugh, I think this will do for now and I'll just intake more poison if I'll be able to get the eggs," she said and lay comfortably in her bed while waiting for the pain to subside.

A week later...

Geraldine bought stuff she needed for climbing the snowy mountains as the season started to get colder and if she has to wait a little longer, it would be hard to climb for the snow will be thicker and the climate will be colder which makes it difficult for her to search for the poisonous butterfly eggs location.

"Alexjin, I have to go somewhere else and it might take a few days so I need you to take care of the store and guard the house. I've also made a decent amount of mana and beauty pills that could last for days and remember to take care of your mother and the house and help her manage the store to avoid causing trouble. You can do whatever you want if someone tried to hurt you or your mother and don't forget to practice your swordsmanship skills because when I come back, I'll test you if you're ready to fight," Geraldine said as she put down her bag that contains the pieces of equipment she needed in the journey.

"Master, where are you going? Let me come with you," Alexjin said after hearing what his master just said. He was currently making breakfast for them when suddenly, Geraldine came out of her room fully dressed to travel and carry a medium-sized bag.

"Will you leave your ill mother all alone here and managing the house and the store all by herself? I guess not," She muttered while taking some fruits and put them in the bag, she also packed some food to eat along the way.

"Master, you didn't tell me in advance that you have to go somewhere else, I should have helped you prepare for the trip," Alexjin said while his eyes gazed in loneliness.

Geraldine didn't answer him and continue getting the supplies she needed, it was 5:00 in the morning and most servants started waking up to start serving their masters but the area is still deserted except for the marketplace where some owners started opening their store.

As for Alexjin, he hurriedly went outside and prepared a horse for his master to use as her ride in her travel. Geraldine wants to travel by foot but seeing him doing it on his own without her command makes her decide to take the horse as her ride instead of walking all the way.

Going outside, Geraldine put her stuff at the sides and hopped on the black horse with the helped of Alexjin.

"I'll be going now, take care and goodbye Alexjin. I'll see you soon," She said with a smile on her face and wave at him as she goes away.

"Take care of yourself too, master," Alexjin waved back with a small smile as he sees his master off but as soon as Geraldine is out of his sight, the smile on his lips disappeared and his bright eyes change into cold ones while turning his back and went inside the house.

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