Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 79 - Fight

Blue, a color that painted the sky and was admired by many. Blue is a color of the ocean that puts your mind at ease. Blue is a color that maintains its own character in all its tones.

At that moment, electric blue eyes stare at Geraldine's red ones. Both color that represents war and freedom that doesn't mix.

"What are you doing here?" Geraldine's voice cracked because of dryness. She is still sitting on the ground while Alexjin remained standing meters away from her.

Alexjin didn't say a word and took a step forward, "Master, I followed you here when you suddenly run away. I was worried." He took a step closer and this time his face was seen by the moonlight.

His electric blue eyes looked at her with meaning, it's not worrying but something else, "Master, are you alright?"

"Yes, I am fine," She muttered and went to lay on the grass again while looking towards the moon.

Alexjin shifted the weight in his feet as he doesn't know what to do next that's when he saw Geraldine tapped the ground next to her as a sign for him to sit next to her.

"Master, excuse me," he said before sitting down and both of them remained silent and listen to the sound that the forest makes. The chirp of the crickets, howls of the animals around, and the rustles of the leaves create a calming atmosphere.

"Master, do you hate to see children crying?" he asked, Aleexjin noticed that Geraldine would always freeze, or her expression changes every time she could hear anyone crying.

"I hate the sound of it," Geraldine whispered as she continued staring at the moon and stars shining above.

Alexjin nodded his head and didn't say anything as they both enjoyed the comfortable silence of the night.


"Huh! I'm stronger than you!" Chase yelled and tried to swing the wooden sword towards Leo as both of them are playing sword fights.

"No, I'm stronger than you! I'm a lion! Rawr!" Leo dashed and tried to hit Chase with the wooden sword but he runs away.

Now, Leo is chasing Chase with the sword in hand. The rest of the kids sits below the tree while waiting for Alexjin to arrive.

It was early in the morning and Alexjin wakes them up before the workers arrived. It was the day that the house will be renovated and they are putting the furniture and other stuff in the storage room that they have built.

The atmosphere between is them is heavy and awkward because of what happened last night. After Geraldine runs away and was followed by Alexjin. They stand there in a crying mess while Aurelie tried to comfort them one by one, telling them that it's gonna be okay.

That night, Alexjin and Geraldine didn't get back home after an hour, and when they get back. The house is already clean and the broken plates and food that was thrown are already in the trash. The kids are also laying on their beds in the living room.

Although they looked like they are sleeping, they are actually awake as they waited for Alexjin and Geraldine to arrive.

Early in the morning, Alexjin waked them up much earlier to help remove the other furniture and stuff that was left behind. They finish the transfer before Geraldine awakes.

As for Maxwell and Daisha, they aren't talking to one another because of what happened and also for what Geraldine said to them. 

"Eh, what is this kind of atmosphere? It's ugly!" Aaila arrived with a basket in hand and gives sandwiches and milk to them, "Miss Aurelie said we'll eat first before helping with the constructions."

"Thanks," Maxwell smiled and get his own food and the rest followed. Aaila could only look at them and sigh.

"Guys, we've been together for years, don't let that incident hinder our relationships and mood, okay?" Aaila nudged Daisha who only looked down at her sandwich.

"Well, if little Daisha here listens to what I've said, then nothing happened at the dinner table. Tsk, just think about it. We are eating peacefully and she suddenly used her magic without thinking that Master and Brother Jin are eating their food. They haven't eaten much before it was spilled by that st*pid doll!" Jesse angrily spits out his thoughts and glared at Daisha who stayed silent.

"Jesse, that's enough!" Maxwell snapped at Jesse.

"They are preferably hungry when they got back home," Aaila blurted out loud her thoughts which makes everyone look at her, "What? I mean it's true."

Aaila shrugged it off and went to the two boys playing with swords and give them their breakfast and joined them playing.

"What now?" Jesse looked at Maxwell with his eyes sending daggers on his way.

"Don't start something Jesse," Maxwell stepped closer to Jesse. They are similar in height and stature since both of them are the oldest with one year gap.

"Or what? You'll gonna beat me because of what I've said? You know that what I'm saying is true Maxwell!"

Both of them stare into each other's eyes without blinking and waiting for the other one to surrender in terms of dominance.

"Guys, stop it!" Daisha stands up and went in between them and push them apart, "Seriously, stop! I know it's my mistake and I won't do that again. So stop this!"

Daisha pressed her lips in a thin line to prevent herself from crying as she doesn't want to cause another burden to them.

"Aww, little Daisha wants to cry," Jesse teased and make funny faces towards Daisha. This caused Maxwell to snap in annoyance and wasn't able to hold back himself and punched Jesse in the face.

Jesse holds his cheeks and laughed sarcastically then he went to punch Maxwell back and the two started their fight.

"Ah!!! STOP!!" Daisha screamed and tried to stop them but she wasn't able to get near, afraid that she'll get hurt.

Aaila, Leo, and Chase run towards the group when they saw that Jesse and Maxwell are fighting but they weren't able to stop them as well because they're afraid that their punches might land on them.

"Should we call Master or Brother Jin?" Aaila panicked and look at the two boys beside her who only looked at the fight.

Before the boys could answer. Something flew towards them and dropped on the ground next to where the boys are fighting.

"Huh, what's that?" Leo tilted his head and pointed at the grey circular crystal but before they could react. It explodes and causing huge smoke to surround them.


They tried to run away from the smoke as it prevents them from seeing their surrounding but no matter how they run, they could not see the end of it.

It took about 15 minutes before the smoke slowly disappeared and when it did. They saw Geraldine standing in front of them with her hands crossed on he chest and with a dissatisfied expression.

"Now, are you kids done with your immature fights?" Geraldine rolled her eyes and looked at their nervous faces.

The children didn't say a word and stick to each other with their heads down in shame.

"I told all of you that I'll forget that incident so think of it that it never happened. No need to bring back the past as it will cause disunity in the group," Geraldine's voice is firm and loud to show them that she can be angry as well.

"I want you all to unite because you'll be working together until the end of your life. So, if there's a misunderstanding between the members, Maxwell, you should be the one to initiate to stop the fight, not the one to punch first! And you Jesse, you're the second oldest here and your role is to support Maxwell and be their big brother if Maxwell is not around instead of provoking the younger once. Daisha, I've told you to forget about what happened so stop overthinking and focused on how to get better and you three!" Geraldine snapped at the youngest kids who are shaking as they prevent themselves from crying.

"Aaila, go to Aurelie and help her with the task. Leo and Chase!" She eyes the two boys who are holding one another, "Go play with the swords but don't hurt each other so much."

As they've heard what Geraldine said, their crunched-up face turned into a smile, and thanked Geraldine before running away and play again.

The only one left is Maxwell, Jesse, and Daisha who is standing still without any movement. Geraldine sighs and stayed silent while she observed the three.

The silence between them speaks louder than words and the atmosphere keeps getting heavier and heavier.

"I - I apologize master for punching Jesse," Maxwell said and nudge Jesse who panicked.

"I'm sorry for taunting Daisha, Master!" Jesse lowered his bow.

"You both should not apologize to me but to each other. Since you all know your mistake, hug each other."

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