Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 50 - Semifinals

It's time for the semifinals of the competition, there are only 15 of them left and Alexjin is the first one to fight.

As the mc is finishing his speech, Alexjin is standing at the entrance as she looked at the opposite side to where his opponent is located.

"Let's welcome fighters one and two!" A series of applause echoed the arena especially when Niso came out while waving to the crowd with a soft smile on his face, making the ladies fall for him.

As for Alexjin, his adrenaline rushed through his body seeing that he will be fighting against Niso. He came out to the arena with his sword ready to strike.

The crowd chants Niso's name as they voted for him to win the round, everybody is on his side. After all, he is a noble and Alexjin is just a commoner.

The nobles are trained on handling a sword with professional teachers while most of the commoners are self-trained and there's only a small percent where they are trained by teachers.

Alexjin didn't mind the booing from the crowd when he came out, all he wanted is to start the fight and end it faster than his first fight but he also wants Niso to suffer from humiliation. 

"Aw, what do we have here... Destiny awaits for us dear," He winked at Alexjin as he moves closer, "Oh, I forgot, I didn't know your name."

Alexjin only cocked his head to the side as he waited for the mc to start their fight.

"I see, still cold to me hmm, let's make a bet," Niso flicked his tongue as he swirls his sword in hand, "If I win, you will become one of my knights."

"And if you lose, don't show your face to me ever again," Alexjin raised his sword and aim it at Niso's head. He was itching to let his sword glide on his flesh.

"Hmm, that's hurtful, don't you want to see this handsome face," Niso caress his cheeks while looking at Alexjin with a seductive look.

"I'm only attracted to females," Alexjin said with his eyes taunting Niso.

Niso grimace and flicked his light brown hair to the side, "Too bad, I really like that silver hair of yours," he smirked as his eyes look at the mc who was counting the numbers as the fight will commence.

"I accept the deal."

As Niso said those words, the mc started the fight and he immediately dashes for a strike. 

Alexjin was able to dodge it but Niso is fast and flexible on his moves. He kept on attacking Alexjin nonstop and he could feel the boost of his mana.

Alexjin tried to attack back but before he could, Niso's attack rains on him so fast that all he could do is defend.

"What will you gonna do now huh? You will lose anyways so why don't you surrender now and save some face!" Niso yelled while straining his muscle on striking his sword.

"All I have to do... is wait," Alexjin smirked and jump away from Niso.

"YOU!" Niso screamed in annoyance, he was about to step when he felt his muscles tightening, making it so hard for him to move.

"Your attacks are aggressive and fast that the opponent will have a hard time defending and attack back but your techniques only last for a couple of minutes, making your body run out of energy and straining your muscles. Showing off that technique is great to the viewers but if you have an opponent like me, it won't work," Alexjin smirked while proudly boasting himself, making Niso's mouth twitch upon hearing his insults.

"You think you are that great huh!?" Niso trembled as he forced himself to move while not making it obvious that he was struggling. In his first fight, he easily wins his round as he intimidated his opponent before they start fighting but as for Alexjin, all his underhand work is useless.

Knowing that he has a little chance of winning against Alexjin, his hands went towards his pocket and took out something.

Alexjin saw that he have the same mana pills that Geraldine gave to him, that's when he remembered that Baron Guansa is the customer who bought all the mana pills from Geraldine before.

Knowing the effects of the mana on the body, Alexjin sprints towards Niso with his sword ready to strike. 

Seeing that Alexjin is coming for him, Niso wasn't able to eat the pills as he stepped back and draws his sword but the Alexjin is already in front of him.

The crowd gasps at how the fight turns out.

Alexjin is standing meters away from Niso and both of them are standing still, the crowd waited to who will fall down.

Niso staggered and finally fall on his knees as he clenched his side to see that it's bleeding. Alexjin's sword was able to destroy his thick armor and cut his flesh.

"How dare you hurt a noble blood!!!" Niso screamed at the top of his lungs and throws his sword towards Alexjin as the last chance of fighting back.

Alexjin only stepped aside as he watches the sword fall on the ground.

"The winner is number 1!" The mc yelled and the crowd cheered for Alexjin's victory.

Alexjin immediately left the arena without looking back at Niso who was struggling with his pride as a noble.


As soon as Alexjin went to the room, a group of nobles who are friends with Niso gang up to him and holds his armor, "How dare you hurt a noble, you lowly commoner! You deserve death!" 

They were all burning with rage and fury but Alexjin only looked at them with bored eyes.

"This is an open competition, ranks and status don't make you the winner but skills do," Alexjin smirked which only made them angrier. He cocked his head to the side and holds the hand of the noble who's holding him up and squeeze his hands tight before pushing him away.

"If you want to kill me, do it in the arena... If you can," He said as he went away, other nobles stepped back and let him go. The other commoners looked at him in awe as he's the first one to stand up against the nobles and was able to hurt one of them. 

He went out of the arena again and go back to his spot before when the person he bumps stands in front of him.

The appearance of the person stands out the most and some of the people walking around are looking at their way.

The person only stands in front of Alexjin and didn't say a word then extends his hands up, showing his dark gloves, "May I look at the pills?" his voice sounded like it's glitching and robotic.

"Are you a male?" Alexjin asked to make sure of how to call the person.

The person stayed silent and cocked its head to the side.

"I guess you're a male then... what pills are you referring to?" Alexjin asked, he knows that the person is referring to the mana pills but he just wanted to confirm it.

"Blue," The person said as he pushes his hand closer to Alexjin.

"Ah, the pills, I don't have those, you should ask Niso Guansa, he has one and I heard that his father bought a pack of those," Alexjin shrugged and acted like he didn't care.

The person lowered his hand and bowed slightly before leaving. Alexjin took a peek and observed him as he remembered Geraldine's expression when he told her about that person.

"Who are you?" He mumbled while looking intently at that person's back but then he disappeared from the crowd.

"You lowly commoner!" A ranging man yelled with his index finger pointing at him while walking closer. 

Alexjin already knows that he is Baron Neil Guansa from his face and appearance. He sighs before facing the old man as he knows that they would yell at him for harming his son.

"Do you know who you just fight on that arena?" Baron Guansa said while trembling terribly as he controlled his anger to maintain a good image to the public.

"I fight because I wanted to win the round, I did my best and followed the rules," Alexjin said calmly, "So it's not my fault that your son's technique won't work on me."

Upon saying those words, Barona Guansa nearly falls from too much rage keeping inside of him, "You - you imbecile! You have no right to touch even a single hair of my noble son! What you've done deserves death!"

"If you don't want to see your son gets scratched up by his opponent then don't let him join the swordsmanship competition. After all, there's no rule to prevent a commoner from harming a noble," Alexjin said as he fixed his necklace.

"Even if there's no such rule as that. There's still an unwritten rule in this land - No commoner is above a noble!"

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