Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 803: 803 I was a goddess in the ancient times (10) three more

Chapter 803 803 I was a goddess in the ancient times (10) three more

“Yes!” The fen pointed to Chu Yun’s direction to build the wooden house. “Is it a wooden house that was built before the clouds were gone, and even the place where he lived was given to others?”

"What is the occupation of the Icefield tribe?" Chen Nan did not speak, Chu Yin sneered, "The Ice Age tribe can have today, it is entirely because of Chen Nan, this ice is supposed to be his. He will take you to the first class. City, don't you know how to be good."

“Is it entirely because of Chen Nan?” Ye Haohua was shocked by the three views of Chu Yin’s sentence. “How long does Chen Nan come? Because he built a few wooden houses with you, give it back to us. Icefield took a city name? So the icefield should be his?"

"What do you know?" Chu Yin was very disdainful to talk to Ye Haohua, did not look at her, directly skipped her look at Chu Yun and fen and other people, "Chen Nan also took us to find Ma, These burlaps are only available to first-class talents. He also taught us to make a lot of weapons. The force is much higher than before. The people of the ice sheet can wear linen. Without him, would you have such an ice sheet?"

"Without our ice sheet, do you think you can grow up alive? Without us ice sheet, who will give you the place to do this? At that time we did not save you, you can still live now? Those wood are you cut?" Chu Yun a pair of squats The eyes of the earth looked at Chu Yin and Chen Nan and others, and they looked indifferent. "And, those are the reasons why you seized our icefield tribe?"

After he finished, Chen Nan and Chu Yin and others opened their mouths, but did not know what to say.

"There are carvings, do you just watch your own people being abandoned?" Finally, Chu Yun put his gaze on the carvings and other people behind Chu Yin.

These people were originally the soldiers of the ice field. At the moment, they saw Chu Yun coming back. Some of them were turned down. The power of Chu Yun is not unknown.

The atmosphere is solidified here.

"Anise, Chu Yin, they have weapons in their hands. I heard that they are called bows and arrows. They are particularly lethal. They can even shoot through the horse's stomach." The patriarchs and others standing behind them heard what Chu Yun and Ye Yuhua said. Very anxious, "You will stop Chu Yun, don't let them say it again, or else..."

Although they are looking forward to Chu Yun's return, they have not let Chu Yun do this with Chen Nan. Some of the former Ice Age tribes have already turned to Chen Nan and others.

Now they have no fighting power, and the patriarchs only hope that Chu Yun can return to the habitat.

"Nothing," smirked. "They are not afraid."

At this time, the people behind Chen Nan and Chu Yin were smiling impatiently. "Chen Daren, talking to these barbarians about what they do, it is just a matter of hand!"

He said that he sneered, and Chu Yun and Ye Haohua raised their black weapons.

"Come on! We don't want land!" The patriarch saw that the eyes were red. When he reached out, he would pull Chu Yun and others. "That is their weapon, faster than the cheetah, Chu Yun!"

Seeing that Chu Yun and Ye Haohua were still standing in front of them, the patriarch was so anxious that he did not know what to say.

Their primitive society, now even the iron has not been discovered, where to see the deterrent power of bows and arrows, one by one is afraid of not.

It’s just that Chu Yin’s bows and arrows are also very rare. They don’t leak much, they just cover them up.

Now they are holding this weapon against them. How can the patriarchs and others not fear or fear?

"Nothing, don't be afraid of the patriarch." The fen received Ye Haohua's gaze, rubbed his lips and eyes, looked at the person holding the bow and arrow, and then started.

"Brush!" The man with the bow and arrow smashed, and immediately shot an arrow.

The fennel reached out and held the arrow he shot out in the palm of his hand. He also grabbed the chicken and grabbed the archery.

When he started, he followed the other fighters behind Chu Yun, and they all grabbed Chu Yin.

This fighting power made the patriarch who was anxious a few seconds ago stunned.

"Cloud Master, Ye Daren, how to deal with this person!" The singer puts people in his hand and sees his wife and daughter standing behind the patriarch, and the bottom of the scorpion flashes a **** atmosphere.

"You bring people to the open space, and then call everyone to come." Chu Yun indifferent.

When Chen Nan heard this sentence, his face changed and his face changed a lot. He still looked down on the strength of these barbarians.

Soon the newcomers in the tribe, as well as the people who cast their enthusiasm for Chen Nan, all gathered together and saw the Chuyin and others who were tied up. These people looked very big.

Someone who was wearing a linen dress with a smug face on his face was overwhelmed.

"The first rule of the Icefield tribe is unity. They violated the rules of the tribe. I will drive them out of the Horde!" Seeing these new tribal residents, Chu Yun’s faint opening, "You are all new to our ice sheet." The tribe, I will not pursue it with you for the time being. The rules of the Icefield tribe have just been told to you, the tribes are old and sick and can’t be discarded. In the first batch of wooden houses built in the future, everyone can live, but they must pay rent. It’s not impossible to buy it. A wooden house of twenty horses will be returned to you as long as it is hunting."

This is on the road, Ye Haohua and the narration of tribal management methods, similar to the ancient management methods, to gradually establish a complete management program.

"Wait," Chen Nan was still tied. He heard that Chu Yun said that when he returned to the tribe, he couldn't help it. His face changed. "These wooden houses are built by ourselves, and those weapons, linen, why. I will disagree with them, and they will not agree. If you do, I will leave the Icefield tribe."

The people of the ice field actually accounted for the majority, including the warriors' homes, old and weak, and there were also two or three hundred people. Chen Nan moved his own business to the primitive society.

After his own words, a group of people standing not far away nodded.

Chen Nan and Chu Yin’s face were much better. When Chu Yun didn’t talk, Chen Nan thought he was shocked by himself. He was a little conceited. Even Chu Yun was shocked by himself. Later in the Icefield tribe, his The location will only get higher and higher.

(End of this chapter)

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