Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 76 - Names

"Master, "I've already thought of my new name!" A boy with honey-colored hair runs towards Geraldine cheerfully.

"Hmm, what did you think of?" She asked with a smile.

They are currently in the backyard. Geraldine is having her afternoon tea while Alexjin and the rest of the kids are having fun together. She let them have fun for a while so that they'll adjust to their new environment and to the role they will gonna play.

"I want my name to be Leo!!! because when I grow up. I want to be as fierce as a lion!" He rawr and shows Geraldine his toy which is a lion.

Geraldine couldn't help but giggle at how cute is Leo. He is the youngest among the six kids, aged 8 years old.

"That's a pretty name, Leo. Now, go on and play," She gestured him to go away and he did and even skipped towards their group. 

Geraldine isn't fond of kids and having them roaming freely around her feels suffocating but she's trying to adjust as well. She is more than a thousand years old and has been with different adults all her life. Even though she met with some kids, they are either slaves or those killed in the war and the children of nobles who are acting like brats all the time.

As she can see from afar, Alexjin and the six kids are sitting on the fresh-cut grass and talking among themselves. From time to time, Alexjin would glance at her which she finds irritating as she needed to act as if she didn't notice his stares.

Another child went to her, he looked at her with all seriousness and tried to make eye contact. Geraldine smiled at him and looked at him in the eyes as well. Both of them are staring at one another until the child before her shakes and closed his eyes, "Master, I'm Maxwell. Please treat me well!" He yelled and bowed his head once and tried to stare into her eyes again.

"Maxwell also means the Greatest. I hope you will live through the name you choose," Geraldine tilt her head slightly and looked at him from top to bottom, "You are the oldest, right?"

"Yes, I'm 13 years old," He said in a firm voice and his body stiffened upon answering.

"Okay, Maxwell. Since you're the oldest among the kids. I want you to take care of them especially when there are things that they find difficult to do but don't be too harsh," Geraldine noticed Maxwell first among the rest. He always has that serious face and fierce black eyes that complement his dark hair. He also treated the younger kids with respect and care. 

"Yes, master!" He bowed and run back to the group again.

"Ah, seems like they are discussing their new names," Geraldine shakes her head with amusement. She was about to drink her tea when she felt her lungs become constricted and her heartbeats irregular.

Clutching her chest, she doesn't want to act that she's in pain especially in front of the kids and Alexjin. She took a deep shaky breath and tried to stand up slowly for her not to fall.

When Alexjin saw his master's condition, he hurriedly stands up and was about to run towards her when she raised her hand and gestured for him to stay.

Even though Alexjin wanted to check on her, he followed her orders and stay at his spot, and only looked when she entered the house.

"Brother Jin, what happened to master. She's pale," Leo holds Alexjin's pants and looked up. The rest of the kids followed as well.

"Hmm, our master has something to do. So, let's not disturb her and continue with our name search," Alexjin went back to their original spot and sits down as the kids followed.

"Okay, so Maxwell and Leo are the ones who had chosen a name for themselves. How about the others?" He asked and look at the two girls at the side.

"I'm thinking of something unique but meaningful. I want to be named Aaila because I'm pretty," Aaila flipped her copper-colored hair that makes her hazel eyes popped out.

Upon hearing her words, the boys started grimacing except Alexjin who was forcing himself not to laugh.

"Well, I wanted to be called Daisha, that's all," She then hides behind her teddy bear when the attention shifted to her.

"I'll be Jesse!" 

"I'm Chase!"

When they all choose their names, Alexjin let them play in the backyard but strictly ordered them not to enter the forest alone especially at night.

Alexjin went to find his master but he could not feel her presence inside the house so he assumed that she went out of town.

"Ack!" Geraldine puked out some blood again. She's currently on the basement floor, screaming silently from the pain she's feeling in her stomach.

She has forgotten to take poison in her body for a week, causing the 'Roses' to eat her own flesh to suck out every drop of the poison left in her body.

She scrambled to stand up and took the poison tablet that's sitting on the table. With trembling hands, she took two tablets and throws them in her mouth. Instantly feeling the burning liquid melting and slowly traveled to her throat and chest.

"Ah, I'm too preoccupied with other stuff that I forgot about this," She muttered while taking deep breaths with a smile. 

She has been laying on the cold ground for 30 minutes already and is too lazy to stand up.

She only decided to get up when she heard different noises upstairs, "Ah! That must be Ricardo and Ritzmon!" 

When she opened the door of her room and went out. Alexjin's wide eyes gaze at her in surprise.

"Master, I thought you are at the town," He muttered with a confused look as he's confident that he never felt her presence in her own room.

"Ah, I'm just sleeping in my room," She shrugged and went to the door, "Welcome!"

Ricardo takes off his hat and greeted her with a slight bow, "Ah, young miss, how are you today?" 

"I'm great. Glad to see you today."

"Well, I can't make a young lady wait any longer," Ricardo winked at her as they've entered the house and settled in the living room.

Since Aurelie is at the store. Alexjin is the one who served the tea while Geraldine talked about the work she wanted to be done.

"I have adopted six children aged 8 to 13 years old yesterday but I don't have a room for them and only slept here in the living room," She pointed at the blankets and pillows stacked in the corner of the room, "That's why I called you here to build a second floor and make six rooms or more upstairs."

"Hmm," Ricardo rubbed his chin while his eyes roamed at the roof, "That's gonna take us months to finish since we need to build pillars here and the price---"

Ricardo wasn't able to finish his words when Geraldine slides two bags of gold and silver coins in front of them.

"I don't really care about the amount of money you'll gonna spent on this house. I just wanted it done as fast as possible with a strong foundation," Geraldine sipped her tea while waiting for Ricardo and Ritzmon to finish in their discussion.

Then, Ritzmon took out something in his bag and show it to Geraldine, "Here's the blueprint example we have for six rooms. Since we already estimated the house before, it would be easy to make."

"Okay, just make it done as soon as possible," She smiled with satisfaction.

"Since we will be renovating the house, you must find a place to stay first before we begin our work. Your room that we build is fine as it is since the room is outside the house area but for the kids, Alexjin and his mother. They need a place to sleep for a couple of months," Ricardo explained which Geraldine understands clearly.

"Yes, I understand. Don't worry about it. You can start the work after a week, it's also a decent time to gather all the materials and workers, right?" Geraldine took out another pouch, a bit smaller than the two bags, "For the food."

"Thank you for hiring us again."

Ricardo and Ritzmon both shakes Geraldine's hand before going out and begun to buy the materials needed. 

"You heard our conversations earlier, so what do you suggest we should do?" Geraldine asks while still looking over to the retreating backs of the Moineaus.

"We should build a make-shift house at the open field behind the house and a storage room for our stuff," Alexjin answered behind her back.

"Okay, now let's get that done," Geraldine turned her back and took her cloak that's hanging on the rack.

"Now?" Alexjin tilts his head to the side.

"Yes. Now, Alexjin and also tell Maxwell to watch the kids around while we're gone."

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