Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 75 - Kids Pt. 3

"Here's the faces of the kids that are up for adoption or slavery," The woman handed the photo book with a big smile and bring her a cup of tea as well.

"Thank you, may I know your name?" Geraldine smiled as she started flipping the pages of the book.

"Oh, my name is Fay, I'm new here and I'm still trying to learn new things and familiarize faces," Fay giggled and tried to get closer which freaked out Geraldine a bit.

Before she entered the broken-down orphanage, Fay glared at Geraldine with a bored look as she disturbed her rest but when she knows that Geraldine is there to look for kids. Fay's aura changes which she didn't like very much.

"Let's see," she muttered and tried to familiarize the faces of the children she saw in Alexjin's dreams.

That night when she made Alexjin slept earlier, she uses the enchantments she remembered before about invading someone's dream and that's how Geraldine was able to see the glimpse of the children Alexjin wanted to save.

"Here's what I choose and can you bring them all this instant?" She smiled and slides the photo book towards Fay with marked pictures.

"So, are you going to adopt them or hire them as slaves?" Fay asked cautiously as she doesn't want to offend a customer and lose sales.

"Adopt, I want to adopt them all."

Hearing Geraldine's reply, Fay scrambled to her feet and run to the dining room where the children are currently eating. 

"I'm calling the names of the selected kids and if your name has been called, step out. Someone wants to adopt you," Fay said in excitement, not because she's happy for the kids having their own house and guardian but for the bonus salary she'll get for each child she sells.

"Hurry up!"

As Geraldine is waiting in a different room. She can't help but look around the house, the walls are made of old wood and the roof looks like it was about to fall. 

"A single storm and this place will fall apart," She muttered and shakes her head. She went back to her seat when the door opened and a tall obese man entered the room with liquor in hand.

When he saw Geraldine, he only raised his bottle of liquor as a greeting and went on to find Fay, shouting her name to the loudest voice.

"That must be the owner of this house," Geraldine muttered while she followed him with her gaze.

Seeing the way the man act, she can't help but think about the lives of the children under his care. Sighing deeply, she focused her attention on the moving clock when she heard noises outside.

With her ears twitching, she took a peek through the window as she's also curious about the commotion outside. That's when she saw Alexjin with the older group of kids ganging on him.

She wanted to help him but decided that she'll see what he will do with them. After all, he can't use his sword or his skill as it will blow his cover.

Geraldine entertained herself with the fight going between Alexjin and the other kids when she heard Fay's voice behind her back.

She's holding her right cheeks that seemed to be swollen and behind her are the kids she had chosen.

"Miss, these are the children you picked. I hope you'll treat them well," A small smile formed on Fay's lips as she softly pushed the kids forward and greet Geraldine.

"Hello, young miss!" They said in unison then bowed their head in 90 degrees angle.

Geraldine by surprised at how straight they've bowed and remained at that position for the time being. She was speechless and looked at Fay for any sign but she remained silent while massaging her cheeks.

"Umm, hello," When Geraldine smiled and waved at them. It's the only time when the children stopped bowing and look at her with a straight face but it is evident in their eyes that they were afraid.

"Hello owner, please treat us well!" They greeted in unison and once again, bowed their head.

The way they bowed their heads irks Geraldine but stopped herself from sighing loudly. She turns back to Fay and handed him a bag full of coins then she pulled her close and handed a cream she created with medical herbs.

"For the swelling and pain relief," After she whispered those words, Fay look at her in surprise and mouthed 'thank you'.

"Come, let's go to your new home," Geraldine gestured with her head and the rest of the kids followed. 

She brought the carriage with her to let the kids stay inside comfortably while she became the coachman.

At that time, she saw Alexjin laying on the ground with the bigger kids walking away. She could only look apologetically and continued riding the carriage.

Geraldine wanted to take Alexjin with her but she stopped herself. She doesn't know why but she decided to let him be and experience disappointments that he can't have all the things he wanted in life.

When they arrived at Geraldine's house, she let them sit in the living room while looking at each of them from top to bottom.

She adopted a total of six kids, base on the memories of Alexjin.

"As of today, I wanted you to forget your past. Forget everything including your parents who abandoned you in this cruel world, even your resentments to those who did terrible things before. I want you all to forget it and starting today, this will be your new start. A beginning of a new life you are about to take," She slowly spoke the words while looking at their eyes one by one. To make sure they understand each word she's saying.

"Yes, owner!" They spoke in unison again while nodding their heads. They tried to focus so much on the words she's saying that it looks like they wanted to eat her by how their eyes look at her intently.

"Okay, since you understand what I'm saying. Hmm, let's start with changing how you address me. I want you all to call me 'Master' since you're all my apprentice and not slaves," Geraldine put her hands into her hips as she looked at the confused faces of the kids.

A kid raised his hands slowly, still having fear in his eyes. Geraldine looked at him and gestured to speak up.

"Owne-- I mean… Ma - master. I don't understand what you mean by us being an apprentice instead of a slave?"

"Well, it's simple actually. You'll be training with me and to your group leader who will be arriving soon but you all still do household chores to help clean and manage this house. In the meantime, you all be sleeping here in the living room as your rooms are not yet built," She said with confidence and felt like a real teacher while talking to the kids.

"Training?" A little girl's voice squicks and hides behind her teddy bear when Geraldine's eyes land on hers.

"I know you're all curious about this training stuff I'm saying but no need to be afraid as it's not a bad thing. I'll be training you all to hone the hidden abilities that have been sleeping within you," She smiles and lifted both her hands and a light appears within her palm.

"Ang baho ng mga batang to. Takot siguro to sa tubig kaya indi naliligo!" She spoke the enchantment with grace and slowly, the light from her palm expand and went around the kids. At first, they were afraid of the light as it might hurt them but then, they saw their wounds, and bruises started to heal. Even the aches in their bodies are gone.

"Wow, master is so cool!" Another child cheerfully wiggled his arms.

When it's done, she checked each of them and saw that they are all healed.

"Since, you're all fine now. Let's proceed to the next change. I want you all to change your name into a new once. A name you would like to call yourself. It's part of the new beginning, so starting today, I want you all to think of a name that you want and come to me if you think of one, understood?"

"Yes, master!!!" They cheered and started talking among their group.

Geraldine heard a snap of a branch outside and realize that Alexjin has arrived. She gestured the kids to stay silent as their team leader finally arrived. 

When the door opens, revealing Alexjin's face. The kids instantly rushed towards alexjin and hugged him tight while Geraldine gaze at them with satisfaction.

"Brother Jin, you're back!!!"

"What the --- How did this happened!?" Alexjin looked at each one with wide eyes as he can't believe that he's seeing them at that moment.

"Surprised?" Geraldine giggled when Alexjin's eyes snapped at her then pouts.

"Master!" He whined like a child that makes Geraldine laugh.

"I apologize for not telling you earlier as I want to surprise you."

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