Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 804: 804 I was a goddess in the ancient times (11) four more

Chapter 804 804 I was a goddess in the ancient times (11) four more

"Chu Yun, you see, these people do not agree with your decision." Chen Nan did not care that he was being held by the fen and others.

Icefield is a very good location, Chennan has already observed, the land here is also very good, and has a lot of food that he has eaten in modern times.

He didn't want to leave the ice sheet, and it was too difficult to leave and find a tribe suitable for development.

Of course, he does not think that the ice sheet will really let him go.

Chu Yun saw a group of people behind him. Those who later came to stand on the side of Chennan, but they didn't care, but there were also people who stood in the future and went to Chen Nan and Chu Yin.

They enjoyed different levels of treatment around Chu Yin and tasted the sweetness. Naturally, they would not agree with Chu Yun.

"Cloud Master, what should I do?" A soldier around him hated the earth.

Chu Yun’s twilight is heavy, and his fingers are hard. “To see the blood...”

Ye Haohua saw through Chu Yun’s thoughts, pinched his fingers, smiled, and then stood up and smiled at the crowd of people in the underground. “Do you feel unwilling? If you don’t agree, stand up. Come out, I want to see how much?"

Some people don't know Ye Haohua, but see Ye Haohua's relationship with Chu Yun, and her respectful attitude towards her, knowing that she is a relatively high-profile person.

A group of people looked at each other and nodded. "Yes."

As for knowing Ye Haohua's cockroaches and carving those people, at this time I saw Ye Haohua standing next to Chu Yun, and his expression was very surprised.

"The leaves are the new priests of the ice field," Chu Yun said coldly. "Her words are what I mean!"

"That line," Ye Haohua didn't mean anything about the priest's position. She didn't look at Chu Yin's shocked faces. She just smiled. "Whoever disagrees with the words of Yun Daren, raise my hand and see how many people there are."

When I heard Ye Haohua’s words, these people looked at each other and did not know what medicine to sell in Ye Haohua’s gourd.

"It doesn't matter, you Chen Daren is not saying, he is a democratic person, I respect your thoughts." Ye Haohua looked at them with encouragement.

This sentence came out, in order to express the heartfelt heart of Chu Yin and Chen Nan, the first one raised his hand.

When I saw the raise my hand, the others looked at each other and someone raised her hand.

There are still some people who are afraid of the force value of these people. They must know that Lian Chennan’s bow and arrow can’t cause Shanghai to them. But now that so many people raise their hands, they have comfort in their hearts, and they raise their hands one by one.

Even if you really want to punish, you won't punish so many people.

In the end, there was no one who raised his hand, only a part of the original Ice Age tribe.

Ye Haohua reached out and let this small group of people stand behind the fen and others.

This is the most important part of the hand-lifting, including Chu Yin and Chen Nan, the smile of the road. "You should know that the tribes must abide by the rules of the tribe. Since the heart has complaints, it is very simple, leave the ice field!"

Chen Nan and Chu Yin did not expect that Ye Haohua would say such a thing, his face changed.

Those who have a new tribe are also very easy to face!

"My wooden house and factory..." Chen Nan and Chu Yin opened his mouth.

Ye Haohua put away a smile. "You knocked at the wooden house. The factory gave you time to pack it up. All of your things can be taken away. Anise, you listened, stared at them. After an hour, if they didn't go... Allow you to kill!"

Who is rare in your log house! Who is your rare weapon, your linen clothes! Don't listen, just roll!

I tried the control+z of the comment hand today, really! withdraw! pin!

Why didn't we meet earlier! Cried

I didn't hold back for a while in the evening. After the blue, I didn't make up for it today... I made up a chapter yesterday, and I still owe eight chapters on my small books.

good night, see you tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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