Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 78 - Daisha

"Aaila, I want you to accompany Aurelie to the store and helped manage our business there," Geraldine muttered while they are currently sitting all together on the table, eating their dinner.

It is the last day before the house will be renovated.

"Huh? Business, master have a business?" Aaila looked at her with wide eyes that show amazement.

"Of course master have a business or how else could she afford to adopt all of us," Chase rolled his eyes as if he just heard something stup*d.

"You!" Aaila raised her fork in an attempt to stab Chase but saw Geraldine staring at her. She sits back on her sit and lowered her head, "I'm sorry for my actions, master."

"Tell me Aaila, what is your element?" Geraldine tilts her head, she can see that Aaila is a fearless woman but stubborn.

"Fire, my element is fire," She excitedly lifted her index finger and focused herself on her magic then a tiny flame appeared, "There is it. Fire!" but as soon as the flame appeared on her finger, it vanished instantly.

Aaila's cheerful face turned to embarrassment as she can't even control a small amount of magic.

Geraldine's eyes shifted to Aurelie as she knows that she's one of the best fire magic-user before. Aurelie knows the look Geraldine gave her and with a smile she said, "I'll take care of her."

"Thank you."

"How about me, master? These four boys will train under brother Jin in swordsmanship and I'm the only one left," Daisha fidgets on her clothes as she doesn't want to be left behind in terms of training.

"Tell me, Daisha. What is your element?" Geraldine's attention went to a girl with a tough face.

"Earth, master. I can control rocks as well!" Daisha couldn't help but stand up and show her powers. She grabbed a handful of soil she always carries in her pocket and placed it on the tablet.

"Daisha, not here," Jesse who seated next to her whispered nervously. 

Daisha didn't listen to him and continued working to her magic. The soil slowly turned into a doll and begun standing up, "Wah! I did it. Master, look, I did it!"

As the doll started walking, it went towards the plates and lifted them. Their breath hitched seeing that the doll is moving on her own and Daisha is having problems controlling it.

It didn't take long before the doll throws the plate away, hitting the wall as it breaks to pieces. 

"Daisha! Control the doll!" Jesse yelled as he scrammed away from the chair, afraid of what a tiny doll can do especially that it's made through magic.

"Everybody out!" Alexjin yelled as a signal for everyone to get away from the table.

They hurriedly leave the table as the doll keeps throwing the plates full of food. Only Geraldine remained on her seat as she observed Daisha.

"Master, please go away. You might get hurt," Daisha trembled with tears streaming down her face. She could no longer control the doll no matter how she tried to control it with her magic.

Geraldine didn't say a word and continued observing her.

"Master, please," Alexjin pleaded as the plate was thrown beside her. She raised her hand and signal for Alexjin to stop worrying.

"Daisha, look at me," Geraldine spoke softly and look into her olive eyes, "I want you to take a deep breath and relax your body. Don't panic or you'll make it worst."

Daisha looked at Geraldine's red eyes and felt even more nervous at how scary it looks. This caused her to be fully unable to control the doll and it became aggressive.

Geraldine used her energy to shield Daisha from the incoming plate in her direction and grabbed the doll and squeeze it in her hand. She could feel a small amount of mana being absorb into her body.

"You need to control your emotions Daisha if you wanted to use your magic to its full extent but right now, don't force your body to use magic that you cannot control," Geraldine firmly grasp Daisha's arm and look at her palm to see that it's getting a little bit harder.

"Don't do that again without my permission," Geraldine added before enchanting a spell to heal Daisha's hand.

"I just wanted to show you my powers, master," Daisha looked down in embarrassment and felt like she has disappointed Geraldine.

"Daisha, we always told you to minimize the use of magic if you can't control it, look what you have done?" Chase crossed his arms and look at Daisha with annoyance.

Maxwell tapped Chase's shoulder and shakes his head to stop him from saying any further words that can hurt Daisha.

"Master, I'll talk to Daisha about her use of magic so that it won't cause further problems to you and the household," Maxwell stepped in front and shielded Daisha from Geraldine as he thought that she will be beaten again. 

Geraldine could only look at them with amusement, "heh."

"Daisha has always been proud of her magic since she was a child and it's the first time for us to have somebody who looked and valued our skills and power. So, I apologize on her behalf as she only got excited and wasn't able to control her emotions. It's also my fault for not educating her properly," Maxwell bowed his head and was followed by Daisha who keeps murmuring 'I'm sorry.'

Even though Maxwell acted tough and stands up to Daisha. His hands still trembled in fear of what will gonna come next. They were used to be beaten every time they made a single mistake and it would last for an hour and sometimes they were starved as well. He was always the one to take the beating since he's the oldest and wanted to protect the younger ones from the pain.

At that moment, he was expecting a hard blow and would accept it wholeheartedly but instead, a soft pat reached his head.

"You don't need to explain as I understand the situation you are in but you don't have to shield someone every time they made a mistake because it will not help them grow. They will get used that someone to always be there if they f*cked up in life. So, starting from now on, minimize defending and taking the blame over someone else mistake," Geraldine removed her hands on their heads and make them look up to her eyes.

With a gulp, Maxwell nodded his head in agreement.

"Good," Geraldine smiled and shifted her attention to Daisha whose body is trembling in nervousness.

"Daisha, I'll forget about this incident but I don't want it to happen again. If you want to use your powers as soon as possible. Then practice it first until you'll be able to control it. You'll be training with me," Geraldine patted her head to show that she won't hurt them.

Sensing that she won't be beaten. Daisha couldn't help but cry loudly with tears falling non-stop, then she dashed towards Geraldine and hugged her tight which surprised everyone.

"Wahhh! Master! Wahhhh!" Daisha cried loudly and hugged her so tightly as if she doesn't want to let go of Geraldine.

Geraldine was surprised by the sudden gesture and could only pat Daisha in the head to calm her down. It also caused the other kids to start crying and soon the room is filled with their cries.

Geraldine freezes as her body started to shake but she tried to suppress it. The sound of their cries reminded her of the time where the children are taken as a prisoner and tortured.

She tried her best to stay calm and blocked the negative energy to enter her body but the more she heard the sound of cries, the more those traumatic memories hunting her back. It didn't take long before she can't take it anymore and rushed outside the house towards the forest.

She didn't know where her legs take her. All she wanted is to get away from the cries at their house and she runs until she could no longer hear any sound of cries. 

Stopping in the middle of nowhere, she sits on the ground while feeling the soft breeze of the night. It was dark and only the moon giving light to the forest. 

"I hate this," She muttered and laid on the soft grass while trying to calm her mind. Then a single red Paru-paru appeared, its body glowing as it went to Geraldine's body and slowly, different colors of butterflies appeared and land on her skin, feeding themselves with her blood.

She doesn't know why the butterflies suddenly appeared without her calling but she shrugged it off and let them sucked her blood as she laid still like a dead log.

"They just thought that I'm such a bad person for running away while they are crying and needed comfort," With her eyes closed, she blurted out the words as she thoughts she was alone.

"No master, they won't think that you're a bad person but rather a savior who saved them from their mesirable life."

A voice suddenly answer back making Geraldine sit up as fast as she could and saw that the butterflies are no longer there.


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