Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 51 - Niso

"Even if there's no such rule as that. There's still an unwritten rule in this land - No commoner is above a noble!" Baron Guansa yelled at him, his saliva is flying away, and went on Alexjin's chest armor.

Alexjin remained silent as he looked at the Baron with a bored look and stayed silent as no matter how he explains his side, the Baron would still choose to deafen his ears and push his nobility on him.

"You should apologize to my son!" The Baron grabbed Alexjin's arm and pulled him to where his son is resting and force him to apologize when a hand grabbed him.

"Where are you taking my apprentice?" Geraldine said calmly as she holds Baron Guansa's hand tightly.

"Who are you?" Baron Guansa let go of his and arrange his suit in front of the lady.

"My name isn't important hmm," Geraldine covered her face with a fan as she went in front of Alexjin, shielding him from the Baron.

"Baron Guansa, the fight is fair and your son showed his skills but unfortunately my apprentice was able to defeat him, so why are you forcing him to apologize to your son?" Geraldine said with her firm voice.

The Baron's eyes squint, "Have we met before?" he said as he felt that he have seen those red eyes of Geraldine.

Alexjin looked worriedly at Geraldine as their identity might get revealed.

"I believe this is our first meeting," Geraldine fanned her face and turns his back, "And I believe that our conversation ends here."

She began walking away when the Baron called her out, "Young miss, you seemed like a decent person... are you this commoner's teacher?"

Geraldine stopped her tracks and look back at him with the fan still covering her face, "Maybe."

"Young miss, I would to offer you a deal, please train my other sons in swordsmanship and I will give you a big reward!" Baron Guansa smiled with his yellow teeth full-on show.

Geraldine knows that the Baron isn't totally rich so his offer sounds ridiculous on her ears, "My apologize Baron Guansa but my hands are full," she said ad gestured Alexjin to follow her and left the Baron fuming in anger.

"Master, are you okay?" Alexjin asks, worry is evident in his voice. 

"I am fine Alexjin, good thing he didn't recognize your face," She chuckled, "Let's go eat, it would take a while for the finals to start."

They went to a restaurant nearby and ordered pasta with garlic bread. The smell makes Alexjin's mouth watered as he has never eaten at a fancy restaurant before.

"Slow down," Geraldine scolded him upon seeing that he was about to devour his food, "The food won't go away so slow down and took your time. Observe proper etiquette since wherein the public."

"Yes, master!" Alexjin nodded and went to use the fork and swirl the pasta slowly and chew it silently, making Geraldine smile at his adorable facial expression.

She teaches him basic etiquette as they eat their food, then they go back to the arena. 

There's a 15-minute break where the fighters can rest and revived their mana.

Alexjin entered back on the room as Geraldine went to take a seat, when he got inside, a commoner was laying on the floor with his body convulsing and there's a white foam coming from his mouth.

The medics came in and took the man to the medical facility and treat his sickness.

"Who is that?" Alexjin asked the commoner next to him.

"Oh, that guy just won the last fight but when he entered here, he started to look like that," The man shrugged.

Alexjin was about to ask again when the mc went to the stage and made an announcement.

"Dear watchers, we are sad to inform you that the last winner is sick and cannot participate in the game, and because of that, we need to add another fighter from those who failed the fight. By anonymous decision, Niso Guansa will be taking the empty spot and fight for the final round!" As the mc finish his speech, then hurriedly went down to the stage.

The crowd murmured about how fast the turn of events happened and there are mixed reactions at how it is unfair for the other fighters who win their round with blood and sweat and for Niso to just join the finals without the approval of the fighters.

Alexjin was pissed, he knows that Baron Guansa has something to do with what happened. He was about to storm out and look for the Baron when he saw the mc talking to the weird guy he bumps before.

"What is he doing here?" He mumbled and stare at them. After a while, the mc went away and the person looks at his way but Alexjin couldn't see his face as he's wearing a mask with a hint of silver on it.

Alexjin was about to step in and approach the person when the Baron went inside the room looking pissed.

"Who the hell decides to put my injured son back on the arena!!" Baron Guansa is furious upon hearing that Niso will be participating in the final round. It would be joyous news if Niso is well but they already accepted defeat and were about to go home and let his son be treated.

The fighters stay silent and looked away, Alexjin only looked at the Baron and went on his seat as he doesn't want to mingle with them.

After a few minutes, the mc went to greet the fuming Baron and explain their side. Baron Guansa didn't want his son to participate, but they can't do anything because it was already announced to the public.

Niso came in with an unhappy look as he clenched his wounded side, he looked at Alexjin and seductively licked his lips, making Alexjin cringe and look away.

"Here, eat those to make your wound heal faster and take two pills for your mana," Baron Guansa handed his son a couple of medicines as the servants are preparing his armor.

At that time, Alexjin remembered that the weird black hooded man asks about the mana pills and looks interested in them, then Alexjin told him that Niso Guansa has those, and by seeing that the weird man is talking to the mc and the Baron has no idea about what happened. 

Alexjin concludes that all that events happened because of the weird man in the black cloak. This also itches him to find the man and ask about it but he's not in the position that he's affected by it.

"The final round will start after 10 minutes so ready your votes and choose the best fighter who will win and represent the South of the Rakkaegia Empire!" The mc announces with enthusiast and hype the crowd.

Then inside the room, a servant goes to each fighter and lets them choose a number in the box.

Alexjin took a piece of paper inside and saw that he's in the last one on the round. Only four of them left, the first two stood up, and the other one went to the other side.

Niso is one of them, he is still holding his wound, making Alexjin's eyes roll. He clearly remembered that the wound isn't that deep and because Niso takes medicine, the wound will be healed in no time.

"Young master, are you really going to fight? Your wound isn't healing and it looks burned, you need to rest," His servant said with worry in his voice.

Niso only looked at his servant and extend his hand for his sword which the servant place carefully on his hand, "A noble must save his pride until the last moment of his life."

Niso went out of the room with a bright face but he looked back at Alexjin and wink at him before facing his opponent.

Alexjin is clearly not satisfied with the decision to let an injured person fight on the arena but he can't do anything and just watch him.

Looking over to the crowd, he spotted Geraldine who looks stiff as a log and her eyes are looking at the opposite side, he followed her gaze and look to where she's looking. It took him some time when he spotted the black-hooded man in the crowd and base on the angle of his head, he is looking at Niso.

Alexjin could feel that something is about to happen and his guts are telling him to go to his master. He instantly went up and run to the crowd where his master is sitting.

It was hard for him to find her as the watchers are cheering loudly and the others are standing on their sits.

"Master! Master!" He yelled and tiptoed to see where she's located when a hand pulled him to the side.

He saw Geraldine who gestured for him to follow her which he did.

"Master, I think something bad will gonna happened."

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