Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 34 - Save Me

With the sandwich in hand, Geraldine eats it while looking over to the map. She planned to gather some poisonous plants along the way to her journey into the mountains, after all, she'll be in the forest for a while.

Geraldine decided to travel inside the forest as she thought that if she traveled by the roads, she might attract unwanted attention and pull troubles towards her. She didn't mind it but it would delay her travels and if she takes a longer time, something might happen in the house as she doesn't fully trust Alexjin, yet. Especially, when she could still feel the chills on her skin when she rides away from their house.

"I hope everything will go well," She whispers as she looked at the clear morning sky above.

Geraldine has been riding with her horse for more than 8 hours nonstop. It's already past noontime and only a single sandwich for her lunch. The sun is also up high in the sky, showing its mighty glory that makes Geraldine sweat a lot even though she's in the middle of the forest surrounded by trees.

Deciding to take a rest, she went to the nearby lake she found and let her horse rest a bit while she looked over to the map again.

"Okay, so I just need to go straight and turn right and straight again. That's simple hmm," She murmured while folding the map back and put it safely on her pouch.

"I should find a safe place to stay before dark," She said as she stretched her tight body from sitting for hours in the horse.

Sitting down on the soft grass, a feeling of freedom hits her as she slowly laid down and closed her eyes. Feeling the soft breeze and the sound of the running water engulfed her ears and making her relaxed as the sun slightly danced on her face.

Lifting her arm, she used it to cover her face as she opened her eyes, "I wish it will always be like this - the feeling of peace and freedom," She said as she forced herself to get up and went back to ride through the forest again.

The night came in, Geraldine is currently sitting on the ground as she put more wood on the bonfire she creates to keep her stay warm on a cold night while biting an apple she carried with her as she watches the water slowly boiling.

After some time, she poured down the boiling water into the cup she brought with her with the poison ingredients to make herself a cup of tea.

Feeling the hot liquid streaming down her throat, she couldn't help but cough out a bit of blood when the poison reached her body but she didn't feel much pain just like before.

After she finished her dinner, she laid down on the ground with only a piece of cloth as her makeshift bed. Geraldine looked at the night sky, seeing the stars brightly twinkling above makes her smile. She remembered how she would look at the stars at night when she was still a spear and how she wished she could be like them, so free and shining.

Geraldine slowly drifted to sleep but kept her senses intact for any possible danger approaching while she was sleeping.


"Please, don't kill my child please!" A woman begged with tears flowing from her eyes as she held her daughter close to her, embracing her too tight in a protective manner.

A tall man with a fancy red robe riding a white horse smeared with blood only looked at her with coldness in his eyes as he swings the spear in his hand towards the mother's neck, cutting it in half without mercy.

The daughter was shocked and couldn't even move when she saw her mother was killed in front of her. Her eyes lost sparkles as she turned her head to look at the person who killed her mother, but her head was sent flying next to her dead mother as soon as she did.

The Emperor smiled with satisfaction seeing the stone glistened as it accumulated additional mana from the people he just killed.

"VICTORY IS ON OUR SIDE!!!" He yelled as he road onward while swinging his spear and killing innocent lives without any emotions as if in his eyes, their just pigs that needed to be slaughtered as a meal for his weapon - the spear.

Geraldine trembled upon seeing another soul was taken unfairly. Blood was everywhere as it colored the ground which used to be lively green, screams are echoing at every angle making her ears grow numb. She was used to it, but she would still be in shock and traumatized by the images flashed before her every time it happens.

Looking at the child's head that was sliced minutes ago, it rolled to the side and looked into Geraldine's eyes with blood tears tearing down her cheeks, "SAVE ME!"

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